View Full Version : New experiment

Kate Simmons
08-16-2014, 05:13 AM
As many here already know I consider myself a full spectrum person in touch with all of my feelings, so at this point my mode of expression doesn't really matter to me. The question is "Does it matter to others?" So I'm going to try something different in the coming weeks. Whenever i go out to do what I would normally do en femme such as groceries or shopping I'm going to use all of the female affectations such as makeup, polish, jewelery, fragrance, wig,bra, panties, forms, padded hip panty(purse optional) etc. but wear what is considered to be "typical" guy clothes, such as jeans, polo shirts, sneakers, work clothes, etc. to see what kind of reaction I get from others. I'm betting they don't bat an eye except for maybe a quick double take or two.This is assuming, of course, that I "pass" as a woman to them. The only point I'm trying to make is that I can still project the premise that I am female but be relaxed dressing casually as a guy normally would. We'll see what happens.:)

08-16-2014, 05:28 AM
Hi Kate,

I did a similar thing some time back. I did a minimalistic make-up job, work my typical guy cloths and put my hair in a pony tail and went out to Starbucks (sans purse . . . backpack only). You are right in that nobody batted an eye.




08-16-2014, 06:17 AM
As long as you stay away from big boobs and/or long hair no one will likely pay any attention or notice or care. Especially wearing jeans. But I believe YOU don't bother with a "female" voice. [?]

Couple boobs with an obvious male voice and it's likely the rednecks will take note, not that most are likely to make an issue of it.

And of course the wittle kids are likely to notice. They don't miss much.

08-16-2014, 06:43 AM

Okay maybe a little different ,

You all know im a side drummer for our bands , so tomorrow 17 th, ill be playing with our Sally Army at Oamaru .as i did last week end. sunday of cause. now Ill not be in my Garrison Band uniform like one of our members was and no doubt he will to morrow, of cause most looked at me because i stand out any way , and when playing my drum i stand ,dressed in normal womens wear. and skirt

When im on parade of cause people look at us , as youv seen in my photo, in the photo section, our uniforms of jacket in a dark redish colour and black strides white shirt and tie and white hat officers type and black shoes / boots , now my ? is how am i seen of cause no long hair like one young women the other 3 have short hair , they too are in strides, i have my earings in and lippy on ,

my thinking is ill be taken as a male except those who know me know other wise,

Not much feminine looking about this kid. gee lifes tough at the top......


08-16-2014, 06:49 AM
Hi Kate, I can't imagine that you will have any problems passing, I see GG's wearing their work clothes in the grocery stores all the time.

08-16-2014, 09:57 AM
I've thought about doing the same thing. I have a couple of sport jackets that I think would look good with a turtle neck and breastforms. But once I get all fixed up, I find myself really wanting to wear something more feminine. Let us know how it goes.

Tracii G
08-16-2014, 10:39 AM
We want a complete report of your findings.LOL

Nikki A.
08-16-2014, 11:29 AM
Jeans, and sneakers are the preferred mode of dress up our way Kate, even polo shirts are not unusual. Most people don't even know that women's and men's shirts button differently.
Nobody will even pay attention.

08-16-2014, 11:34 AM
:thinking: I saw a man (very much a manly man) this week with hair to their butt...so I don't think that would be a big flag. I saw two "bikers" last week with purses (ok they also doubled as saddle bags)