View Full Version : for me i find my style has changed with time.

09-09-2014, 05:28 PM
I have cross dressed for a lot of years and it was always very short skirts and high heels but I was noticing a women in a skirt that was just above her knees with a blazer that was only a inch shorter then the skirt and a pair of boots that one only had a 3 in heel that came just below her knees so there was only the knees showing. Plus she was wearing( best guess) night shade nylons top top everything off.
In my younger years I would have never worn that but now I am finding myself looking and it and thinking what a nice outfit. I would wear that in a flash.
It's just something I noticed today on the way home from work I though I would share.

Julie summers

bridget thronton
09-10-2014, 01:40 AM
Sounds like a great outfit to me

09-10-2014, 06:46 AM
Julie, our girl is growing up. I remember a similar time when I went from trying to dress kind of sexy to a more mature but very tasteful look. I think we all go through some version of it. The best part is now you can shop for some new wardrobe. Have fun.
Ellen Jo

09-10-2014, 11:16 AM
It was a great outfit I must say. It's was one of those wow moments where you want to walk up to that person and compliment her on there
awesome fashion sense but all I could do was walk away.


09-10-2014, 11:47 AM
I think we all change to conform to some sort of societal mindset, even as cross dressers. My granddaughter wears skirts that a mid thigh. She is a beautiful girl. I classify her a cute. I did not have the opportunity to dress as a teenager in my own clothing or the clothing of an older sister or cousin. My preference is two inches above the knee, and, only dresses, no skirts. I'm in my sixties. You're in your forties. I see many tastefully attired women fitting your description. Yes, they all make my head turn. My granddaughter and girls her age are cute. Those women are sexy.

09-10-2014, 12:20 PM
Interesting isn't it....I see it in my own experience as well. I've suggested before that many of us, who know the proportion, may feel that we have evolved from something like fetish dressing, to that cute and sexy young adult style, then eventually to something more 'real'. Why? Sheer speculation, but I suspect that in puberty every thought, including the desire to express a feminine side, gets mixed up with raging teen hormones. That association eventually weakens as we have real life sexual partners and as the hormones come under control. Then, it seems, we are able to see the need to dress apart from looking or feeling "sexy", and begin to think in terms of the styles that might actually look good on us.

09-10-2014, 12:34 PM
Its a very appealing outfit. I would wear that no problem and its something is a staple in my dress up time.

09-10-2014, 12:58 PM
Maybe she was dressing for a more sombre occasion or going to visit a sick person ! The attraction is women can dress so many ways to suit the occasion, guys don't have the same choices, unless you're a CDer !!

09-11-2014, 06:26 AM
Teresa I don't know what she was dressed for but whatever it was she looked good.
I work downtown and you see a lot of women dressed up like that.
I was just commenting on the outfit and how much I loved it.
Everyone who made a reply pretty much nailed what I was trying to say.


09-11-2014, 06:36 AM
Hi Jules, I have a rather large collection of clothes and shoes it depends on my mood as to what look I'm going for.
Sometimes it is dressing to the nines, classic casual, chick look, hooker/****ty, just that casual look or an androgens look.:daydreaming: