View Full Version : So Much Going On In Such A Short Time

Aly Cat
08-30-2014, 11:49 AM
Sorry for the super long post!

It's amazing what has transpired over the last few days. It has been both amazing and heartbreaking.

Two days ago I talked to my dad to find out if my mother knew I was on hormones. I have been going through obvious changes with HRT and I am no longer able to hide them from my mom. My dad let me know that he had told her last week. She was the last one to not know and that was based on a request from my dad. At this point, I decided... It's time.

I came out to Facebook. My heart was racing as I was typing out what I wanted to say. I'll paste my post below:

Ok folks.... It's about that time...

For a while now....a looooonnnngggg while... Like since I was very little, I have thought something very specific about myself. I kept it hidden from everyone because I believed people would think of me as strange, a freak, or worse. I believed my family would hate me. It's amazing how fear causes us to believe the worst about other people.
Well, last year, I put that fear aside. I'm no longer going to be governed by it. I decided to make the big step of transitioning and living my life as I always felt I should have been from the beginning... As a woman.
I started transitioning on April 16th of this year. It was a big milestone for me obviously. Many of you who I kept as friends when I did my Facebook purge already know about my transition but there are many who did not. Well, now you do.
I have not posted many pictures on my Facebook because I was not ready to formally let everyone know about myself, but it's time. I feel like my changes have taken enough effect that even if I wanted to hide it, I wouldn't be able to.
This is an exciting time for me. My life is changing, my body is changing, my perspectives are changing, and I want my friends and family along for the ride.
I am aware many of you will have questions for me. Most, I will be able to answer. Some I will not. Please use consideration if you comment on this post as I will not publicly answer overly private questions.
If you feel like you don't agree with my decisions and don't want to be a part of my life, feel free to unfriend me. You wouldn't be the first and I'm sure you won't be the last. In this transitional period of my life, I need love, support, friendship, and acceptance. I don't need negativity, harsh words, badmouthing, or the like. As I said in my purge post, there were lots of changes coming.... Well, this is the big one.

I love you all and hope you all stick around. Thank you for reading this and understanding.

:: hugs::

Wwweeelllll..... This didn't go over so well for my parents. Yesterday was my mother's birthday and because of my post as well as my profile picture change, she canceled her party because I was supposed to be there.
Shortly after canceling her party, she posted on Facebook that she would no longer be using Facebook because there was too many upsetting posts. I let her know that she would no longer see my posts and I made the hard move of unfriending her. It hurt so much. She let me know that if I could no longer present as a guy, she would not be seeing me. She let me know that she will no longer be a part of my life. I have been disowned. I am still able to talk to my dad and we are doing ok.

With all that going on, my sister calls me last night when I was at work and said... Grandma wants you to call her when you are free. My thoughts: oh dear God...

Reluctantly, I call her as I'm driving home. I haven't talked to her in months and with everything going on, I knew she had to have found out. She answers the phone and sounds rather cheery. She is 86 years old and I was terrified of causing her a heart attack or something. After about 10 minutes of chit chatting, she says, "so, I hear you have some news". Here it comes....

I explained my situation and how I felt. Her first question? "What do you plan on calling yourself?" I let her know that I am going to be changing my name to Alyson but I prefer Aly. She said, "well Aly, you will always be my granddaughter and I will always love you." From that point on, she referred to me as her granddaughter and called me Aly. She said I am always welcome in her home and no matter what, she will always be my grandma. We talked about the situation with my mom (her daughter) and she highly disagrees with what my mother is doing. She also let me know that her sisters grandson/granddaughter is also transgender and has already gone through her transition. So apparently I'm not the only one in the family. It was amazing. She also said that she wanted to help me along my journey and is apparently going to send me 20 year old Disney stocks that she has been holding onto. She doesn't know how much is there or how much it's worth, but she said if it helps with surgeries or whatnot, it's mine. She wouldn't take no for an answer as grandma's usually do so I should be expecting that in a few days. She is such an amazing sweetheart and a wonderful woman. My fears were for nothing. She sent me a message this morning telling me that she had stayed up all night praying for God to give me strength on my journey and for reconciliation with my mother. What an amazing woman. Maybe one day my mom will come around. I'm just happy to have such a loving family otherwise.

