View Full Version : Thoughts on the Bathroom

12-22-2014, 03:17 AM

Someone else stated in another thread to avoid dressing in the bathrooms. Given that I often want to dress after my events staffing job, where I don't dress, that means finding a place to transform from John into Amy.

I usually park on the far side of the building from where my work office is ... this is to keep my bike out of the way of pedestrian traffic or anything else. However, it also means that the bulk of an athletic building is between my workplace and my bike. After making the switch one time in a bathroom somewhat along the main route through the building, I decided that I should dress in a bathroom that is quite some distance off the beaten path.

It is awesome! Of course, given that these are in an athletic building, you have sinks, floors, and dividers. But you also have QUIET and you are ALONE! I absolutely love it, and I love the feeling of emerging from the building as Amy.

Amy M. Jackson


Let me expand both on my own post, and on the blog entry by Charlie at http://www.transpottingtalk.blogspot.co.uk/

I think there are gender neutral bathrooms that are wonderful for allowing a crossdresser or TG to use the facilities if they feel using either of the other gendered bathrooms is not comfortable.

In my case, the supervisor at my call center job basically told me I would be using the Men's bathroom. Now, if given no other choice, I would probably rather use the Men's room rather than the Women's room, for the simple reason I told myself at the time "I don't want to be an agent of chaos". And Charlie also touched on some of the issues involved, namely that people can get even suspected of doing "less than noble" deeds while in the bathroom of the other gender. However, I have been in Women's rooms, both for work purposes when I was a custodian some years ago, and to actually use the facilities at times when hardly anyone was in the building ... However, my reason for not wanting to use the Men's room is much the same reasoning. Dressed as a woman, I am presenting as a female in a male's only area, which disturbs both myself, and possibly the men in the restroom.

I know that a lot of consternation is raised when someone in school says they want to use the other gender's bathroom. As others have said, this may be perhaps one of the last areas of human growth that we will have to go through. That being said, think of a cat. One of the main reasons a cat poops on your carpet rather than in the cat box is because they need to feel safe while eliminating. This is not to say that the sight of a woman ( or a man dressed as a woman ) will make someone not use the facilities and instead poop on themselves, but it could very well cause annoyance that is not necessary.

While we humans are growing in this area, this is one of those issues where we CD woman and TGs need to be patient and respectful of the work environment. Perhaps it is an opportunity to lobby for a unisex bathroom at the workplace. I love the fact that for some reason the university built one in the office annex building.

Amy M. Jackson