View Full Version : Preparations to Mark Anniversary

08-14-2014, 11:03 PM
Later this year, I will mark the completion of ten years of counselling therapy and specialized treatment for transgenderism,including working on full sex change. Serious problems have.beensince encountered due to it taking so long, lasting well into the age when you can expect complications start to be a much higher risk, ( -- . I am beginning to feel that treatment delayed is treatment denied.

I have only one question though: How do I mark this anniversary? I don't think a celebration is quite appropriate. But getting real drunkin order to to forge my problemst, seems even less wise.

08-15-2014, 08:03 AM
If celebration isn't the right tone, then it seems "observation" might be more appropriate for the event. We each mark milestones in our lives, and with every passing year, certain days stand out...good and bad. So have an observation, reflect on all that you've experienced and in some cases endured to become the person you are today. Best wishes on this occassion.

Kathryn Martin
08-16-2014, 05:14 PM
I see that you are channeling your inner Virginia Prince - and creating an occasion where none is. How is a ten year anniversary for counseling therapy and "specialized treatment for transgenderism" an occasion or even an anniversary of any note. It just baffles me to no end.

And by the way transgenderism, or transgenderist is one who lives the life of the opposite sex but prefers to stay the birth sex.

08-17-2014, 10:58 PM
I see that you are ... creating an occasion where none is. .

Maybe you are right. I always find your advice, though hard to take, is honest and comes right off the top of your sharp mind.