View Full Version : Under-dressing...Not exactly, but kinda.

Tracy Hazel Lee
08-29-2014, 06:29 PM
When I was recently writing my post about the many 'upgrades' I have made to my dressing routine, something struck me kind of funny.

While I have never had any desire to under-dress, I think I realized why it is I feel I wasn't interested. I think it comes from the fact that there are quite a few things that I have done (in my efforts to improve my female image) that probably nullify any desire to under-dress. These things are exactly some of the changes I mentioned. For example, I keep my legs shaved, all the time. And hide them from everyone. This is kinda like under-dressing...I mean, I'm not wearing anything, but the simple act of keeping them smooth, keeps my inner girl happy. I also pluck my eyebrows (can't hide those obviously), I keep my fingernails at a length that is definitely longer than average for a guy (sometimes I even buff them to a nice shine). I have both ears pierced. I also paint my toenails from time to time, again keeping them hidden from the view of others...

I feel that maybe all of these things put together might give me the same kind of satisfaction that others get from under-dressing. Make any sense??

All I can say is.....Hmph!

Dana does shopping
08-29-2014, 06:33 PM
That's underdressing!

08-29-2014, 06:39 PM
I could never pass, not in a million years;
So my under dressing is as close as I can get to going out dressed.

08-29-2014, 07:01 PM
Yes you are under-dressing, but if you are not wearing panties every day and women's sleepwear every night you are really depriving yourself of considerable pleasure IMO.

Genny B
08-29-2014, 09:10 PM
Joanna is right! No sense in fighting it!

Genny B

Isabella Ross
08-29-2014, 09:57 PM
Yep. Gotta chime in with Joanna and Genny. Get your panties on. You'll sleep like a baby.

08-29-2014, 10:06 PM
Absolutely your efforts are classified as "underdressing" but in a variance of the usual style! Please do consider as others have stated to "wear panties & feminine sleep wear"! Enjoy.

08-29-2014, 11:45 PM
It's not technically "dressing," but similar. My take is that it is that dressing encompasses more than clothing. It's little hidden things short of attire that are suggestive of femininity. One does not need clothing to soften the image. Shaving, plucking, etc., however unnoticeable to the world, are presenting as "dressed."

bridget thronton
08-30-2014, 01:57 AM
Perhaps it is just being you

08-30-2014, 04:10 AM
I think you're right Tracy... :)

Certainly the way members here use the expression "dressing" as a shorthand for 'crossdressing' and to include every aspect of the transformation - depending on whether you just do a little or a bunch...

And the conditional "under" doesn't necessarily mean just 'under' clothes but more 'under' the Muggles radar (as you say, can't hide shaped eyebrows... :)) so yes - I would agree with that, and coincidentally, I do all those too but have never thought of it as underdressing - and also have had no success with wearing lingerie in boy mode... just doesn't work for me - but now I can feel that I do share something else...

I think Tracy should be recognised for this more complete definition of "underdressing" and will be referenced accordingly in the next revised 'Crossdresser's Manual' available from me for just $125 carriage paid... ;) (Tracy - as a contributor you now get 10% off... :D)

Katey x

08-30-2014, 04:23 AM
Have gone 24/7 panties for the last week. Awesome!!!
Painted toes for last month.
If you shave your legs good on you girl!

08-30-2014, 05:49 AM
I could never pass, not in a million years;
So my under dressing is as close as I can get to going out dressed.

Neither could I. But I wear panties for a few months now and for the last couple of weeks wear feminine sleep wear at night. But that is the limit for now. SO thinks I'm weird enough. Was going to paint my toe nails a few weeks ago but SO said if I did she was going to get me some help.

Tracy Hazel Lee
08-30-2014, 01:41 PM
Well then.... I guess I'm guilty as charged! :heehee:

...I think Tracy should be recognised for this more complete definition of "underdressing" and will be referenced accordingly in the next revised 'Crossdresser's Manual' available from me for just $125 carriage paid... ;) (Tracy - as a contributor you now get 10% off... :D)SWEET!

08-30-2014, 04:34 PM
Thinking we're both underdressing, Tracy! :battingeyelashes: I too keep my legs/body shaved and toes done, usually Revlon Red. But like Katey, I've "had no success with wearing lingerie in boy modeā€¦ just doesn't work for me." Though occasionally when I can't let go, I'll wear panties or hosiery. That aside, it would be hard to say I'm not underdressing nearly every day!

