View Full Version : Beginnings and Timelines

10-14-2014, 07:08 PM
And so it begins.
Almost a year since I discovered Kacey, and yet in the end the causes had affected and directed my life for decades and with hints all my life. I kind of realized somewhat early on once I started dressing how important and how it "wasn't just about the clothes" it was for me. But never realized how much of my issues thru my 49 years was a direct impact of my GD.

The first day I stepped out of my apartment as Kacey on Jan 15 was wonderful. Liberating.
And Right. That 8 hours out in the world showed to me I was beyond a casual dresser..
It felt too good. But I held off figuring the official reasons for awhile. Dressed regularly.. By..I dunno. April I spent pretty much all time outside as Kacey.

Going full time as Kacey around the house, and out (with only the workplace as the last bastion for the male me) proved a lot. 1: it still was right to live as Kacey and 2: due to speed of all this... My makeup skills still needed a lot of practice :)

So, For a few months now, I've been going weekly to a therapist. To validate suspicions about Kacey and work thru other issues I've had in my life. Turned out a lot of those "other issues" we're still linked back to the same cause.

Meanwhile... Thanks to the therapist I got my letter for HRT a bit ago and it took a it of time to start with the Doc. Doc's appointment was today. From that, I now have my Estriadol in hand with a follow up in 6 weeks for Spiro add-on after further blood analysis.

And so it began.

The next step is figuring out a timeline for advancing.
Well.. In my case, as friends and family know...it's only work (except for one coworker that knows already) that I need to figure out about when to shift. Then there's legal name changes and such to think about. So any suggestions on timing for shifting work-side?
I'm a bit lucky (in a lot of ways). Single, no relationship, Accepting friends, parent, made a lot of this easy up to now.
My work actually has a moderately good plan for helping trans folk. They have a good central rep I can talk to involving this, and they'll help with manager coordination.
Insurance... Am unsure. They're helping my docs and estriadol.. Dunno how "helpful" they'll be down the line. We'll see.

The second aspect is how much "real" I have to be.
I don't mean having full surgeries, but having something growing to feel more real.
I guess that comes down to the thought. That I _am_ Kacey even though I have to rely on paddings, forms and wigs. I accept myself this way (for now..c'mon meds :)) so is that enough for workplace changes? My other part thinks of the logistical side...while in IT, it still is a retailer with crazy stuff happening thru Nov to Jan. So there's a lot to consider for finishing the 'outing' process.

So any suggestions on timing for work?
Will still talk it over with that rep to discuss it all I think.

Footnote: my company (Sears) had a conference about transgendered (in main office meeting place and over phone). According to his rep (prev mentioned) she's had so far 33 employees (as of Aug) go thru her and come out. I forget how many thousands work for Sears..but an interesting stat to know. Others may not be going thru it and just already transitioned so may or not care about her help.. But an interesting number.


10-14-2014, 07:49 PM
Sounds like your flying, KC. U never mention having a second thot or a "what if"?

That doesn't sound normal to me. But, I'm just a CD. What do I know? If you're enjoying your life? Good for u!

10-14-2014, 09:30 PM
Knew there was another part I didn't talk up...
Oh there's been some slight second thoughts. But aside from this CDing aspect, there also other recognition of my own depressions, and snappiness/temper/angers that have really got going over the last few years. And while the depression side hasn't got me to planning ways to suicide...the thought's gotten very close. More of these events recently are really what got me heading to the therapist quickly instead of my usual procrastination. And that anger/temper aspect's started to be worse with affecting work too and affecting me a lot.

The second thoughts I have had are tied to work. Specifically how well will I be able to stay at work. Not due to TS stuff.. Due to general workforce issues. Sears/Kmart hasn't had the best successes recently.. And in a way I dread if they start hacking the workforce there.
I've got 30 years in with the company... And an aging (let alone transgender) IT guy doesn't get many breaks.

Otherwise not much second thoughts due to support from friends and family.

But with the aspect of my increasing anger, depressions, and age, I just know I need to take care of things now.
Not certain I'd be around after another year or 2 without some changes.

10-15-2014, 03:03 AM
Hi Kacey .. I'm happy your seem to be on your way. But take your time. Don't set up any rigid timeline. I would see your company's transgen rep and see what she has to say. When you come out to your co-workers and management is up to you. You might try a gradual approach. In the large organization I'm associate with, and which is the last area in which I'm not completely out , I started showing up with polish on my nails just to judge people's reactions. (Mosty men were quizzical and the women wanted to know where I got my nails done). You might also find a few trusted co-workers and let them know what's going on in your life .. and let them know that you are not trying to keep it a secret. Let the word just slowly get out .. you need to trust that most people will be ok with it.

As far as "how much real" you have to be? Let the answer come to you. This is not about outward appearance. It's about allowing the person that is really you to live as herself, as Kacey. Meds will help. But for it to feel real, you will need to live as Kacey -- completely. Start electrolysis (or laser) as soon as possible, if you haven't done so already. As far as surgery goes, you will know if that is the right course for you. I wish yo well, my friend.

10-15-2014, 12:29 PM
There is no timeline for transition. It is entirely up to you. However, when coming out at work I would suggest you have your legal name change completed or completed on the day you start as Kacey. I would also suggest contacting your HR person about 3 months before you want to make the change so that you and them can work out everything and be ready. Nobody likes a surprise.

10-15-2014, 10:02 PM
Heh. Well thanks all. I will continue to dig further about that name change.
Uncertain on the logic between birth cert and name changes and multi states involvement.
I mean...I'm a MI resident now. Have been for some time. Born in IN though.

I know IN Birth Cert gender changes require "irreversible genital surgery" proof before accepting a gender change.
As do MI DL gender changes.
For just the name side.. how that's coordinated I have to figure out. But I know of name changes on the documents before gender changes to allow the naming legality to go and to be able to legally "be" the new person (albeit missing gender yet until states change laws or I'd get some surgery).

But after that name part is done, then I can continue on with the other things including the final outs at work.

Anyways I'm collecting up all the specifics for it. On the outing at work..It seemed to me too logically to do it at that time (same as name change), but I still thought I'd work some stuff up ahead of time with HR. I've already contacted the main trans HR rep I'd mentioned. We're going to talk it up with my localized HR rep (as that other rep is in central office in Illinois). Mainly as I wanted to do some coordinating and discussion on things with my own manager on stuff leading up to the time. Especially while I'm still on the day shift and can easier talk to people (before I'm trapped in the dungeon of night shift work again :)).

Oh.. and I had thought awhile about adding the nail polish to my fulltime dressing even while at work.
Got kind of tired of getting Mani's and having to remove it after the weekend's over.
I've used shiny strengthener so they've always glistened at work for the last 2 months or so..but never added color at work.
Maybe I'll use this Halloween to get a orange with black spiderweb Mani and leave it on thru the holiday to "start" things :)

10-16-2014, 08:04 AM
All this talk of name change and disclosing at work while valuable is putting the cart way ahead of the horse. There is therapy, blood work, hormones, facial hair removal, wardrobe, going out and becoming comfortable. The list goes on. Take your time. It is not a race. Patience is a trait you will need to develop and hone to perfection. The process will never go as fast as you would like.

10-16-2014, 09:05 AM
Taking time for the HRT to do its work means that everyone who sees and interacts with you will gradually see a woman emerge and by the time you are ready for SRS everyone will be on your side. Sudden changes are catastrophic and generate resistance and even if you have HR on your side they can still be emotional wrecks, but if done gradually the srs will simply be a confirmation rather than a stick it in their face challenge.