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View Full Version : Jealous, Anyone?

Taylor Ray
01-20-2015, 12:58 AM
Hey gals-

I have recently entered a phase in which I feel a bit jealous and envious of women's bodies. Boy, do I wish I could inflate my hips, shrink my waist, and narrow my shoulders.

Anyone else ever get a tinge of jealousy towards the female form? A bit of envy, perhaps?

How do others process these feelings?

Hugs and Kisses for 2015!

01-20-2015, 02:04 AM
I am at that exact place too... watching girls with some of the cutest outfits and wish I could look that good

Hell on Heels
01-20-2015, 02:29 AM
Hell-o Taylor,
Yeah it's easy to feel a bit envious, thankfully girls come in all shapes and sizes.
Look a little closer and you'll find there is a girl with your exact shape and size out there.
Now if your admiring those supermodels ???? Sounds like your male side may be fighting
back a bit.
If you want a more femme body shape there are ways to achieve that.
Option A - Diet and exercise (not easy and take time)
Option B - Surgeries (costly and risky)
Option C - Keep admiring the hotties and be happy with yourself the way you are!

Are there more options?
Much Love,

Dianne S
01-20-2015, 02:30 AM
I used to experience extreme distress sometimes when I saw women. Now that I'm on spiro and have started my transition, that feeling has completely disappeared.

Hell on Heels
01-20-2015, 03:07 AM
Sorry Dianne.
I forgot about the effect that hormones can contribute.
Mentally and physically for someone who is transitioning
I believe they are their best friend.
Sorry if I'm wrong here. I've just seen "The Kit"., and all the
necessary accessories.
For me this would call under option B.

Nicole Erin
01-20-2015, 03:20 AM
Wait til you get about 40 and see GG's your age. You will be thankful you aren't in that bad of shape

Kate Simmons
01-20-2015, 05:18 AM
Nope. I admire the female form but I'm not jealous of women per se.:)

Cheryl T
01-20-2015, 12:30 PM
Not jealous really, more envious...
Just wish I had more butt/hips to fill out my shape without padding. The rest I can deal with.

Seana Summer
01-20-2015, 12:43 PM
Option C - Keep admiring the hotties and be happy with yourself the way you are!

I like option C

01-20-2015, 02:57 PM
I don't think I find myself jealous very often. I do see a really cute outfit sometimes and think to myself I know I may not be able to pull that off. But at the same time I also think to myself that even if I could not pull it off to the same level. I would still wear the outfit and feel good about myself. So I guess in a way I am a tad jealous but at the same time I can be happy with myself.

01-20-2015, 03:26 PM
Jealous no....envious perhaps. I wish I could fill out my bra and dresses without having to resort to breast forms and hip-bum pads , have the clear skin and long luxurious hair , but if I had all that I'd be a woman already.

01-20-2015, 03:29 PM
No, I do not get jealous.... I get even! Muahahahaha :)

01-20-2015, 04:18 PM
I don't know how many of us are going to admit this, but I will. Yes, I love the shape of the mature female body, whether at a distance or when I do my bnest to emulate it!

01-20-2015, 04:30 PM
Hi Taylor Ray,

I have a method for processing feelings:

1. notice where you feel "jealous" in your body.
2. go inside the feeling to find what's inside that.
repeat this 5 more times.
3. notice where the feeling originally came from.
this is normally enough to release a feeling/source it.
I've deeper methods for more than that if needed.


01-20-2015, 04:42 PM
I have a friend who used to be a female model. Every time I see her in a tight dress I cant help but get a little jealous that even if I spent every day working out and pulled a corset its tightest, I couldn't have that gorgeous waist/hip curve. I still can enjoy looking at its though :)

01-20-2015, 04:45 PM
Not sure about jealousy...but, I have always thought that the female body PROPERLY MAINTAINED...repeat that...PROPERLY MAINTAINED...is one of nature's greatest wonders. It is the form that has inspired artists and sculptors for thousands of years. Properly maintained, the GG will live longer than us mere mortals and can maintain their beauty into their golden years. They move with grace and sing with beauty - and they look (more) fantastic when they dress in traditional women's clothing, whether of the West or the East. So, perhaps not jealousy, but unbounded admiration. And to think, they are also the portal through which life emerges! In the future, where robots do the heavy lifting, we might well be replaced with a sperm bank.

01-20-2015, 04:55 PM
I've been having similar feeling lately, too. They come and go. Though I've found good dress-up sessions or successfully putting on make up helps getting those wonderful feelings break through.

Kristyn, that Option C is a life saver ;)

Michelle colson
01-20-2015, 05:55 PM
I do. When I see a good looking, well dressed woman, I usually feel envy and lust.

