View Full Version : The Best Gift Ever

Michelle V
09-15-2014, 11:41 AM
I have not posted anything in quiet some time for personal reasons but this story is worth sharing:

Last Friday was my Birthday, I am the worst person to be around during a birthday and here is why; I hate to celebrate a day in which I was born in the wrong body, I know it sounds very cliché but I cant help felling this way. Birthdays man! It just gets me down. My wife puts up with a lot, she is always super supportive and finds beauty in everything no matter how bad it seems. Here is the good part to the story: She hugged me towards the end of the day and asked me to share, as hard as it was I admitted to her how I felt about birthdays and she said the one thing that makes my life worth living.

My beautiful wife said: You were meant to be who you are to educate and illuminate the people you know, you have change their lives. You have change the mind of people that otherwise would have never known anyone like you, the fact that they know the kind of person you are and the life you live helps them understand and accept this lifestyle. If you would have been a girl your life might have not had as much impact in people. "You have change me, you have made me a better person by teaching me about this lifestyle, so I want to thank you." Best birthday present ever!

To those people struggling with who they are and with their families I want to remind you, "It gets better" it has been said before, it does get better, give it time, be patient and life sorts itself out. Stay grounded, do not let the pink fog take over, find a friend or relative and open up, you will be amazed on how open and accepting people are. Use this forum as a tool to help you figure things out, there are a lot of supportive members with great advice and experience super ready to help others.

The best of luck to you all and to the people that continue to provide a wonderful place to be ourselves Thank You!

09-15-2014, 11:50 AM
Thank you for posting a very touching post. Love & Best Wishes darlin.

Julie Denier
09-15-2014, 12:07 PM
That's wonderful, Michelle! You are very lucky to have such support ;)

Suzanne F
09-15-2014, 12:33 PM
I believe the same thing as your wife said. I know that this journey I am on a benefiting others.
I don't regret the past. Sure I sometimes think what might have been if I had transitioned earlier or been born genetically female. However, I then think about my beautiful children and my supportive wife. I wouldn't want to miss that. So here I am in the middle of becoming who I am. My AA sponsor says I am giving people the opportunity to grow and love more. I want to be the best trans person I can be! Good luck to you and Happy Birthday!

09-15-2014, 01:14 PM
Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts !
I'm trying to work out how to turn 63 into 36 but I'll only fool myself, that's the only reason I dislike birthdays !
Why don't you look at it that part of was born OK and celebrate it as Michelle ! Your wife sounds supportive enough !
I get your point about the pink fog, I've worked out how to avoid it, with the help of members comments !

09-15-2014, 01:52 PM
Wonderful story Michelle ! Thanks for sharing and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !


Amanda L.
09-15-2014, 02:25 PM
Happy birthday Michelle.
Lovely words from your wife. Just goes to prove that lovely people do exist.
I hate birthdays because the come around too damn quick.

09-15-2014, 02:46 PM
Michelle, your story brought a little tear to my eyes, be sure to give your wonderful wife an extra hug!!

Hugs, Bria

09-15-2014, 02:57 PM
I'm touched by your wife's insights.

09-15-2014, 03:25 PM
Beautiful sentiments and what a beautiful wife you do have, Michelle... :cheer:

It's a super message and great piece of advice... sorry you can't be here more to share...

Miss ya babe! :D

Katey x

09-15-2014, 05:02 PM
Without fail, the best gifts are received from big hearts and not small packages. Best to you and your wife Michelle. Kim

09-15-2014, 05:15 PM
Hi Michelle . . what a beautiful story and what a lovely wife.



Sarah Doepner
09-15-2014, 06:21 PM
Tell your wife that her words have helped me as well. I find that idea so very reassuring and positive that I need to ask if you will thank her on my behalf.

09-15-2014, 07:03 PM
aw, that's very sweet. Thanks for sharing! :)
I hope your birthdays get to be better than you expect.