View Full Version : Lady's changing room redux.

I Am Paula
11-28-2014, 10:42 AM
After spending a fortune on my body, and face this year, I've decided to fix the things I can't just pay someone. I joined a gym. I've been doing yoga twice a week, and now I'll do cardio, and whole body workouts. Started two days ago, and enjoying it so far. Not much point in transition if I drop dead from a coronary in two years.
There was a thread a few weeks ago re: ladies changing rooms. I discussed this with the trainer, as my transness fell into the 'need to know' category. First, and straying from the subject a bit, when I mentioned I was trans, she was dumbstruck, then said 'Well, nobody would ever know it'. Flattery or not, I took the compliment and ran with it. Then I asked her about changing room policies. She said Goodlife had no written policy, but it has come up before. She said 99.99% of women come dressed for workout, and only use the changeroom to leave personal belongings, and in her six years, had never seen anyone naked in it. Sometimes women get out of a wet bra. Each shower stall has a bench and a hook, so if I shower, I can go into the stall dressed.
The way I look at it is that this is perfectly sensible. IMHO, a pre-op shouldn't get naked in the ladies change room. I'm all for trans rights, and we are all women after all blah blah, but it's not too much to make the ladies changeroom a penis free area.

Angela Campbell
11-28-2014, 10:54 AM
there is not a chance in hell I would let someone who is not my lover ever see my penis anyway.

I Am Paula
11-28-2014, 10:56 AM
With you there Angela, but this seems to come up with some regularity. I've often questioned the motives of those who want to be naked there.

11-28-2014, 01:39 PM
I've often questioned the motives of those who want to be naked there.

Maybe they misread your post and thought you wanted to make it a free penis area.

11-28-2014, 02:08 PM
I agree, Paula and Angela.

In addition to all of the other motivations, more people will appreciaate and respect us if we show respect for them., Most women are modest and we need to be as well.

Good luck with your new project, Paula!


11-28-2014, 03:12 PM
I can find no good reason to want to expose anyone to that level of nakedness in a locker room. Most women I know have no issue exposing thier tops, but the bottoms tend to stay behind doors (chaining rooms, stalls, etc.).

So why should anyone else want to expose themselves that way? It has nothing to do with the right to be there and everything to do with being reasonable and courteous.


11-28-2014, 03:28 PM
I've uesd the ladies locker room for a couple years now and only just had SARS a month ago. I always came to the gym ready to workout. Other than a few days where I had plumbing issues at home I've never showered at the gym. BUT! If I did (and when I did) I just uesd the private stalls. Even now I wouldn't expose my genetalia in a public space, there is just no reason to.

11-28-2014, 06:27 PM
If I can answer more seriously this time, even though I am a naturist I do not push my nudity onto others and feel the same way as you about changing rooms (at least in non naturist venues).

Most women are modest and we need to be as well.

Unfortunately this is not always the case, and when it's not it can come paired with hypocrisy.
On my second day after going full time, I attended a religious festival in another city. A groups from this city traveled together and stayed in a school where we could sleep in the classrooms and use the changing rooms to get ready for the festival (with other people from other cities).
Notice that this is a religion that places a lot of emphasis on modesty, like most do, but up to the point where it's recommended that people shouldn't be naked even for themselves.
The morning of the festival I woke up the earliest so I could shower before anybody else got there. Of course I showered and got dressed behind the closed door of the stall (as everybody was expected to do). Shortly before the festival, when I went into the changing room to put on a more appropriate outfit there were other women getting ready. One of them had stripped down to her underwear.
Ironically, while nobody saw a centimeter of my skin more than they normally do, she was the only one that complained about my presence in there.

11-28-2014, 08:40 PM
Even now I wouldn't expose my genetalia in a public space, there is just no reason to.

Hmmm . . . I seem to be much less squeamish about this. No doubt due to years of being in the military, where group nekkidness in a common shower isn't such a big deal. Granted, I didn't shower with women at the time, but as far as I know they had more or less the same standards of modesty as the men did. Drop trou, get clean, suit up and get on with your day. No biggie.

It's a gym. There are showers there. If other women have an issue with me traipsing my [post-op] behind into the shower stall in whatever state of undress might seem appropriate at the moment then perhaps it is they who should shower elsewhere.

11-28-2014, 08:58 PM
I'd be less worried about the peener than I would be about not passing well enough.
Either way I'd rather no one see my lower half so it'd have to be tucked away and I'd probably wear pants or something.

11-30-2014, 09:49 AM
I can see that these situations can be challenging. I think if you change your underwear sitting down on the bench and drape a towel across your legs at the same time then you'll be ok. If you stand straight up off the bench like doing a jumping jack then people will take notice.