08-30-2014, 11:53 AM
Hi Aly,

What a brave step you have taken and congrats on your coming out to those around you. I am saddened to read about your mom but perhaps with time and processing she will come around as well. Your grandmother's reaction and support is priceless and a testament to the understanding of others.



Sarah Doepner
08-30-2014, 03:36 PM
Aly, your grandma rocks the house. You are brave and there is no need to take any of the blame for how your mother is reacting, just don't do it. She will be missing out on something very special over the next several years. Keep that door open because it's always possible that the love she has for you is just hiding beind the fear she is feeling about something unknown. Best of luck to you and your family.

Suzanne F
08-30-2014, 03:44 PM
I too am on that journey. My mother does not want to see me as Suzanne. But people like your grandma are in this world and they outweigh the negative responses of others. I applaud your courage and hope for peace for you!

Aly Cat
08-30-2014, 03:53 PM
Suzanne, I'm sorry that your mom is like mine. I understand how hard it can be. Hold onto hope. You never know. They may come around.

Amanda L.
08-30-2014, 06:44 PM
Hi Aly
The support that your grandmother is offering you is powered by her love for you. What a wonderful person to accept your life changing transition unconditionally. Your post was so heart warming and I sincerely hope your mother comes around but it will take time obviously.
Best wishes for your continued journey and as you know there is a mountain of support for you here in this sisterhood.

08-30-2014, 06:56 PM
Aly, sorry to hear about your mom. But, your grandma rocks! You have to live YOUR life. I think your mom will come around if your dad is cool. I wish you the very best. Let us know how things are going.

08-30-2014, 07:43 PM
Hopefully your mom will come around. I know that has to be hard.
Congratulations on taking the leap and doing what you know is right for you. I wish you the best on your journey.
Also, your dad and grandma seem to be taking things in stride. I know in this case two out of three is actually quite sad, but at least it's better than zero out of three right?
Best wishes

phylis anne
08-30-2014, 07:57 PM
Hi Aly,
wow what a post! that took a lot of courage you are lucky to have a grandma who is understanding I'm sorry to hear your mother has not accepted this yet ,hopefully somewhere down the road she will begin to see the new and real you our society being what it is can make it very difficult for those of us facing the demons ,of who we feel we really are v/s the what society feels we should be or else. these feelings have caused many suicides.perhaps your grand ma in her older and wiser ways will be able to help you with your mom.I face the same issue with a family that is very narrow minded and conservative in this area ,so I must go out of the local area to engage in my feelings good luck in your journey and I sincerely hope it turns out well
phylis anne

Laura J
08-30-2014, 08:00 PM
I hope your mum comes around soon! At lest you still have your dad and grandma!

08-30-2014, 08:15 PM
you are a vary courageous woman and I admire you for being true to yourself.Hope your mom comes to understand who you are. don't give up hope on your mom as this is new to her,time will tell. Your grandma is a trooper GOOD LUCK

08-30-2014, 08:18 PM
Aly, listen to grandma, she is a smart woman! Do not give up on your mother. Remember, you have known about this for quite awhile, she only just found out. It is going to take some time for her to work things out in her mind. You are after all her little boy. You are going to have to show her you are going to be successful as a woman. I wish you continued success in your transition. Give dad a kiss for us, he's a keeper for sure.

08-30-2014, 08:24 PM
Hi Aly, You have a wonderful Grand Mother, My mother and I didn't talk for the last 15yrs. of her life,
only on her death bed did we talk, It had nothing to do with dressing.
It still hurts after 18years.

