View Full Version : What would you do if there were no social barriers?

Lacy PJs
09-07-2014, 07:55 PM
Reading through a recent thread about what would you NOT wear, the question popped into my mind, "What would you like to do if there were no social barriers for you?" I'm guessing that this is more towards those who are not "out" since those of you who are have already decided that social barriers aren't a problem for you. But for the rest of us, I'm also guessing that society's reaction plays at least a part in why we choose to remain in the background.

For me? I'm not sure that I'm ready to come "out," but it might be nice to wear certain things like short-shorts w/o comments. And I'd like to be able to try on and buy things like a wig and maybe some sharp looking tall boots. Sure, I can do that now via mail order but some things you just need to try on to be sure. :)

So what would some of the rest of you like to do if you could do so without negative or adverse public scrutiny?

Lacy PJs

Angie G
09-07-2014, 08:22 PM
I wouuld be so far out I would not have any male things to wear.I'd go everywere dress girly.:hugs:

Kate Simmons
09-07-2014, 08:50 PM
Same stuff I do now probably. Go out and dance and socialize. :)

09-07-2014, 09:03 PM
I would keep my male clothes to wear when the mood strikes me. But I sure would like to be able to wear dresses, heels, and skirts any time I desired. I already have long hair, C (soon to be D) cup breasts, hips, and I wear eye makeup and lipstick.

Johanna Anna

09-07-2014, 09:08 PM
No social barriers?
That's easy.
Breast implants. Big ones!

09-07-2014, 09:09 PM
Wow. I thought this would be easy to answer but as I tried, everything got complicated.

I realized that the core of my bigendered nature cannot be compromised, no matter what, so I still would not go out locally, and that means my wife can't be recognized with Tina either as 2and2 would likely be summed quickly.

So, I guess the only answer I can give now is that the change would be that it would be easier and calmer. That's certainly a good thing, so there would never be a concern about which gender should check into a hotel, or ride a train, and the restroom issue would vanish. It would allow Tina to focus more on identifying who she is, and that would be nice.

09-07-2014, 09:25 PM
I feel like I would not change much from what i'm doing now. Maybe I can be more calm and open about crossdressing maybe. The one thing that keeps me from coming out is the thought of disappointing and potentially scaring away friends and loved ones. I've never given much care to negative opinions strangers point at me, so not much would change in that area. However if this social barrier included what friends and family thought of me then I would most likely dive much deeper into my female side and really let her become a bigger part of my life.

Kris Avery
09-07-2014, 09:37 PM
Agreed, not much would change..on the other hand, it's really more about friends and family acceptance.

bridget thronton
09-08-2014, 01:08 AM
Would likely be dressing full-time until I got tired of it

09-08-2014, 06:44 AM
If there were no social barriers (to CDing) then acceptance of me would not be based on whether or not I presented as female. Instead it would be based on all the other things people accept or judge me for when I'm dressed as a man. So for me, I would dress however I wanted whenever I wanted and it would just be 'normal'. It would sometimes be male boots and jeans and sometimes heels and skirt.

09-08-2014, 07:00 AM
I would present entirely as a woman. I would wear what appeals to me. The only male clothes I would wear would be like those of my male clothes that my wife is constantly taking and wearing.

Essentially most of the time, I would dress more or less as I am now. Leggings, a nice tee shirt and top, casual shoes. More make up though and longer hair.

But in some ways the 'social barriers' are only those that exist in our own minds. There may be negative or adverse scrutiny but as many here who do venture out in the world know well. There is quite a lot of acceptance too.

Maybe soon I will be able to break down my own barriers. Recently I was staying with my Mother in Dublin, my home city when it occurred to me that I would probably would have no trouble getting dressed up and wandering around the city unlike where I live now. In fact I may even do that soon. I'll just need to get a good wardrobe together and a decent wig. Then it's off to Grafton street for me!

katie elouise
09-08-2014, 07:10 AM
I would party to celebrate ,buy a new wardrobe to accommodate. Then go shopping

09-08-2014, 07:41 AM
I would probably wear whatever female attire I want without necessarily trying to present as a female. Maybe one day just a frilly blouse and heels, another day full blown en femme.

09-08-2014, 09:48 AM
i would be running away from bill collectors, (in a cute outfit)

09-08-2014, 09:58 AM
If there were no social barriers I would not be a cross dresser. I am assuming designers would be promoting "women's" clothing to men, although there would still be no reason for me to wear a bra. I've seen some men who definitely are in need of a bra.

