View Full Version : Shallow is merely a perception: But so is Harley Davidson?!

Caden Lane
01-15-2015, 09:18 PM
I wrote the following this morning in response to one of my follower’s comments on another blog I wrote earlier(My blog is listed in my signature line). Pat(a blog follower) had commented that her spouse was concerned about family friends learning that Pat dresses, and how it may impact their perceptions of her as a man and husband. I am of course paraphrasing here. I genuinely liked my response, and felt compelled to repost it here. I have indeed made some content and contextual changes, but the full meaning is still here.

Shallow is merely a perception. If they perceive that everything you have done and accomplished as a man and husband, is somehow hollow or shallow, simply for the fact you express yourself in a contrary way than they expect, who is really shallow? By dressing, and expressing our inner feminine, we are being truer and increasingly more authentic to whom we really are. We may hide behind closed doors, or four walls, or that dimly lit bistro we sneak to in order to get out while dressed; but we do that out of the stigmas that society clings to historically, without justification.

Society still insists on seeing gender as a binary, they still feel that to step outside of a societal norm is somehow wrong. Yet on the weekend, they attire themselves in Harley Davidson attire, and bike around town like they are a rebel without a cause, emulating a portion of society that rebels against societal norms. They pick and choose which norms are good and bad, I ask why do they get to choose? Is there a mysterious commission like the NFL commission, which makes these rulings? If there is a Commissioner, I’d like to petition the Commission for Alternate Gender days, or at least Satin Saturdays.

Society’s mis-perception of who you are cannot be your problem. Any mis-perception is due in part to their narrow, albeit shallow views, thereby forcing you to diminish your light, put on a façade, and live a sort of lie. I simply wonder what secrets or private matters they hide behind closed doors that they worry about being judged over. The façade they thrust on you is not your fault. It is based solely on their expectations society has, a false construct which does not allow for the flexibility the human mind and body need to be whole or complete. Does your dressing affect your parenting or you being a good husband? In most cases; no it does not. But yet we struggle against those perceptions and expectations that society feels are justified. Society, like the government, seems to have this nagging ability to thrust its expectations on us, and call it right.

I think most spouses or significant others worry about others people perceptions; what would the Garden Club or PTO think if they knew. Who can blame them from worrying, it is a mantle we carry on our broad shoulders, day in day out, for a majority of our lives. We have simply learned to live with it. Meanwhile our spouses or SOs have this side of us thrust upon them, and are told that a condition of loving us is; loving or tolerating our feminine aspect. But unlike us, they have the benefit of choosing to shoulder it. And some still do, for better or worse in some cases. In other cases, it becomes a Don’t Ask/ Don’t Tell relationship with massive conditions placed upon us the dresser, and we are told to be thankful that they are making concessions, while we must again compromise who we are. Who is compromising in that situation? And yet in other relationships, the spouse sets about simply trying to change the person they married into the image of the person they wanted to marry to begin with. Men in general suffer that indignity, never quite living up to this unknown expectation of what her perfect is; having no way to ever live up to that expectation. Throw crossdressing into the mix, and suddenly her prince charming has turned into a frog, “this just won’t do.” And the polishing begins. What is wrong I ask you, with loving a person “in toto?” Why can we not Love that person, take the good with the bad, just as they are? Why can we not find ways to embrace the bad with the good? Why can we not overlook the bad, and super emphasize the good? Why does something innocuous and not dangerous have to even be thought of as bad? It is that pesky societal construct.

Many years ago, I knew another crossdresser on-line, the crossdresser’s wife had been very liberal throughout her life; helping with whatever cause dujour she happened upon that needed her help. At the time my friend came out to her about her crossdressing, she happened to be on several Gay/Lesbian/Transgender committees. She was also bi-sexual. Oddly enough, she was no longer a proponent once it crowded her own little construct, and it impacted her personally. My friend never saw it coming; she had convinced herself her spouse would understand and support her. It is a shame that people can flip-flop so casually once things impact them personally. But the argument her spouse used was that she had mislead and lied to her for years. My friend argued relentlessly, that she had no way of knowing how she would respond, that her intent was not to mislead or lie. That she lived in fear of being ridiculed, unaccepted, rejected. Her spouse’s responses justified those fears. Yet she never saw that is exactly what had happened. She was too close to see that her reactions were exactly why her husband had been fearful to tell the truth, until he had thought he had perceived an opening and possible acceptance in the groups that she backed. They eventually divorced.

As for me, I’ve vowed to Love my girlfriend, in every way, good with the bad. Bad habits, good habits. I Love her as she is. I Love her despite any thoughts, misgivings, concerns or worries she has about my dressing. I vow to help her understand if she is willing. I vow to communicate and keep those communication channels open. I also vow to give her space when she reaches a point where it is all too much to absorb. It is my sincere hope that with this all enduring Love, that she is able to Love me in toto, and maybe find a way to find an endearing, even platonic love for Caden.

