View Full Version : Denied!

Dana Nichole
11-14-2014, 05:18 PM
This is my first real thread. First a little background...

I am very new to CD-ing. I came about my fascination with it in a round-about way. A temporary kinky obsession in another area lead me to what was at first a mild interest and now a strong desire to cross dress. It seems so fun and dangerously exciting without hurting anyone. I am married and in the closet and so my opportunities to dress have been few and far between. I have two older sons, 15 and 21.

About 6 months ago my wife started planning a trip back to the midwest to visit family for a couple of days and decided it would be a good trip to take our 15 year old along on. I would stay home and man the fort, take care of the dogs and so forth. I was quite ok with this because I saw it as a chance to have a few days to have the house to myself and dress.

Then, about 3 months ago, our older boy moved back home with us and it became apparent that I wouldn’t have as much time to dress as I had hoped, but he works, so I decided to take a couple days off work while my wife and younger son are away, so I would still have some time during the day…home alone.

I don’t have much yet in clothes, some undies, a babydoll, heels, stockings and shoes… a nice wig. I was going to go shopping for makeup and maybe see about an outfit while the wife was away. I was nervously excited as the days of her trip to the Midwest got shorter. They left last Friday morning and flew back home the following Tuesday evening. Five days for me to play (although really it would be 4 as my older son was off on Saturday.)

Early Friday morning I drove the wife and son to the airport. Later that morning I got my box of things out, looked through them for a minute, and decided that I would go to the gym, get a good workout in, come home, shower and then dress up. I had no sooner put my box back in the closet and grabbed my car keys when the front door opened and my older son walked in. He had just quit his job.


So, with my older son around most of the 5 days…I had hardly any opportunity to dress and do what I wanted. I skipped on going out to buy makeup or an outfit, it seemed pointless. I was pretty disappointed. I have no idea when another opportunity like this may happen, if ever.

Crap. He couldn’t have waited one more week to quit his job?


11-14-2014, 05:23 PM
Hi Dana,
Sorry to read story though the trials and tribulations of a closeted CDer, I read your post and it was like reading my own story

Julie Denier
11-14-2014, 05:47 PM
Rotten luck ... definitely one of the perils of us closeted dressers, getting that sporadic, all-too-precious femme time. Now to get that son of yours back to work ;)

Dana Nichole
11-14-2014, 06:26 PM
Heidi, he does pay rent. Been paying since he moved back in. He also has landed another job already, starts training on Monday. He was in a pretty serious car accident in April, and the leftover medical bills along with a few other things cleaned him out. He's a good kid, but the timing sure was bad. All weekend, I kept saying to myself "he couldn't wait one week to quit his job?"

Dana time...I like that!

Maria 60
11-14-2014, 09:13 PM
Oh! no surprise for me. You should read some of my past threads, waiting for that moment and they get sick or changed a shift at work, or class was canceled, and so on and so on. I know, all the time wondering what am I going to wear, and then out of the blue, months of planning gone. Welcome to my life, and most crossdressers frustrating life. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Hopeful anther opportunity will come soon, be patient. After all good things come to those who wait.

11-14-2014, 09:55 PM
Awwww...Rats! Jeez Louise indeed! Welcome to the Forum, Dana, and to the awakenings. Hang in there!

Learn. Live. Love...Best wishes on your Journey!


11-14-2014, 10:25 PM
When u REALLY need to dress? U will! Back in the day when I was married with 2 kids at home? I experimented on my out of town trips. Later on, when it became a serious compulsion, I did whatever I had to to try things on!

Dressing at work after hours and on weekends.

In my storage garage.

In my car.

Under dressing.

Getting up in the middle of the nite when evereyone was sleeping.

11-15-2014, 01:40 AM
Well Dana, you could always look on the bright side, he could have walked in after, you had got dressed up?.....

11-15-2014, 02:20 AM
Dana, it sounds like you and your wife did a damn good job of raising your son and you should be very proud.

Have a little patience, and make the most of these last few days of having him around- he's almost gone.

Plenty of time for self indulgence later, though god knows I understand your frustration.

11-15-2014, 04:46 AM
Dana, it was fortunate that you hadn't dressed yet. I know it can be difficult to put it off.
How about at night in your bedroom with door locked?
How about treating him to a movie to get him out for a little while, just tell him to call before
coming back.
Hang in there.

Tina B.
11-15-2014, 10:42 AM
The life of a cross dresser, or you can just figure it was "Murphy's law" (if it can go wrong, it will), sometimes life just gets in the way.

11-15-2014, 10:55 AM
Next time you get the chance before you get the dressing box out maybe get your toolbox out and change the locks !

My son is always doing that to me, he only lives ten minutes away, the times he's scuppered a nicely planned dressing session !

11-15-2014, 06:55 PM
You could always take your son and leave him at a hospital, fire department, or police station. Oh, you said he was 21. Damn the bad luck!:)

11-15-2014, 07:04 PM
What is it they say...? Kids do the funniest things.... :lol:

Karma is mysterious, isn't it... obviously I'm disappointed for you... but then again, good karma - imagine if he had quite his job just a few hours later... :eek:

Perhaps some things are meant to happen when they do for the best... :)

And welcome too...

Katey x