View Full Version : My true self

11-22-2014, 09:30 AM
We just returned from Las Vegas where I felt my true self, alto with other men I always felt my inner self being out front. My wife thinks it looks ok when I wear my bras and all of me in them, I now feel very comfortable wearing bras out in public since its just me no forms all real and it makes me feel the real girl in me. My new dressing is bra and always panties with some light makeup no one really has noticed and it make me feel good inside.

11-22-2014, 12:02 PM
Under dressing is usually thrilling when we first start out, Kari. I remember those good old days myself.

Unfortunately, for many of us girls? We grow out of that stage and want more. However, I hope u continue to enjoy underdressing for a long time!:thumbsup:

11-22-2014, 03:29 PM
After a while underdressing becomes the norm and as the Doc says, you will want to move on and develop more of your femme personality.

11-22-2014, 03:51 PM
Good to hear, hon!

Your desire to dress isn't a 'thing', it is part of who you are. Good that your partner accepts that.

You didn't get to pick which body you were born in, so it has NOTHING to do with your identity.

You are who you are, sweetie. Try not to be afraid of that. (I know some parts are scary. There are serious risks.)

If you can do that? Then you give those who follow us examples to follow.

Be YOU. Approval? Who are THEY? Why do you care? If you aren't in physical danger, then WORK it, girl!

If you live in a place where that is hard/dangerous, then you STILL need to be who you are, it just may display differently.. but that doesn't mean who you are is hidden. You are not going to change THEM, but you don't need to sacrifice being YOU. You just need to do it more subtlety. I get that you can't wave it out there, but there is no reason you have to HIDE.


- MM

Beverley Sims
11-22-2014, 06:24 PM
It is fun when you first experience underdressing, it is somethingthat has passed me by now and I am always under dressed.
Other interests do come along to keep the dressing experience alive.

11-22-2014, 06:34 PM
It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was occasionally dressing, mainly at home, and underdressing much more frequently. I think that was 2009 when I first went out in public dressed. Now I'm transitioning, something that I never thought that I'd do.

Back at SCC that year someone told a joke that went, "What's the difference between a crossdresser and a transsexual? About 2 years." So it took me a little longer, but at the time I really did see it only as humor.