View Full Version : Kkaye

09-20-2014, 11:42 PM
I crossdress as a fulfillment of myself because after spending a life time of suppressing my desire to be me. I tended to worry about what others thought or the shock of seeing me other than my day to day self. My full time self is this utlimate fighter looking dude. Kkaye is this person that is a sexy chick, I admire and love being. Without her, I would not be complete. As for my relationships and past wives. It never crossed my mind to tell them. I enjoy the ability to walk on both sides of the street. I live on one side. I visit the other. The option is mine. But the day, I reveal Kkaye, I will be stuck with which ever side of the street others judge me by.
Loving my selves.

09-21-2014, 04:52 AM
And here, I feel, is our philosophical thought for the day... :)

I like the idea of visiting the 'other side of the street' without getting stuck on it... it's a valid perspective that it can be others judgments that place us in one box when in reality we have always been more mobile and flitted between two or more, but by revealing ourselves we potentially allow other people to categorise us in their own realities...


Katey x