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11-21-2014, 10:40 PM
I've been struggling with what I thought was a cold for about 3 weeks. Had been to doc twice already, had medicine, and had my good and bad days. Today I had a 3 hour road trip to a business location, and on the way there became very ill. Could hardly breathe. Got to my location and drove straight to ER. Ended up I was a real medical emergency with acute pulmonary edema. I was slowly suffocating.

Anyway, I usually underdress a bit. Favorite panties are Cacique in pink and white, but I have quite a collection of seasonal, stripes, themes, etc. too. Maybe a cami and almost always painted toe nails. Today, though, I hit the road in full on drab. I am in the closet and want to stay there. Worked to my favor as I ended up stripped and in one of those tasteless hospital gowns. Four shots to the rear, oxygen, breathing treatments and 6 hours of outpatient bed time along with a parade of nurse poking and prodding and i was released. Still feeling the effects, but better.

Anyway, it was all so surreal. Still processing.

11-21-2014, 10:47 PM
I thought it was a pulled muscle.... I was unloading cafeteria tables out of a hay loft. One got away and I lunged after it and hurt my chest.

Four days I thought I was nursing a pulled muscle.... like you breathing got more difficult and difficult. Finally, on a cold Saturday morning I woke and couldn't breath. In my infiinite wisdom I thought if I sat in the hot tub I'd be able to breath. This was a 5:30 in the morning.

My wife got up and found me...she's a nurse, she told me to get dressed we were going to the hospital. Pulumary Embolism. Spent some time in the hospital.... I wore Jockey for her elance briefs under my sweats to the hospital.... I felt so poorly getting dressed my wife pulled them out of my drawer and gave them to me.

Later, after I was admitted, she brought me some clean panties..... again the jockey elance.

Four weeks later, I can still feel the effects.

Linda E. Woodworth
11-22-2014, 08:10 AM
I'm glad everyone is on the mend.

I thought I had it bad breaking a rib this time at work. We were in a remote location and the satellite doc was worried in case the rib did some serious damage to my lungs. The on site medic was up to the task, ex-special forces trained, and I was only sore for a few weeks. I felt more like an idiot for getting hurt in the first place than anything else.

11-22-2014, 08:31 AM
Wow, that's a close call! Not the fact that you might have been underdressed...but to have such a close call. Is the pulmonary edema associated with heart issues?

As I have gotten older I've given some thought to what I'd do if I felt the big one coming on while I was dressed.

Allison Chaynes
11-22-2014, 11:24 AM
Great cautionary tale MissTee. I've been struggling with asthma lately myself and worried about whether or not it was something more.

11-22-2014, 11:50 AM
I'm curious Miss Tee. U were in a city far from where u live. If u were dressed in a prom gown with all the trimmings when u went to the hospital? What's the worse that could have happened?

On the other hand, I guess anyone finding out u dress where u live COULD be a worry for us CD's! So, if u continue to underdress when you're having health issues? You've been warned.

11-22-2014, 12:17 PM
Miss Tee, I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend! As we age it's imperative that we pay more attention to what our body is telling us. In our 20s we know that we are indestructible but as we reach 50s, 60s, and 70s it just isn't true. Damn!

Hugs, Bria

Sarah Doepner
11-22-2014, 12:29 PM
I used to think I was made of steel and these days I'm more of a creampuff. Take care and finish getting healthy again, the dressing is secondary to that staying alive thingie.

11-22-2014, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the well wishes all. Wasn't a heart issue thank goodness, but I had digressed to severe bronchitis and lower lung inflammation from fluid collecting there. I am entering my late 50's, am active and feel great most of the time. Suppose there is something about the aging thing I should be mindful of going forward. Anyway, I am on heavy anti-B's, steroids, and breathing treatments from home for at least a week.

I'm curious Miss Tee. U were in a city far from where u live. If u were dressed in a prom gown with all the trimmings when u went to the hospital? What's the worse that could have happened?

Good question and one I've thought about. In that case, I would be simply be outed.

Beverley Sims
11-22-2014, 05:49 PM
My view on all this.
If it happened to me fully dressed with forms and they saved my life, it means that I live to wear forms another day and they have succeeded in doing their job well.
The medical profession may have something to talk about over a coffee break tomorrow, but the next day it will be something else entirely.

Whatever age we are we should look over our shoulder sometimes, I have had four workmates one as young as twenty five die of undiagnosed heart problems.

We won't talk about the cancer problems, that is just a cruel diagnosis to deal with.

11-22-2014, 09:18 PM
I collapsed at home with huge embolisms in both lungs. I was wearing green lace panties and black tights under my male clothing. The doctors told me I was lucky to be alive. Being outed was the least of my concerns. Oddly enough, I don't even like green that much. :)

Alice Torn
11-22-2014, 09:37 PM
Good thing it turned out well, and you were in drab. If i am ever fully dressed, and have a heart failure, the medics may pop my water balloons in my bra, giving CPR!

11-23-2014, 03:01 AM
almost always painted toe nails.

Question, did you have your toe's done? If so, any response.......
I went to a dermatologist a while ago and he wanted to check my feet.
I hesitated, then thought WTF and pulled off my socks. He didn't respond at all?
Have been back a few times since and now I just respond that my feet are OK.
He has never made a comment. Also normally he has one or two other people in the room with him.
When this happened, as far as I know, no one else noticed.

Alison Bellis
11-24-2014, 04:26 PM
It's a worry this getting older. I'm late sixties! I can hardly believe it! Five minutes ago I was only thirtyfive. I'm half expecting a letter from some civil servant or some such functionary to regretfully inform me that they have made a mistake and that in reality I'm really years younger than they. If that really did happen (Dream on) it would be a real worry, because, although I'm in reasonable shape for a pensioner, I'm a physical mess for a youngster. Blood pressure, statins etc.

Anyway, the problem that worries me more and more is what happens if I am suddenly taken seriously ill or even worse? I live alone and am closely closeted. I spend almost all my time at home dressed, and although I wear drab when out and about, I am always underdressed, shaved and wearing the brightest pink polish on my toes. My wardrobe is crammed with my Alison dresses, skirts tops etc. and my chest of drawers filled with wigs, lingerie, cosmetics and jewellery.

I have children and grandchildren who live nearby. What a surprise they might be in for! It's not what I want to happen. I just hope that if I become seriously ill I have enough warning to give me time to "purge" and "pop off" leaving their memories of their testosterone fuelled macho Dad intact! Do other girls have similar worries?


Alison X

Julie Martin
11-24-2014, 05:58 PM
Miss Tee, glad you are OK.
Quoting Allison Bellis, "I have children and grandchildren who live nearby. What a surprise they might be in for! It's not what I want to happen. I just hope that if I become seriously ill I have enough warning to give me time to "purge" and "pop off" leaving their memories of their testosterone fuelled macho Dad intact! Do other girls have similar worries?"
Yes, I worried about that..which is why I now keep any Julie stuff in a storage facility at the transformation service I go to when I dress..but I only dress a couple times a year. Harder if you dress frequently and at home. But might offer peace of mind if you could find a place close by? Just a thought.

11-24-2014, 08:07 PM
WOW Miss_Tee! More important than being outed is that you are alright of course. But, I fully understand your situation. I had a nasty case of gout a week ago and at the time I had my toes painted a gorgeous metallic candy apple red. The gout got so bad I HAD to go to the doctor. So, I spent a good half hour to an hour taking my beautiful red nail polish off and cleaning around the sides of the toes to get rid of all the evidence. I was tempted to just leave it and say so what. But, I like you am still in the closet at this point and couldn't bring myself to do that. I really envy those who have understanding and supporting friends and relatives.
So happy to hear all has turned out well for you. I hope you have a full recovery soon. XOXOXOX


11-24-2014, 09:12 PM
Question, did you have your toe's done? If so, any response.......

Nope, even my toes were drab. Earlier in the month I decided to take a break from dressing. Not as a purge or anything, but I was so busy with work and traveling a lot I simply did not have time or desire. I even grew some facial hair in observance of Mo'vember (men's health awareness.) Odd I should do all that and fall ill.

I can tell this recovery will be slow. Stayed in bed all weekend, and moved around a little today. Lung function coming back somewhat, but I get tired very easily. Lungs and throat still sore from all the coughing, which worsens if I stir too much. I've lost a little more than 15 lbs in a week. Doc says that's all due to my increased heart rate caused by the illness (heart working harder to make up for diminished lung function.) I'm told to expect 2-3 weeks to come out of it. Dressing can wait, but I'll stay tuned here. Thanks for all the concern.

11-25-2014, 02:11 AM
You really had a close call, and the recovery is tough......
I think almost all of us would love to loose 15#, just not that way!
As we age, the ER visits happen more and more often, as long as we make it we are ahead of the game.

Wishing you All the best and hope you have a quick recovery!
Life is short, Tomorrow is always a "GIFT"

11-25-2014, 09:01 AM
Hey MissTee - I missed your post first time around... I'm so sorry to hear about what happened but very, very glad you're on the road to recovery again... :hugs:

As you say, things like this can feel a bit surreal - and frankly, in the context of a serious condition like this, who would care what they're wearing - I know I wouldn't.. :)

Let's hope you lost those 15lbs off the right places.... every cloud, etc. ;)

Katey x

11-25-2014, 09:19 AM
I am glad you are all right, that was to close for comfort. Being caught underdress was the least of you worries, I hope you recover fully, hugs