All I’ve ever wanted from life has been to be happy. There are extravagant things that would make me happy, simple things that make me happy and feminine things which make me happy. I strive to find the balance of all those things to find my happy place. That’s all any of us can do.

Ever & Always,
A much happier Caden Lane

01-15-2015, 09:29 PM
I think this is one of the best essays I have ever read about cross dressing, and what it means to be someone who does.

It occurred to me as I was reading, that even the term "cross dressing" implies something out of the ordinary; something that does not quite fit into the societal construct, because society assigns specific types of clothing within the confines of a binary assumption.

Melody A
01-15-2015, 10:25 PM
BRAVO!! Beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing!


01-16-2015, 11:41 AM
Like I said before EXCELLENT!

01-16-2015, 11:45 AM
I'm less and less comfortable with labels like "inner femme". I like clothes that are preferred by females.
It is an expression of my planar self.
BTW, shallow water is always warmer.

01-16-2015, 11:47 AM
Very well written. And yes, I too agree that society does pick and choose how we can alternately express ourselves. Gender expression always is among the least accepted yet in reality is far from harmful.

One thing I would like to reiterate is the gg spouse who is a liberal and otherwise accepting person. In my experience when it comes to GG's, do not count out how important it is for so many of them when it comes to trust and honesty. Yes, she may be accepting and who knows may have been had her husband been honest from the beginning. But when lies are told or such a part of the person is not divulged, it is a personal pain women go through regardless of how accepting they are or might be. It is not entirely hypocrisy on her part nor NIMBY either.

Stephanie Sometimes
01-16-2015, 12:51 PM
I have to agree that was a wonderful essay on crossdressing and so nicely written. Thanks for sharing it Caden!

01-16-2015, 12:56 PM
caden, very articulated, you can substitute almost any activity, just fill in the blank________________?!

Shallow is merely a perception: But so is ________________?!

comic con, civil war re-en-actor, star war convention, football fanatic, ect...........all are clothing related or costumes yes....

thought i would share this.....


fill in the other examples and is it funny,

01-16-2015, 04:27 PM
All I’ve ever wanted from life has been to be happy. There are extravagant things that would make me happy, simple things that make me happy and feminine things which make me happy. I strive to find the balance of all those things to find my happy place. That’s all any of us can do.

If most of us had this mantra the world would be a better place!

Great share!


Caden Lane
01-16-2015, 05:03 PM
Thank you all for your validation on the essay. It is always nice to know that a peice like that is well received.

@gendermutt- my intent wasn't to discount the trust being broken, but the convenience with which people can switch their belief constructs in and off. But it is a valid concern once the trust is violated. But I do feel that negative responses tend to validate the fear with which Crossdressers are forced to hide behind stigma.

@ mildly- I LOVE the cartoon. Very apropo!

@InventYourself- Thank you. It has taken me a lot of years to realize that simple mantra. I am still trying to incorporate it into my male life. It came far easier to my femme persona.

But thank you all again for enjoying the essay.

Ever & Always,
A very validated Caden Lane

01-17-2015, 05:14 AM
That's a nice piece Caden... :) While you've obviously written this from your own experiences I think you've also captured many of those common feelings that will affect many of us, if not all.

The older I get the more I seem to realise how little most folk are prepared to think out of their own little box or reality: I think it's down to a lack of imagination, or fear, or energy... something... But I believe we're forced to exercise that imagination because of what drives us, and that opens up possibilities - not just in what we do for ourselves, but also in being more tolerant and understanding of other people and their issues.

A good, thoughtful read - the blog's worth a look too... :D

Katey x

Caden Lane
01-17-2015, 12:24 PM
Thank you Katey, that means a lot to me. As a writer it is always nice to find your audience and know that your efforts are appreciated. I have only recently decided to blur the line between my male aspect and my female aspect as far as my writing goes. I've recently found myself wondering if my writers voice has been that of Caden all along.

