View Full Version : Curiosity

01-27-2006, 08:19 AM
+? I never imagined at this stage that I would want to tell my brother that I love crossdressing,the only thing is that he's gay will a gay brother accept another brother who crossdresses??Anyone who could relate to me???:)

Stacy Reso
01-27-2006, 08:20 AM
well he would know what its like to be different

01-27-2006, 08:29 AM
You are right,but where would I start??I remember finding some high heel pumps in his trunk one day and now looking back at those moments in time I do wanna tell him..thanks for your reply

01-27-2006, 08:41 AM
I guess it really depends how you think he will react to it and whether he will be supportive or not. Offhand, I would think that you would have a greater chance of acceptance since transgendered individuals like us are struggling with some of the same issues of acceptance in our society as gays/lesbians are. Of course, just because somebody is gay/lesbian doesn't necessarily mean that they don't have strong beliefs about how men and women should dress or act, however I suspect that you probably wouldn't be contemplating telling your brother if you thought that he'd outright shun you. I told my brother shortly after I started crossdressing, primarily because we were living in the same house and I didn't want him to be shocked if he accidentally saw me en femme. I was extremely nervous about telling him about it because we weren't really on good terms back then and he and I are not really alike in terms of our personality and interests but he turned out to be surprisingly accepting. Good luck with whatever you decide and tell us how it turns out! :thumbsup:

01-27-2006, 08:49 AM
I defenitely will and thanks for your response,I assume him being gay it's gonna be easy but as you said not all gays think the same.I will get you girls all the results from my little encounter.Thank you so much!!

01-27-2006, 09:32 AM
My personal opinion is that your brother will accept you as long as you approach the subject in delicate manner and choose the moment carefully. You may find that he will be more understanding and/or interested in your dressing than you thought.

Good luck, hope it all works out for you.


01-27-2006, 09:44 AM
gay people and transgendered people have a lot in commen as far a our society are concerned. we have a lot of the same issues. I think you have a very good chance of acceptance and a real good heart to heart is on the way. good luck.

02-02-2006, 02:20 AM
Thanks for the replies and I want to find the right moment and remember all the good advices yall girls gave me thanks !!:thumbsup:

Helen MC
02-02-2006, 03:12 AM
One would hope that a Homosexual or a Lesbian would be more tolerant towards CDs ,TVs and TS than your average man or woman in the street, given that they like us are "different". Most are I have found, but alas as with all walks of life there are bigots in those groups as there are in the mainstream, just as there are CDs and TVs who detest Homosexuals. One would expect one minority to be supportive of others but I have even encountered Black Racists, Jews who are abusive of other Religio-Racial types etc. I'm afraid that is human nature.

Good Luck if you do decide to come out to your brother.

02-02-2006, 04:57 AM
Hi Danielle

I have found since coming out that those who loved you before will still do so, the others I don't worry about. We're all a little outside of the box, everyone's different in some way or the other, so I think he'll be okay with it.


02-02-2006, 06:46 PM
I don't have any firsthand experience in this, but I've read numerous posts in the last few years along this subject. Being he's your brother, he may be much more accepting.

However, I've read more than a handful of times how some of the gay community holds a serious dislike for the TG/CD community. I guess they feel like we're infringing on their turf, since many of us CDs are NOT gay, and that we're not really part of their community either.

I wish you the best, but just be prepared for a reaction that may not be the one you want. Keep us posted.

02-03-2006, 07:50 AM
I have kind of mentioned to my brother that I have a crossdresser friend and his eyes seem to pop out:eek: It will be complicated but so far I have dealt with all this thanks to this site and it's helping ME be more calm about reactions that before were taken to aggresively are now being taken so diffrent:clap: I will never stop thanking you all for the support and I hope this turns out good one day,I will keep you informed of my progress:bye: for now.