View Full Version : Could this be a mixup?

Christina Sevilla
09-06-2014, 06:06 PM
Last August 21'st I went to my doctore for hrt. Since i was smoking she held off prescribing estradiol but gave me spiro to begin with. She informed me that 2 weeks after i stop smoking to give her office a call so they can give me the prescription and was instructed to set up my 2nd appointment for December. So the next day i quit smoking and yesterday marked the 2nd week. Last week she sent me a letter saying the same thing together with the results of my blood work and everything was fine. I called up her office and her assistant returned my call to inform me that she will prescribe e after my second visit.

I don't know the reason why or if it was a mixup since i was working at that time and could not really talk on the phone. Last night I sent a fax to my doctor and included the letter she sent. Hopefully I cant start very soon since that was our understanding.

I wanted to be able to mark my birthday which is today by taking E for the very first time.

09-06-2014, 07:06 PM
Are you a high risk for blood clots? I have that nasty habit too but my doctor just gave me a disapproving look and said I really should quit.

Christina Sevilla
09-06-2014, 08:47 PM
Im not at risk for blood clots and quit the day after the first appointment. My blood work results were excellent too so i dont understand why all of a sudden her decision changed.

09-07-2014, 04:23 AM
I hope you get this straightened out. From what my doctor told me, smoking reduces the effectiveness of estradiol so smokers require a higher amount of HRT to achieve the same effect. It's also thought to increase the risk of estrogen related diseases. Good luck Christina, I'm happy for you.

09-07-2014, 08:49 AM
You should definitely call your doctor. I think sometimes they get confused, and nurses or receptionists dont always know whats going on. I once had an argument with my dentists nurse because she insisted I needed to get the WRONG tooth worked on. :(

By the way, Happy Birthday!

Kaitlyn Michele
09-07-2014, 11:00 AM
YOU are your best and only advocate.

If you don't call and figure it out, no one else will.

I have had situations with my daughter where I had to be relentless and felt like I was getting people in trouble, but I got results that I was looking for.

Christina Sevilla
09-07-2014, 12:40 PM
I will call her office tomorrow and clear this up.

Nicole Erin
09-07-2014, 02:19 PM
Something that no one brought up -
Your appointment would probably interfere with the doctor's vacation schedule. I am not sure HOW exactly but as we know, doctors are on vacation 26 weeks out of each year. So maybe one of your scheduled follow-ups (assuming it would have to be right on time) would be when the doc is on vacation.

Change of mind was, "OK, Christina wants an appt on Monday to get... Oh wait no good, that is one of my vacation weeks..."

Yes I am being serious. You will get your HRT soon, either this week or within the next two. As far as receptionists knowing what's going on, they do not know crap from apple butter so do not count on them to know ANYthing. Plus their computer was just upgraded and it running slow. Never heard THAT one have we?

Christina Sevilla
09-07-2014, 06:47 PM

Doctor said I did not need another appointment for HRT. She told me to call her office 2 weeks after i stop smoking so she can give the script. Next appointment will be 3 months after I start estradiol which will be December so I don't think it's an issue with her going on a vacation if she had.

I Am Paula
09-08-2014, 07:45 AM
Despite a healthy respect for Doctors, I have lost a lot respect for their ability to communicate with patients, their own staff, and specially other Doctors. While getting ready for my surgery, I have needed a physical, lots of blood work, ECG and such. I have been running between doctors, and labs, as each one loses, gets the wrong, or simply forgets, my tests. In a panic phone call last Friday, I was asked 'where's my ECG?' I looked over the papers I had, including all the requisitions. No ECG. I went down to my local lab, and explained this was an emergency. I asked the receptionist if all Doctors were as scatterbrained in communication. Yes. I asked 'Does this happen often?' "Two hundred times a day".
Being the eternal optimist, I write it off to failures in communication technology. I helps me sleep.

09-08-2014, 09:04 AM
I would give some thought to locating a specialist, or at least a primary who will listen and follow through with what's promised. If you've read Jonathan Swift, then you know the function of "flappers". Most medical staff have that function, along with a tendency to overuse it; it gives them a feeling of power to "don't bother the doctor", so staff behavior is something to watch carefully. They are "just following orders"; always a dangerous policy.
You need to remember that you are the customer and can always vote with your (or your insurer's) pocketbook.

Christina Sevilla
09-10-2014, 12:31 PM
I finally got my estradiol. Anothe girl from my doctors off called and left a message that my doctor sent my script last friday.