Ever & Always,
An appreciative Caden Lane

01-17-2015, 08:27 PM
Throw crossdressing into the mix, and suddenly her prince charming has turned into a frog, “this just won’t do.” And the polishing begins. What is wrong I ask you, with loving a person “in toto?” Why can we not Love that person, take the good with the bad, just as they are?
Well, you did ask. And so; We fall in love, and are sexually attracted to, not necessarily the person, but what we know of that person. When we meet someone we create an image of them in our mind, based on everything we know about them. We fall in love with that; and as the old saying goes, what we don't know, doesn't hurt us. We sail along in life, feeling in love, based on all the wonderful things about our mate that we know. Physically attractive to us, perhaps kind, loving, affectionate. In the case of women, they often need to feel that her mate will protect her, stand up for her, no matter what happens. Without that feeling of security, of devotion to her, she cannot fall in love. And then one day she finds out that what she knows about us is wrong. We're not the masculine guy she thought we are. So much comes into question; if we're not 'all masculine' male, what are we? Are we gay? If we are and want to be feminine so much, will we be submissive? Will we one day not be the stand up guy, but the submissive female? And her protection and solid as a rock guy is not really there? And the image of her knight in shining armor is shattered. The sexual attraction is gone, as the image of a male is replaced with something female, which is a sexual turn off for most women. Then, if she is still of an age to be sexually attracted to men at all, she needs to replace YOU with some other object of affection, some other object she thinks about when she gets that tingle in her genitals. And that's when the love disappears as well. She feels deceived that you aren't what you portrayed yourself to be. Affection turns to discontent, sometimes anger, as her whole life isn't what she wanted it to be. Once the sexual attraction is gone, very often love soon follows. Once that's gone, she has no use for you anymore, other than a meal ticket. And if she finds someone to replace you there, you're finished. Done. Relationship over. Sure, legally if you're married she's contractually obligated to be with you, but that can easily change if she either hates you enough or just finds a new boyfriend.
Crossdressing almost always screws up the sexual attraction women feel for us. Women don't compartmentalize their lives the way men do; we're a 'whole package', and they either want that whole package, or they don't. Sadly, usually, they don't, there are simply way too many 'real men' out there for her to have to put up with having a 'girly guy' as a mate. For older women, sometimes they don't have any other male options, as most men don't want anything to do with unattractive, out of shape, and often demanding old women who no longer have anything sexy about them to balance that out. And once the need for sex subsides, perhaps a woman could accept a more platonic mate, or more accurately, simply a room mate.
But is that what any guy wants? Usually, no.

Caden Lane
01-18-2015, 04:49 PM
Hi Lexi, thanks for your response. Truthfully, that segment was more or less directed towards my ex-wives and their failure to accept me as I was, despite both knowing well before things got too serious. I wrote it in a general context for the purpose of the article, but that was the initial emotional space it was coming from. And yes, in a scenario where everything is revealed deep into the relationship, what you said can hold true. But there are also many women who can see past the feminine visage we attempt to put forward. My GF for instance. While she struggles with it, she knows deep down that I am still capable of protecting her, even dressed as Caden. She knows my tactical training is still there, that I will fight to the death to protect her. I am no shrinking violet, I shan't be springing my wrist doing my nails. But she still draws very distinct lines about Caden's lack of activities in the bedroom. I can dress as I please to bed, but that may prevent any affections until Caden takes a hike. So I do believe that some women are capable of compartmentalizing their perceptions of who are are and how we present. I think a great many simply get caught up in this stereotype/archetype of what a man should be, that they cannot see beyond it, and feel they are settling if we do not meet every bullet point on their master list. They fail to understand they diminish our abilities, our achievements, our responsibilities, and our successes, simply for the frock we wish to put on or how we wish to present ourselves. But whatever makes them happy, and helps them justify their behaviours. My girlfriend knows what she has, and she values it all. We do not need people in our lives who do not place value on our presence, and would prefer that we fake it merely to keep them in our lives. Our personal authenticity should have more value than that.

Ever & Always,
A very valued Caden Lane

01-18-2015, 05:38 PM
Caden this is one of the nicest most informed things I have ever read.

I have my dressing and I have a few gay friends, while I previously wouldn't have been a big supporter of pride marches etc since I hide my case away in a bedroom I do also look forward to the day when humanity as a whole realises we are people, individuals and diverse.

One day there won't be a need for coming out when we all look at one another as unique, trying to find our way in the world and instead of society, religion or government putting others down, they will reach out a hand and help their fellow human beings out of the mud

Caden Lane
01-18-2015, 07:48 PM
Caden this is one of the nicest most informed things I have ever read.

I have my dressing and I have a few gay friends, while I previously wouldn't have been a big supporter of pride marches etc since I hide my case away in a bedroom I do also look forward to the day when humanity as a whole realizes we are people, individuals and diverse.

One day there won't be a need for coming out when we all look at one another as unique, trying to find our way in the world and instead of society, religion or government putting others down, they will reach out a hand and help their fellow human beings out of the mud

I agree Sarah, and I hope for such a day. But if we look at humanities history, it is rife with man's inhumanity toward man. Even in this modern age, we cannot treat each other with even a modicum of civility, justice, fairness, or equality. If the day we hope for is to come soon, we must make massive strides as a civiliztion to reach that day.

