View Full Version : why so hard?

09-13-2014, 06:59 PM
I'm sorry but I just keep struggling with the fact that its so hard to be us. boobs, heels and a skirt shit I'm not a Unabomber! I really feel good in some of women's clothes.

09-14-2014, 02:33 AM
Thats why sometimes it is just good to wear a top and skirt.
Girls dress comfortable here in FL. Doing a full up dress is work for us girls and GG's.
I sometimes like to just wear the panties and cozy bra, both make me relaxed.
Anyway you do it, have fun and enjoy, keep smiling.

Princess Chantal
09-14-2014, 02:51 AM
Boobs, heels and a skirt are not the requirement for me to be me. I don't crossdress to be me, I crossdress to enjoy as an interest!

09-14-2014, 02:57 AM
For me IMHO, its hard because of the heavy-handed socialization, culturalization and even religious conditioning that men/males are put though in life from the onset of birth actually. Girls / women go through the same meat grinder, but in todays' world its much more acceptable for a woman to just be themselves, although it may take years upon years to throw off the socialization, cultarlization and religious conditioning that like ourselves, must go through.

Which makes ponder, ~ If masculinity is that "natural" default in men, and femininity is the "natural" default in women? Then why the heavy handiness indoctrination, conditioning by society and our culture to make us conform and fit in to the traditionally accepted conception of what it is to be a woman ~ feminine and a man?

09-14-2014, 06:16 PM
in todays' world its much more acceptable for a woman to just be themselves
Only if 'themselves' are carefully made up, brushed, hair sprayed, hair cut just the right way, dyed, plucked, shaved/waxed, shaped by a bra, wearing a pair of shoes with the right amount of lift to change the shape of their legs/butt, well you get the idea. Women go through a lot of work every day to look like the women we expect them to be.