I would probably wear dresses and heels and a wig since my hair is almost gone.

09-08-2014, 10:29 AM
Full on girl mode for me... even on those lazy days, i'd still wear leggings and a cute t-shirt

Tiffany Jane
09-08-2014, 10:39 AM
I would like to think designers would adjust their clothing so womens clothes accomodated the male body better. No tucking, hiding, or trying on a multitude of clothes in the same apparent size before finding the right fit. I definetly would wear a skirt or nice casual dress with heels and be happy to feel comfortable in public instead of hiding in my house. Would also incorporate a little more pink into the wardrobe even dressed as male.

09-08-2014, 10:58 AM
Full on 'girl mode' 24/7/365? Actually I don't think so. If all the "societal barriers", including potential negative reactions from friends, family & colleagues were suddenly to disappear then I suspect that the pink fog would envelope me big time for a while. Otherwise / afterwards? I'd probably just wear what I like when I like - either full on girl mode or full on boy mode!
Mind you, spare a thought for the muggles! How would you cope with a spouse / co-worker randomly presenting as boy one day and girl the next? Can you imagine going to a meeting and not knowing until they arrive whether each of the other participants will be in boy mode today or girl mode? Could be very confusing!

Nikki A.
09-08-2014, 07:34 PM
I'm not sure if I'd go full on girl mode but more of a blending of styles.
One thing I would wear more often is a bra. I've got enough to fill a C cup and could use a little support. Sometimes I wish I could wear one now.

Alice Torn
09-08-2014, 07:58 PM
I would be out in that forbidden zone, beyond the front door, and out and about all over in my dresses, skirts, tops, hose, heels, and wigs. I would wear guy clothes for working on the car, bicycles, and other dirty jobs, but mostly i would be out and about, doing what GG's do, wearing what ever they feel like.

09-08-2014, 07:59 PM
I'd do a little of both each day, probably more androgynous clothing. I'd like to look attractive to both sexes while keeping my own a mystery.

09-08-2014, 08:06 PM
Skirts and pantyhose for me.

09-08-2014, 10:13 PM
The obvious answer,to me anyway, is whatever I felt like.

09-08-2014, 11:32 PM
No trying on a multitude of clothes in the same apparent size before finding the right fit.

Umm..............yeah......trust me, you'd still be trying on loads of clothes before you found ones that fit right.

Anna H
09-09-2014, 12:03 AM
Right off...I'd bleach my hair out to a platinum blonde color....

which i may do anyway...lol!

I'd wear my dresses a Lot more than I do now if I could wear
them anywhere. I just really-really Love dresses. ♥


09-09-2014, 12:14 AM
I think it would first take some time to get used to the idea. Being conditioned to fear social rejection over many years does not disappear in a day. So I would start with small steps of expressing my feminine side, not only in clothes, but how I relate to people, particularly other women. I think that after some time, it would be truly liberating for me!

09-09-2014, 12:48 AM
I would do very little different. I have broken the barriers I need to and those that still exist have very little bearing on me. I dress in female clothes daily and without question. I may have a little more versatility in what I can wear and freedom on some items but most of these do not look good on me anyhow so I probably would not wear them even if there where no social barrier in the way.

09-09-2014, 03:51 AM
I think I'd go along with Judith's take on this... :)

I would definitely go out... more than once.... :D

But I also suspect not much more frequently than I dress presently... I guess that's me being a lazy boy before I can be a girl...

What would be interesting is to see how many and who else pops out of the closet... :eek:

Katey x

09-09-2014, 06:39 AM
Lacy I guess just wear what I want to wear when I chose ! I suppose just exercise the choice women get !

Getting out and shopping can be fun, my shoe buying experience was really enjoyable, just go for it !!

09-09-2014, 06:40 AM
Meeting GG friends for a "Ladies Who Lunch" gossip fest in my prettiest strapless sundress.

Telling my beautician to give me "the Works".

Refreshing my lipstick, while sharing a mirror in the Ladies Room.

09-09-2014, 06:42 AM
I dunno. I suspect that if all the social barriers were gone, CDing might be a little less fun. Granted, it would be liberating to be able to just mix and match, full-blown en femme or DID(depending on whether I was too lazy to do the the make-up thing)...I DO know that I wouldn't have to slip into pants to go get the mail, so THAT would be my most obvious difference.

