View Full Version : Omg,lol,lmaotoo close and yet too funny

phylis anne
09-20-2014, 06:59 PM
Well today I was in target shopping for a bra or at least get some help on one and after having looked through the selection and not getting any help I decided to go as I was walking out of the dept which is right by the front door in walks my daughter and wife!:D of course the daughter asked me what I was doing there I said buying a bra for me of course !! she did not belive me ,good thing I did't have a package in hand as there would have been noway out LOL
hugs phlyis anne

09-20-2014, 07:29 PM
Yikes, close call.

And good idea to tell the truth in a way they wouldn't believe it.

phylis anne
09-20-2014, 07:53 PM
Thanks Jayla,
The funny thing is it went over the wifes head due to her dimmentia/alzheimers but the jury is out on the daughter for now ahh well no risk no reward
hugsphylis anne

Tammy Lynn Tx
09-20-2014, 09:01 PM
Sometimes we tell the truth and no one believes us anyways :eek: I told my wife the night we met and she looked kinda relieved...
she thought I was a Hells Angel or something

Beverley Sims
09-21-2014, 09:42 PM
I have told the truth many times.

No negatives as most thought it as a joke.

Some positive results have been "Well lets go and help you decide on a choice."

I loved it when that happened. :)

Julia Red
09-21-2014, 09:56 PM
Just before I told my daughter about my CDing, I gave her one of my wigs. She asked "where did you buy it?" and I said "nowhere, it was mine". She's used to my jokes so she just laughed, but later on she asked again: "No, seriously, where did you got that?". I said that I was not kidding when I said it was mine and she didn't believe me again. I had to convince her I was speaking the truth, so I told her all about my crossdressing. I was planning to do it anyway and found that to be the perfect time.

09-21-2014, 11:11 PM
It's funny, but I seem to have little reservation in telling a strange woman about my CDing. Like at a Lane Bryant store while shopping or a nurse at my doctor's office, etc, etc,etc, But, I would not dare talk about it in front of my wife or family members - with whom I should be most comfortable discussing personal things! Whenever I thought about it, I just freeze up about the potential reactions that might ensue. What a shame!

Natasha V
09-21-2014, 11:20 PM
Wow that was really close. lol

09-22-2014, 05:52 AM
That's one reason why I don't shop in my own town, but it's strange when you think you're safe shopping you often bump into someone you know !!

phylis anne
09-22-2014, 06:25 AM
Teresa ,
Yes that was a close call ,so since I will be going over to the seattle area for a bra fitting with an "aware type shop" that is where I will do most of my shopping from now on
phylis anne

09-22-2014, 06:39 AM
I almost had a close encounter with a big mouth sister in law once lucky I saw her before she saw me I was in the bra section at K-MART.

Lexi Moralas
09-22-2014, 08:46 AM
Wow close one ! That why I rarely shop near home . Except that one time a found a pair of Vera wang booties on the clearance rack at kolhs for like $20.00
Just couldn't pass that up!

09-22-2014, 09:01 AM
You could have been trying on women's shoes at Payless!

I usually shop with my wife but of course she knows about my hobby. Usually not for shoes though because there's no chance that those 12W shoes are for her. Me, I just take them to the counter and own it.

Tina B.
09-22-2014, 09:06 AM
I live in a small town, surrounded with other small towns, but of all of them, my town has the most stores, it's at least a hundred miles to find any shopping better, so you shop where you live.
Well I have an older son that lives here in town, and one day while at Target, while going from the shoe department, to the women's clothing dept. I ran in to the son and his kids in the children's section, I was sure glad I passed on the red heels, that I almost put in the basket. I'm doing a lot more shopping on line, but I love shopping in person, much better.