Ever & Always,
Seeking equality Caden Lane

01-19-2015, 01:53 AM
Many years ago, I knew another crossdresser on-line, the crossdresser’s wife had been very liberal throughout her life; helping with whatever cause dujour she happened upon that needed her help. At the time my friend came out to her about her crossdressing, she happened to be on several Gay/Lesbian/Transgender committees. She was also bi-sexual. Oddly enough, she was no longer a proponent once it crowded her own little construct, and it impacted her personally. My friend never saw it coming; she had convinced herself her spouse would understand and support her. It is a shame that people can flip-flop so casually once things impact them personally. But the argument her spouse used was that she had mislead and lied to her for years. My friend argued relentlessly, that she had no way of knowing how she would respond, that her intent was not to mislead or lie. That she lived in fear of being ridiculed, unaccepted, rejected. Her spouse’s responses justified those fears. Yet she never saw that is exactly what had happened. She was too close to see that her reactions were exactly why her husband had been fearful to tell the truth, until he had thought he had perceived an opening and possible acceptance in the groups that she backed. They eventually divorced.

As for me, I’ve vowed to Love my girlfriend, in every way, good with the bad. Bad habits, good habits. I Love her as she is. I Love her despite any thoughts, misgivings, concerns or worries she has about my dressing. I vow to help her understand if she is willing. I vow to communicate and keep those communication channels open. I also vow to give her space when she reaches a point where it is all too much to absorb. It is my sincere hope that with this all enduring Love, that she is able to Love me in toto, and maybe find a way to find an endearing, even platonic love for Caden.

All I’ve ever wanted from life has been to be happy. There are extravagant things that would make me happy, simple things that make me happy and feminine things which make me happy. I strive to find the balance of all those things to find my happy place. That’s all any of us can do.

I've written on this forum that I believe acceptance is truly the greatest gift we can give one another as human beings (friends, spouses, loved ones, and even strangers.)

I'm not sure about when the couple first became involved. Today things are at least a little different, and the times they are a changin'. I do think that when courting a lady, that it is important to have a candid conversation early on in the relationship before things get too far. This at least gives the OTHER person (the lady) the information she needs to make a good decision for HER. By keeping this information hidden, you cannot blame the lady for feeling mistrust has (unknowingly) been the basis for the relationship. Would it have ended differently? Maybe, maybe not. If you love someone, or have feelings for them, then at the beginning, as a sign of that love, I think being honest about this aspect of our lives is important. If it ultimately ends the relationship, then it probably wasn't the right girl in the first place.

I had a relationship this past summer that I thought (finally) was the one. She was smart, driven, and I thought open-minded enough to accept me as I am. I told her around date #3. All seemed fine, until at about the 6 week mark when she did a flip-flop when she really sat down and visualized what life would be like. There was a brief reconciliation, but it was never really the same as it was in the beginning. It sucked, but honestly, even though I'm now alone again, I think it was a blessing that I found out early as opposed to later.

The Tao says that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I did (and continue to do) quite a lot of self-examination, and I would not have done anything differently. I think she came into my life to teach me that saying there is never gonna be another marriage/significant other in my life give the impression that I've lost all hope, and I don't want to be that way. Also, happiness doesn't come from other people, but MUST come from inside of us. When we become happy with ourselves, and being honest with ourselves and prospective SO's, we gain a degree of detachment that allows us to accept that maybe it will work, but it's not the end of the world if it does not (after all, we were already happy with ourselves, right?)

I must also admit that during the reconciliation, I tried to change myself, and kind of lost (temporarily) sight of who I am. Got a little counseling, and have made it back, and know that another thing I learned is that if you are honest, and the other person is accepting, then there shouldn't be a request down the road to change this part of one's self. If that request comes, it's best to run for the door, ya dig? What can I say, I was love-starved, and was almost willing to do anything to make it work. Lots of life lessons last year.

We are supposed to recognize God blossoming in everyone. Some people are further on that road than others (understanding and exhibiting the kind of acceptance that God shows us.) Our job is not to judge others, but to work on ourselves. Part of that is being honest with ourselves and with others. It takes practice and small victories, when you realize that hey, this secret (and if it becomes known) won't destroy me like I thought it would.

Hopefully I haven't raised anyone's ire with this post. Just thought I had a couple cents to add to the discussion.

01-19-2015, 04:51 AM
Caden that was wonderful and so on point. Thanks again. It's true that there has been discrimination to hatred
of one group to another for various reasons, ie. religion, socio-economics, and even today (MLK) skin color. and many, many more. So is it surprising to see gender too?

Caden Lane
01-19-2015, 07:34 AM
Hello Charlene, sadly no; it isn't surprising. It's just business as usual for humankind. May we be pitied or spared if anyone or anything stands in judgement of us.

Hello Heidi, I loved your post and thought it very apropo. I think there was an appropriate balance of philosophy and common sense and intellectual reasoning to bring it all together. It's the sort of response and discussion I'd love to have more of on my blog.

Ever & Always,
A welcoming Caden Lane