08-30-2014, 08:25 PM
Aly, when I read about your grandmother, I started to tear up. We all need people like your her in our lives. I am very sad to hear how your mother took the news; perhaps you may be able to reconcile when she calms down a bit; but it sounds as if relations between you have been strained for a while. Perhaps your father can get her talking about it sometime in the future so she comes to understand this is something you must do to remain whole.
My thoughts will be with you,

08-30-2014, 09:42 PM
Aly, you have set the fear aside not all of those around you may not get past it. Keep the door open for them they may come along in time. Your grandmother and dad are awesome and will be there when you need them. I think you will have a bright and happy future.

Genny B
08-30-2014, 10:29 PM
Why would a mother react like this? I think it's out of love and fear for her child. And I think that needs to be respected. Not saying Mom is right, but I can understand. I think my SO would have the same reaction if I was to make the same decision. Aly, you are very brave and I'm sure this will work itself out, but don't think you Mom doesn't love you. I'll bet she does. Hang in there!

Genny B

08-31-2014, 03:30 AM
Dear Aly,

It was brave of you to make that announcement on Facebook and I can't help but think that some of your mother's reaction was because of the timing... :eek: While I'm sure it was coincidental I think it's possible she's feeling a little sore that you've revealed this when you did - but if it's just that it will probably wear off, although I have a feeling you'll need to work on it to bring her around...

And yes, grandparents can often be more accepting and tolerant of 'new' things than parents - it's great that she responded the way she did; just the sort of support that you expect and want from a close family member to reinforce a really tough decision that you've had to make on your own... what a star! :cheer:

I really hope you can make amends with your mother... life's too short and while I know we don't get to chose our relatives, parents (or children, for that matter... :doh:) we do only get the set we're born with and if you can come to some sort of accommodation with her, and she with you, I'm sure you'll both feel better and it will hopefully allow things to heal more completely over time...

Good luck Aly, chin up and carry on! :D

Katey x

Tiffany Jane
08-31-2014, 03:58 AM
There is no greater love than that of a mother. She is juggling many personal feelings right now as well as yourself. I would hope an older GG, preferably a mom, could offer some help here. I have had a lot of battles, none of which concern what I am doing here and why, but they all seem to stem from a sense of guilt. Whenever we have a difference or I am not doing in my life what she thinks I should I get the "I guess I wasn't a good enough mom."

I am not sure if this makes sense...she gave you the gift of life and raised you as the wrapping presented itself to her. In some sense, you're rewrapping her gift and presenting it back to her.
Either way, you are both part of your mother and father on a genetic basis, but your soul doesn't fit in the mold it was given. I have a theory on reincarnation but that is for another website.

08-31-2014, 05:51 AM
Aly, you are very brave. Sorry about Mom. As others said, keep the door
open when she comes around, but You must be happy.
Grandmoms are awesome arent they.

08-31-2014, 08:15 AM
Hi Aly,

Congratulations on having the courage and strength to live an authentic life. Your grandmother is obviously an amazing woman, I'm so glad she's there for you.

Your mom may yet come around, but I know that is such a bitter price to pay. People's first word is often not their final word. Understand that she grieves the loss of her son. In time, she may realize this is kinda dumb, because she has a beautiful daughter to love. I hope that comes to pass for you.

And know this - whatever trials you face in transition, in the end you'll truly know yourself and be yourself, and that's something that surprisingly few people can really say.

08-31-2014, 08:21 AM
Wow.. what a story indeed! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's reactions and decisions... that must be one of the worst things to hear and experience. Hope things will change for the better.

On the upside, your grandma sounds awesome! :D Just the fact that she instantly started seeing you, referring to you and considering you as a granddaughter made me smile.. and must have felt so indescribably good to you!

And that she want to help with the transition.. that's just icing on the cake! :)

Aly Cat
08-31-2014, 11:03 AM
I just got off the phone with my grandma. She is so sweet. She has called me every day since we talked just to let me know she loves me. She is so special and dear to me heart.

08-31-2014, 12:53 PM
You are not alone Aly, and having your Grandmother in your corner is just the first step toward your mother coming around.