View Full Version : Rant

08-12-2014, 11:58 AM
Saw an article in the news this morning about a crossdresser wrecking a car. Yes, crossdresser made it into the headline though I fail to see the relevance. Didn't say he was straightening his stockings or applying lipstick when the wreck occurred. Never see headlines like gay man caught speeding or lesbian runs stop sign. What about woman in blue dress caught for dui, or man in green shirt causes wreck.As long as being crossdressed is newsworthy even though it is not illegal and contributes in no way to the event we still have a real issue in society. GRRRRRRR! I feel better now. Hugs Riki

08-12-2014, 01:10 PM
Perhaps it's the "man bites dog" thing. Crossdressers are such courteous and careful drivers, how could one possibly end up wrecking a car?

Rachael Leigh
08-12-2014, 03:09 PM
It would have made me read the article for sure but yes get your point don't know why it matters what they were wearing.
If I was not enfem but had my girls shoes on or shorts would they have said that.

08-12-2014, 09:28 PM
As a counterpoint, I wouldn't think the news is trying to make CDing weird. In most peoples eyes it is weird, and the news is likely using that to attract eyeballs to their articles. Granted that approach wreaks of National Enquirer or Weekly World News material, but ad sales are ad sales . . . .

08-12-2014, 10:36 PM
Here in " South Southern California ", it's usually " Sailor or Marine does ...'

08-13-2014, 04:20 AM
Rikidee, I totally agree with your annoyance, the paper deserves a letter of complaint from citizens advice and an apology printed in the paper !
Did the CDer make a statement or a comment or just ran away ?

My mother-in-law had a minor incident when her car caught fire, she was annoyed that they printed her age ! What did her age have to do with it ?

08-13-2014, 06:18 AM
If it's any consolation, the 'red top' newspapers over here in the UK would do exactly the same apalling thing. The audience which these newspapers target is precisely the same type of people that make narrow minded people look, well, narrow minded.
Vote with your feet, in your best heels, and don't buy their product. If we all do that, how things might change.

08-13-2014, 06:32 AM
Hi Riki Dee, It's like the old saying in the news business, (( If it bleeds it leads. ))

08-13-2014, 10:23 AM
It's called sensationalism. The story would be too boring to attract anyone without the crossdressing aspect.

08-13-2014, 11:37 AM
Don't complain here, complain to whoever wrote and published the article.

It does seem a bit unfair but you could substitute police officer, congressman, football star, school principal, etc. and it would be about the same. I don't think there was any intent to insult or ridicule crossdressers.

Beverley Sims
08-13-2014, 04:46 PM
A Cross dresser, is one of the Sun's favourite personalities.
I think they put them on page three when there are no scantily clad girls around.
A fine English Newspaper always found on the floor of a Tube Train at the end of the day. :)

08-13-2014, 05:12 PM
Perhaps it's the "man bites dog" thing. Crossdressers are such courteous and careful drivers, how could one possibly end up wrecking a car?
lol! that old saying was my reaction, too! i am a harry potter fan (and all true HP fans hate Rita Skeeter), and in one of the books Rita says something to the effect that The Daily Prophet (the wizarding newspaper) doesn't exist to report the news, it exists to sell copies The Daily Prophet. If the public believes we crossdressers are weirdos, and if the public wants to read about weirdos, then we are fair game.

08-14-2014, 02:06 PM
Crossdressers are such courteous and careful drivers, how could one possibly end up wrecking a car?

Ummm, I'm not trying to start a fight but how exactly do you know this?
I drive a hatchback with 200bhp - when I'm out for fun, I ain't courteous to anyone (although extra care is taken because I'm aware I'm being naughty)

"Doin a hundred on the highway, so if you do the speed limit get the **** outa my way"

Seriously though, anyone is capable of a wreck young/old/male/female/white/black/asian/straight/gay/trans/cis gender.

Careless drivers are careless drivers. End of...

Donna June
08-14-2014, 03:37 PM
Years ago a young man was killed in a car crash, on Long Island. All over the papers was the story of him having on panties, bra and a slip underneath his clothes. Had nothing to do with the accident. Even my mother said, couldn't they just let him die in peace without bringing all that up?

Marilyn Beck
08-15-2014, 09:15 AM
I can imagine the headline: Transgender Fender Bender