View Full Version : time to put brandie away...for now

11-11-2014, 10:04 PM
Halloween was a epic fail for me.
So im going to put brandie away until next october

11-11-2014, 10:09 PM
a whole year...yikes!

Janine cd
11-11-2014, 10:37 PM
I'm sorry that Brandie can't stay with us for any more time. I hope that this experience will get better soon.

11-11-2014, 11:01 PM
Yikes! I've had a few fails myself but I'm still "me"! It was Halloween though...the ultimate "excuse"!?

11-11-2014, 11:17 PM
This story leaves me hanging :) What happened on Halloween that caused this decision? Is Halloween the only time Brandie appears?

11-11-2014, 11:25 PM
If you've fallen off the horse then you must climb right back on it again. Don't wait a full year.

11-12-2014, 12:12 AM
What happened.
The pantyhose I had on was to small and kept going down on me
The heels I bough lasted til I got to the party and they broke so I used my tennis shoes.I had to get another top because it was cold.I got a red sweater that made me look bloated and my face looked swolen.my make up I couldnt get anybody to help with im not good at it.and to top it off I left my wig clear across town so I stuck some braided yarn under a knit hat

11-12-2014, 01:59 AM
A-dam, I hate to be blunt with you but BIG WHOOP, it was Halloween and I'm sure its all good. You learned a few things like how things as a woman can go so wrong so fast! Get used to it. Women deal with this stuff all the time. Example I was partying with some young folks this summer during Pride events and I complimented on a young girls' dress. She said I bought it for 15 bucks at Forever 21, I said no way!!! I can never find deals like that mind you I'm a size 20 lol. Anyway she said yeah 20 mins ago my dress broke where the cups meet so I got a stapler from the bar and stapled it together. I laughed, so you just have to make do with what you have dealt to you and learn to relax...I'm still learning



Hell on Heels
11-12-2014, 04:12 AM
Hell-o Brandie,
A little more planning to your Halloween expectations would help.
I had big expectations for this Halloween as well.
My recent revelation to my SO, and our talks since, had led me to believe she would meet me dressed as Kristyn on Halloween. Well... it never happened!
All the build up, waiting, thinking, wondering... and then ... FAIL!
Very disheartening to say the least.
I dont know what you had expected, but my thoughts to a Halloween reveal....
If i dressed to reveal to my SO for the first time ever on Halloween, she would see me as wearing a costume, something temporary, something that made me happy once a year.
I think she has learned enough to know that this is not a temporary thing.
We both agreed that neither of us were ready for a Kristyn reveal, and when the time is right , it will happen.
Your saying this didn't work, I quit! is saddening. If we all gave up because something didn't go our way, we may not be reading this today.
Live and laugh at our mistakes, learn from them, and others, and then make some more mistakes, just remember to keep laughing!
I hope you just don"t "Give Up" , you'll only find yourself in a deeper hole.
Much Love,

Beverley Sims
11-12-2014, 04:32 AM
That's no good, give her a bit more of an airing that that.
Tell us about the epic fail first.

11-12-2014, 04:42 AM
Brandie its a learning experience. We sometimes forget being a girl is a learned thing.
GG's had their whole life to learn, some of us are young, teen or maturer(is that a word?)
Anyway, be yourself enjoy life with its sometime setbacks and its highs too.

11-12-2014, 05:04 AM
Hi Brandie,

I with the others on this one . . . don't let one fail spoil your fun. You learned a few things for next time and being it was Halloween, I doubt anyone noticed (with the exception of yourself that is :)). Practice your make-up and you will get better.

Don't pack her up just yet.



11-12-2014, 09:24 AM
Hi Brandie:

It is tough to do what is a life time of practice for GGs and cram it all in one night. !! ;) It takes time and there is typically some trial and error. Trust me, you would not want to have seem my first foray into the world of make up 15 years ago...it was not pretty, that's for sure!! But, do what you feel is comfortable for you, but if this is the only reason, keep plugging away, it all gets better.


11-12-2014, 09:35 AM
A-dam, it looks like you just weren't very well prepared. Things like this happen which is why I practice dressing, applying makeup and walking in heels at home. I bought a new skirt for my last outing that didn't end up working as well as I thought it would. If you don't have the opportunity to dress at home, things might not get much better next Halloween.

11-13-2014, 01:34 AM
How it turned out235806

11-13-2014, 02:52 AM
From the way you described your evening, I bet nobody ID you for a cross dresser.