View Full Version : How Far Do We Go In Boring Male Mode?

Girly Sara
01-23-2006, 11:15 AM
Hey there girls!

I'm new to this forum so i'd like to get to know you all and hopefully come up with some good threads and be supportive to other girls...and hope they will be to me too! hehe

Anyways, my question is in the title. When, like myself, i don't get to go out enfemme during the day...YET! although i've been out as Sara numerous times at night, what do we do to keep in touch with our feminine side? Well here goes as far as i'm concerned. I regularly go to a local salon where all the girls know about 'Sara'. I have french manicures, pedicures, eyebrow waxes and tints, eyelash tints. I've even had a spray tan. This involved me standing in a booth wearing just my knickers (panties) ....well tucked though whilst the manageress sprayed me. Talking of knickers, i wear 'em 24/7 (thankfully i have a long-term supportive girlfriend) I've also had a bra fitting at a major lingerie store, i.e. Contessa (here in the UK) I also wear subtle girls clothing when in male mode, i.e. tops, jeans, socks and knickers as i said.

For those who have yet to do what i've done, please don't think i've done all this in one go. It has taken me ages to get this far. However, with confidence, you can do it. The hurdle i need to overcome now is to go shopping enfemme during the day (that's another thread for another day though)

Anyway girls, i would love to hear your feedback and experiences please.

Take care.

Hugs from sara xxxx

01-23-2006, 11:46 AM
I am still very new to this, having repressed/suppressed this side of me for more nearly 3 decades... that said, I almost always am wearing panties these days, and since it is cold out, almost always wearing tights or stocking, outside temp depending. In my male mode, the trained eye can noticed manicured hands, and shapely eyebrows... soon ears pierced as well... Beyond that, not much to notice, 'cept I am hairless (arms, hands, fingers, legs, etc) and that is not too noticeable with it snowing outside...

Julie York
01-23-2006, 04:00 PM
I have two earrings. And that's all you're likely to get. I am not brave enough.....or actually that inclined to show my hidden self outside my home.

But good luck to you. You look very nice btw.

Tina Dixon
01-23-2006, 04:05 PM
It's still a secret to all the people I know in real life except at Janets where I got my make over, now all my internet friends here and on MSN know and have seen my pictures.

01-23-2006, 04:23 PM
Sara, I too have done all the salon stuff while in male mode - they know about Dana and seem to have lots of fun with me :) Welcome to the forum too :)

Julia Cross
01-23-2006, 04:26 PM
I so admire you gurls who have braved the salon. I wish I had the confidence to experience that as well.


01-23-2006, 04:28 PM
Hi Sara, I too, went to a salon where the manager sprayed my face, funny thing, I didn't get a tan from it.

I am a blonde and I don't fully understand the question. I really don't do anything in male mode except watch TV or sleep.

01-23-2006, 04:30 PM
When I have to be in guy mode(that sounds so wrong!), I pretty much still wear all woman's clothes. Jeans, shirts, sweaters, gym shoes, underwear and such, I just can't wear my beloved pink. I also always wear my bracelets, rings, and gold hoop earrings all the time too. It helps get me through the day, so to speak. As a matter of fact, I'm in the process right now of cleaning out most of my guy clothes, off to Goodwill they go!


Julia Cross
01-23-2006, 04:36 PM
In guy mode I still try my best, and I try to look good as a guy, while bending the limits a little. My girlfriend says I dress like a rock star might, a little more androgynous yet edgy. The long hair definately helps.

like mant others have said, I also believe in presenting myself as bet as I can, in whatever genders apparel is appropriate at the time.


01-23-2006, 06:07 PM
so, if i put on a skirt i am in female mode
and if i zip up my fly im in male mode.

it just aint that simple

Girly Sara
01-24-2006, 05:27 AM
Thanks for your replies girls. It's interesting to hear other people's stories.

Any other girls wish to comment to keep this thread alive?

Sara xxxx

01-24-2006, 06:25 AM
I am transistioning so this may not apply but...

When I am presenting as a boy (getting hard to do), I have numerious things that scream... not male! I have 2 piercings per ear and wear I aquamatine and one diamond stud per ear, long feminine styled hair, girl pants (on occassion), etc. I am just moving toward the ultimate goal of full time and RLT... soon enough!

Girly Sara
01-24-2006, 06:42 AM
Hi ya Mandy,

The very best of luck with going full-time and girl, i love your pink, girly toenails! hehe

Take care.

Sara xxx

01-24-2006, 07:40 AM
I was wearing not-too-shiny nail polish every day, but for some reason I haven't painted my nails or my toenails recently! Please don't revoke my CDing licence, Dana! I typically try to wear at least one or two things that are girly - pants, trouser socks/loafers, panties, necklace, or my pink stone ring, and I always wear my girly winter coat because its cold here.

01-24-2006, 08:59 AM
I don't blend the two when functioning in public. I ike to throw on a nice sweater when at home and the opportunity comes along, but for the most part, when I must function as a guy, that's what the world gets.