But with total social approval, some of the joy of doing something illicit would be gone...I also think that if ALL fashions could be found in both men's and women's clothing aisle, I would still shop in the women's, because it's not just about the skirt, it's about CROSSdressing:-)...But bottom line? It would be sooooo liberating!

I remember back in the late 70's, Phil Donahue(yeah, I'm old) had a designer on who made women's clothes for men, and it was a wonderful hour. Phil even modeled a nice blue jean skirt.....And the show gave me a little bit of hope abut the changes. But back then, I also coached little league soccer, and had similar thoughts about how the sport just HAD to catch on in the State what with all the little tykes playing....35 years later, there's been a fair amount of progress and awareness, but both soccer in the US and CDing openly remain a bit of a dream...But a dudette's gotta have a dream, right?



Sharon B.
09-09-2014, 07:23 AM
If that included family, friends and work, I would be doing 27/7/365 days a year and would have my breast done to a C-cup

Lacy PJs
09-09-2014, 10:37 AM
Interesting comments indeed. Yes, when I was thinking about no social barriers, I was also thinking about acceptance of family & friends. This would be difficult to imagine as there are still individuals with rather arcane attitudes about a variety of things but "society" as a whole has moved beyond those points of view.

I found it interesting that many would feel so much more at ease... liberated even if they could just "do their thing." Maybe someday, that will be the case... even if it takes a while. And finally, I found it also interesting that a few thought that crossdressing might lose a bit of its attraction if it were all of a sudden accepted w/o question. Real rebels among us, I guess. :)

Lacy PJs

09-09-2014, 01:18 PM


Justine Time
09-09-2014, 01:24 PM
Schedule my bunionectomy, now, because I'd be in the highest heels possible, full-time!!! Oh, and throw away ALL on my boxers!

Cheryl Ann Owens
09-09-2014, 01:29 PM
Being home most of my time I already dress 24/7 except when I have to run errands or go to a social occasion or any shopping. It would be nice to stay dressed all the time. This would mean for me the typical attire any woman wears. Plus I'd let my hair grow long and not try to hide my breasts and wear a bra all the time. If I were to go for dinner or a social occasion let's say, I'd wear a dress. For shopping I'd wear a nice top and probably a skirt and sandals in good weather and carry my handbag. I'd present as any woman my age might. Nothing lavish or outstanding but typical attire. Because I'm losing hair I'd definitely get a wig that's right for me although the latest I have is just right. I'd love to enjoy fully living as a woman. Right now I'm almost there.


09-09-2014, 02:18 PM
Stop posting in this forum, as its reason would become basically non existent. Would I dress more, or in public, yeah, probably as I am assuming no social barriers means that no one including family would have a problem with it? IDK precisely how much that would be, and so much would change besides.

09-09-2014, 03:23 PM
skirts and heels all the time

09-09-2014, 03:35 PM
No social barriers? Wow, that would be great for members to not be criticized by other members for how they choose to present themselves. I'd still be a part-time CDer.

09-09-2014, 04:33 PM
I would throw away any semblance of "male clothes" and go full on girl mode. One can only pray for that day.

09-09-2014, 07:34 PM
I would probably do all the same things I do now. Just with different attire as I do them!

09-09-2014, 07:51 PM
No social barriers huh....? I'd be wearing anything and everything :D (but most certainly not nothing.... NO ONE wants to see that :P )

probably mostly either skirts /leggings & t-shirts, dresses (vintage 70's/80's styles, just 'cause :D ) i'd have my hair down more, or in more femme styles (not just in a plain (not cinnamon!) bun 99% of the time) paint my nails again (all the colors of the rainbow, maybe at the same time... :)

probably go back to guy stuff when i'd have to work on something messy (like on the car or whatever)

09-09-2014, 10:54 PM
I would go full on girly mode. I cant stand man clothes or under clothes. I would never wear male clothes ever again. I would wear heels, heels and more heels.
So when do we start????????

Lexi V.

09-09-2014, 11:25 PM
Id be the real me all the time.

julie marie1
09-09-2014, 11:26 PM
That's easy. Although I am completely heterosexual, I thoroughly enjoy being dressed. While I don't believe I could foll anyone if I actually said anything (my voice is too deep). I enjoy the ability to appear as a women at first glance. There is something about it that is so comletely different from my normal appearence that is very enjoyable.

09-10-2014, 07:48 AM
As Angie said, above, if the remaining social barriers fell, I would present as a woman full time. If pigs could fly, I would saddle one up and avoid Houston traffics.

09-10-2014, 08:10 AM
I would be just like women now, I would wear my work clothes, dirty clothes, do all the things that need doing, and when I felt like it get dressed up. My female wardrobe is much better than my male wardrobe though.

09-10-2014, 08:11 AM
There would be a need for a larger walk-in closet in my house. I would wear whatever the mood felt like. I suspect that my mood would include dresses or skirts more often than pants. My wife and I would have more 'girls' nights too.

09-10-2014, 08:17 AM
I would maybe do very little changing except for I'd wear my outfits, maybe a bit more. I still love my guy things so I'd wear my guy clothes doing those things and not care if I mixed the two together. I enjoy the dressing but there are some jobs that the male attire is better doing in the male attire.

09-10-2014, 01:35 PM
I would just like to wear a short mini skirt,beige pantyhose,a pretty dressy silk blouse&black heels&just be normal

09-10-2014, 01:55 PM
I am sure I would dress and go out much more frequently than I do now. It would be wonderful!!

09-10-2014, 06:49 PM
First I would wear skirts to work. Then all over. I would love to just be the person I was meant to be.

09-11-2014, 06:00 AM
No social barriers? How liberating. I would wear skirts to work on a daily basis, I am just so much more comfortable in a skirt. I feel like I am really me wearing female clothes, and if society was totally accepting the whole which bathroom thing would go away. We would use the men's room without any thought. I do not think it would change the appeal of cross dressing, at least not for me. How liberating.
Ellen Jo

09-11-2014, 08:55 AM
Sun Dresses, backless.

09-12-2014, 02:02 PM
Im sure I would dress up more like my bra and forms and definitely panties , pantyhose and a skirt :-)

09-13-2014, 01:52 PM
Full on girl mode....heels, hose, skirts and all the works!!!

09-13-2014, 03:10 PM
I think if there was no negative scrutiny, I would dress as a female every day. It would be wonderful to explore life without predjudices.

09-13-2014, 03:54 PM
If there were no social barriers we would have anarchy! I don't think that any of us could really live that way.

In the real world, I have breached a social barrier. I wear dresses and makeup and go out as a woman. All that did was make me subject to the social barriers that women respect and theirs are a lot more difficult to interpret than those of males.

Males have it pretty easy. We have uniforms that we wear for various activities. Wear the uniform and you're fine no matter your age, build, etc.

Women don't have uniforms, and in fact it is a social faux pax if you show up dressed the same as another woman. However, within that perceived freedom is another, more complex set of rules that change depending upon age, build, and event. I'm going to a dinner tonight at a nice restaurant. I'm wearing a pretty maxidress which is a fairly safe choice. If I were twentysomething I might be considering a sexy bandage dress, but as a fiftysomething it would be inappropriate. Same with hair, I had my hairdresser give me some waves but a "country music awards" 'do would not work.

Now, I do bend the rules when it is a CDing event. CDers understand each other's desire to enjoy parts of our lives that we might have missed out on so the hemlines can come up, the wild leggings can appear, and we have a great time. That doesn't play in the mainstream, though!

09-14-2014, 06:41 AM
From the perspective of one who does not go out dressed, then if the social barriers that judge who you are by what you look like, i.e. men don't wear clothes normally associated with women, were dropped, then definitely:

I'd indulge in being able to present myself in a prettier fashion I'd enjoy polished nails and wearing make-up.

I'd definitely wear my hair differently

My wardrobe would expand greatly to include dresses and skirts as well as trousers. Shoes for show as well as comfort.

Probably adopt a far more androgynous look overall.

But would I still want to present myself as a woman rather than as a male who enjoys woman's clothing?

When I dress, I nearly always include breast forms and a bra, but I don't think I'd normally choose to wear such items as a man even if dress barriers were dropped.

But would I still like to wear them in private? Would the dropping of barriers and ability to wear what I liked reduce or remove my desire to fully transform my appearance? Or would there be 2 versions of me - one male in "female" dress and one presenting as a woman?

Sometimes simple questions produce complicated answers !!!

Dawn Gurl
09-14-2014, 06:48 AM
Definitely Full Time Girl Mode.....

09-14-2014, 06:50 AM
For me some of the excitement of CDing in public is going against social norms so unlike what others have said without social barriers maybe I wouldnt do it ?
If you removed all judgement of people based on their clothes (rich, poor, sex, age etc) wouldn't we all just wear what is the most comfortable and practical unisex clothes all the time.