08-31-2014, 04:49 AM
You are definitely underdressing Tracy, just in a different way.

08-31-2014, 11:39 AM
I never miss a day of wearing panties and sleeping in women's sleepwear. Joanna, Genny and Bridgette are absolutely right.

08-31-2014, 04:20 PM
...I have both ears pierced. I also paint my toenails from time to time, again keeping them hidden from the view of others...

I feel that maybe all of these things put together might give me the same kind of satisfaction that others get from under-dressing. Make any sense??

All I can say is.....Hmph!

I agree and agree and agree with the others who agree that your "maintenance" definitely qualifies as under-dressing. I'm also glad that Katey888 recognized the value of expanding the definition. So bravo to all!!

But as to the toenails and earrings, I'd like to add an IMHO comment: I got my first ear pierced, my left, when I turned 30, along with a punk haircut:-) I was driving cab in Chicago at the time, and had read that pirates would get their ears pierced whenever they survived a shipwreck. I applied it to my cab driving, and by the time I was done, had 3 piercings, 2 in the left, 1 in the right. That was in the late '80's, and I remember my sister's reaction to my first piercing: "Left is right, right is wrong", so in order to keep peace in the family, I always made sure I had more piercings in my left than in my right...sigh...So for me, pierced ears is not quite under-dressing, but I'm certainly not gonna quibble:-)

As to the toes. I've had to come to terms with this in the last couple of months. Please understand that I have really ugly toenails, which is a genetic condition that I inherited from my mother who had all of hers pulled out when she was in her fifties(ouch!!!). About 5 years ago, I moved from northern climes to Raleigh, NC. I used to go out up north and never had to worry about my toenails because my footwear hid them. But down here, especially in the summer, it is all open-toed shoes. So my wife and I went out to dinner a couple of months ago for the first time down here as Jaye, and I painted my toenails. What a difference in how they looked!!! So I kept them painted, but it forced a bit of a crisis, since I wear tennis shoes at work, but HATE wearing anything other than sandals when I'm not working. So I decided to heck with it, and just wore what I wanted...It's been nearly three months now, and not one single person at the stores has noticed, or if they did notice, they've never commented, and I'm out shopping at least twice a day for one thing or another...It's a really cool feeling of freedom!!! to paraphrase a line from near the end of 'The Shawshank Redemption': "No one looks at a man's shoes".

Ok, one last recent toenail adventure, and THIS is why I felt like chiming in: 2 weeks ago, I had the chance to go back up north to perform at a large cafe with a band I'd founded back in 1999. I was going to be onstage, and didn't want my red toenails to distract from the music. Some folks up there knew about my CDing, most did not. So I decided to go from red to dark purple. As a diversionary tactic, I also painted my thumbnails purple. That way, if anyone asked why my toenails were purple, I could simply say because I wanted them to match my thumbs...Or vise-versa...I was ready to go round and round with anyone on that until they got tired of asking:-)...But only one person even commented, and that was an old friend who, while the band was taking a break, simply smiled and said "Nice toes", and THAT was it!! Of course, it helps that I was there in my musician/artist persona.

I guess that what I'm trying to say, is that there are a lot of ways to under-dress in public, it's just a matter of being creative about it.

Sorry for the ramble.


08-31-2014, 07:52 PM
i always wear something female , i always wear three braclets,errings and panties

Justine Time
08-31-2014, 08:10 PM
Envious of you all!!!! I have to change, twice a day in a men's locker room, for work! Can get by w/ painted toes, in the winter, but not much else.

08-31-2014, 09:03 PM
I have been panties 24/7 for the past 2 years. Also Cami's when I am home alone. About 2 months ago my 14 yo daughter did my toenails in pink Glitter. Everyone at the apartment pool saw them. I went and had a pedi and they are now red. Last week I decided to shave my legs, and I am keeping them that way - not even a double take when wearing my shorts today. The one thing that I am starting to learn is this - NO ONE CARES (soon to be ex wife excluded).

08-31-2014, 09:51 PM
We all get by with whatever we can, Justine Time. Get comfortable with who you are while in "private"...The "public" should follow at whatever pace, place and wisdom advises.
