View Full Version : Possible Window of Opportunity

08-29-2014, 12:20 PM
I think that there is going to be a window of opportunity to share my dressing with my wife. Two nights ago she was looking at Halloween costumes and said that she found the perfect costume for me, a leg lamp. She described the costume and when she said it included fishnets, that when she said it would be perfect for me. I looked it up and it was listed as a female's costume.

Then last night we were talking about how much to tip the lady who waxes us. She told me I was light on the tip. Then she said "as a woman getting these kind of services you need to think of it like dining out and tip accordingly."

I'm hoping that I'm not reading too much into this and am excited about the possibility to share feminine experiences with her.

Any thoughts or advice appreciated!


Angie G
08-29-2014, 12:31 PM
Maybe it is good luck girl.:hugs:

08-29-2014, 12:32 PM
Of course you're reading too much into her comments. The real question is do have a plan for coming out. Have you considered her thoughts about gender variation, her tolerance levels in general and her ability to accept differing views, adapt to new situations and information. Have you written down and responded in writing to the likely questions? Have you thought about how she might react if she discovered by accident?

08-29-2014, 01:13 PM
Kim beat me to it. She is thinking "costume" not "cross dressing." It's like trying to link broccoli and cross dressing. They're different.

08-30-2014, 08:05 AM
She picked the costume for you so go ahead and wear it and have a good time. Notice how she reacts to you dressed as a female and react accordingly. You might mention how good it feels but be careful and note her reaction. Later you might comment that it's a shame you can only wear this once a year. She might suggest that you wear it again around the house. Or she might not.

What I'm suggesting is taking this slowly, all the time judging her reaction. She may be OK with it, she may be dead set against it.

BTW: This would be the time to go (with her) to Payless and buy a pair of women's shoes. You have a good "reason", you're dressing as a woman for Halloween.

08-30-2014, 08:20 AM
Wonderful to read your wife is accepting your dressing (somewhat) in feminine attire - even if it is for Halloween. She may be setting the stage by enticing you to "come out of the closet" and explain why you have an interest in feminine attire. Somehow SO's know those things no matter how sneaky we are. Please go slow and with caution, and keep us informed of your progress. Enjoy.

08-30-2014, 10:00 AM
I once went to a Halloween party dressed as a Harlequin. My wife (not aware) suggested it and said she would help me with the makeup. I went out (to my CD makeup place) and got it all and did my face makeup myself. I was the most fem Harlequin anyone had ever seen! Of course, being Halloween, it was fully acceptable. Lot's of people at the party remarked how good my makeup looked! I just said I must have a knack for it. Fun!

08-30-2014, 11:46 AM
Go for it!
One way or the other, have a good time.

09-01-2014, 04:16 PM
Are you out to her in any way? and if not I see these comments as her trying to get you to come out, or seeing if you are as she likely has suspicions. Why would she say it is perfect for you? and since you both get your eyebrows waxed together, (not really something most men do still) and then adds in as a woman comment. So if you have not actually told her, she is testing or trying to get you to admit what she already knows IMO.

Roberta Marie
09-01-2014, 09:28 PM
"Then last night we were talking about how much to tip the lady who waxes us."

Sounds to me like you are already sharing feminine experiences.

09-02-2014, 08:52 AM
Thanks for the insights and advice. Taking it slow and then judging her reactions sounds like a wise move.

I am not out to her yet. The waxing we get is back & chest for me and bikini for her. It is nice to be able to share that. I keep my body smooth - shaved legs & underarms and waxed back & chest. Fortunately my wife dislikes body hair as much as I do.

09-02-2014, 10:11 AM
I often kid about going with my wife to both get our legs waxed. She says I couldn't stand the pain.

She accepts my dressing and I'm often dressed around the house but shaving or waxing my body is a bridge I have yet to cross. I do use a trimmer though so from a distance the hair can't be seen.

09-16-2014, 10:23 AM
While it is easy to read too far into things, I read that and I have trouble viewing it too many ways.

I'd wear the costume, and actually open telling her that you had fun wearing it even though it was a women's costume after. I mean she suggested it and if it's anything like this:


then I doubt she can really say she thought it was gender neutral. I'd be careful keeping my emotions in check so she doesn't start thinking there is a full transition in the future. The key thing is to show a bit of your nerves, without letting her see enough so that she wonders just how far it goes. Then gauge her reaction by letting her talk about how she feels, and whether or not you guys could make this a fun annual event (maybe even theme it by crossing her as well). This could be an annual thing for you two at least, and a way to start exploring at least the ideas. Even if she's not comfortable with you being out to friends and family. Even that is beyond a lot of people's reality.