09-14-2014, 06:51 AM
Oh well what an idea. I've just moved house and decided it was time to take 'risks' lets say. When home I only wear what is expected of female attire. I went outside the other day and simply hung the washing out and later bought it in dressed. So if no social barriers this is me full time. How good would it be then to go to work dressed (sadly not likely)

09-14-2014, 07:06 AM
I love to wear short mini skirts&silk blouse&beige pantyhose&heels

09-14-2014, 10:22 PM
It would be nice to be able to shop freely without any negative experiences or judgment from store clerks. Some store personnel are helpful, but it would be a lot easier without the social barriers.

Beverley Sims
09-15-2014, 08:38 AM
I would still want to present as 100 percent woman and look the part.

Marsha My Dear
09-15-2014, 09:43 AM
Skirts, stockings (not pantyhose), colorful silky blouses, wigs, more jewellery and accessories, a clutch purse, light makeup, and any perfume I desired.

09-15-2014, 12:05 PM
OMG isn't this the dream??

First of all - acceptance and tolerance from all. Well come on now, how good does that sound!!!
To be able to just dress as I want, when I want, wherever I want is just a taste of heaven!

To have my family friends know, and still love and accept me as I am (however I might be presenting) is the dream.
And to be able to walk past every stranger on the street or in town and to have nobody even think "OMFG a tranny", and instead think "Damn, nice dress" or "Oh, you're presenting as a female today, [your male name]".

Isn't this kind of tolerance and acceptance what everybody dreams of? CD or not, it could be because you have brown skin, because you pray to the 'wrong' god, because you are sexually attracted to the same sex as you.
It could be because you don't have a lot of money, because you aren't as pretty as others, or any number of reasons that a person may be unkind or even straight up bigoted towards you.
It's still the dream isn't it?

If I felt like it I could just stroll to the shops to get some milk in some leggings and a nice top (face and hair in check obv.), and never have to worry about it, then that may just be the finest version of earth you ever suggested to me.

I could hit the shops and actually try clothes on - ZERO guess work involved. (This would probably land me in a HEAP of debt)
I could go and get my makeup done at makeup counters. Or even get my skin tone selected on one of those analysers in Boots :D (This would add to the debt)
Before my time off work, I'd get my nails done properly, get my eyebrows shaped, hell - pierce my ears! (There's that debt again - LOL)
Everywhere would get shaved, even the places that are typically male like forearms. Because if there's no social unrest over presentation, then nobody will care if my guy arms are bald.
Just simple things like go for a drive to somewhere I don't know, or even that I do know, and get out and walk without worry.
Going to restaurants, meeting other CDs for a few pints with no issue of getting out heads kicked in.
I would become a master of walking in heels, I really mean that. Heels would become my shoe of choice for anything that didn't involve manual work, mud or running. (Oh, Mr Debt, I didn't mention you for a few lines, how are you?)

Now I'm sad, because the world isn't this way and I still haven't won the lottery.

09-15-2014, 12:14 PM
I would definitely dress 24/7. hat would be an ideal world:daydreaming:

Cheryl Ann Owens
09-15-2014, 01:43 PM
Recently I did break a social barrier for myself. I got dressed appropriatley for my age (61) and went to a nearby liberal town to shop. My hair is thinning but I didn't care. I simply wore my girl sneakers, women's jeans, and a somewhat feminie lime green top and diamond studs in my ears and walked into a Walmart. I did this in the morning and there were not many people there. I casually browsed all of the women's clothing and picked out a couple nice tops and a new white camisole bra and a 5-pack of multi-color panties. The girl at the checkout smiled and was really nice. This is in a gay-friendly town so I'll bet she's seen some of us before. As a matter of fact I know others who have shopped in this mall. No paranoia here!


09-15-2014, 07:33 PM
Would be wonderful. Not sure what I'd do per se, but I doubt I'd have any more men's underwear.

09-16-2014, 06:08 AM
I think I would dress all the time and most likely it wouldn't take long until my male identity eventually would vanish and turn into a memory.
For a start I would alter my apperance (eye brows, body hair, hairstile, ...) to a look what society considers female, but I'm starting to do this anyway so no big difference in this point. What would make the bigest difference for me is that there wouldn't be any reason to hide and wear a mask everyday anymore