01-20-2015, 06:10 PM
I stopped on the way home from work today to get gas. The woman at the pump behind me was wearing over the calf boots with about a 2 1/2 or 3" heel, black leggings (or maybe heavy wool tights - one couldn't tell), a grey and black color block sweater dress the fell about 2" above her knee, a grey crossover button shawl collar coat, with a peplum back hem, and a little wool cap. I felt a twinge of envy/jealousy, but then I said to myself, "yes, she looks really classic and together, but I have better legs. Hers look like Olive Oyl." After I told myself that, everything was okay again. :)

01-20-2015, 06:26 PM
I began outwardly dressing about one year ago and I can say it's a mix for me. I sometimes feel very envious of the beautiful shapes of women, but I always try to temper the envy with a healthy dose of appreciation. As in, I remind myself that I should be enjoying the beauty more than envying the beauty. It sometimes works. Also what's helpful is knowing we have tools to fake it (forms, pads, clothing cut a certain way, etc.)

Majella St Gerard
01-20-2015, 06:48 PM
Wish I had a waist.

01-20-2015, 07:39 PM
Jealous...not really. I look at it this way - for every woman with the idealized body shape there are probably four fighting most of the same body image issues that I must deal with. Similarly, each time I look in the mirror and wish I was prettier, a million women are probably feeling the same thing.

01-20-2015, 09:22 PM
Envy and appreciation are the words I would use, too. :)

01-20-2015, 09:30 PM
I wouldn't say jealous but it definitely makes me appreciate the female form even more.

01-20-2015, 11:12 PM
I've been envious of the female body for as long as I can remember. When I see a woman with a great form I wish I could be like her, but on the other hand when I see w woman built like an NFL linebacker, I thank my lucky stars that I have the body I have.

01-20-2015, 11:43 PM
Jealous isn't the right word for it. I just wish I felt normal as I am, and it's more of an annoyance to feel like I'm in the wrong clothes, body or life so much of the time. I grew up expecting to be a girl. The female body never arrived, girl or woman. So every once in a while, I look longingly at a girl and wonder why I couldn't have been like her.

01-21-2015, 01:42 AM
No. Never felt envy or jealousy looking at a beautiful, shapely woman. I admire them and strive to copy them, period!:daydreaming:

If u wanted to look good as badly as I do? U probably would!

I've met lots of women when I'm out as Sherry. Many of them admit they're jealous of her!:heehee:

01-21-2015, 08:21 AM
Hi Taylor, Watching my wife doing her make-up and putting her pierced earrings in.:daydreaming:

Connie D50
01-21-2015, 03:49 PM
all the time been going on for 59 years (i.m 59) lol

Stephanie Julianna
01-21-2015, 04:59 PM
Envious, yes. Jealous, no because I CAN dress nicely when I want. The envy part is that a gg can choose to be girly whenever they want. My outings are very limited in comparison.

01-21-2015, 05:12 PM
Not so much jealous or envious of the body itself. I do get envious sometimes with the ability of women to be able to choose so many different ways to express herself. Heels or flats, hair up or down, different makeup. long or short nails, any color polish or none at all. Skirts, dresses, tight jeans, short shorts.

01-21-2015, 05:29 PM
Option A
With an attractive body as a goal and CD as incentive, I lost about 1/3 of my weight.
Keeping it off is a daily struggle, but worth it.

Now ... if there was only some some simple way to deal with the creases in my face....

Best wishes

01-21-2015, 07:54 PM
Yeah....the shoulders ..aint nothin I can do about em...

Lynn Marie
01-22-2015, 04:01 AM
I'm perfectly happy being a boy. My CDing is more about emulating my dream girl rather than wanting to be her. I've got all the requisite corsets and padding, but with the exception of forms and waist cinching belts, I'll suffer with what I've got. The women in my life see me as a gracious gentleman with a twist and a sense of fun and adventure. I see myself as a well adjusted CDer with 2 killer wardrobes and also an equal opportunity flirt. I envy no one.

01-22-2015, 04:15 AM
Anyone else ever get a tinge of jealousy towards the female form? A bit of envy, perhaps?

How do others process these feelings?

Oh you have no idea. Well, perhaps you have a little bit of an idea - that twinge you are feeling is probably mild dysphoria. But I didn't have mild dysphoria. I had Godzilla-sized, soul-crushing, major gender dysphoria. I looked at my face and body in the mirror and hated them. I saw death when I looked in the mirror. I had (and still sometimes have) really horrible nightmares about my genitals.

My original method of processing these feelings was alcohol - and lots of it! That had some really serious drawbacks, in that it nearly proved fatal on its own. So now I take hormones, electrolysis, and save my pennies for surgery. (There will be some of that - oh yes there will be.)

edit: A story about feeling jealous.

My boyfriend tells me about his crazy neighbors who live in the apartment next door to him. He can hear them fighting fairly often. So he runs into the woman who lives next door, and she tells him that she's been undergoing cancer treatment, and has had a mastectomy. She and her spouse fight fairly often, but they are doing OK, and she feels they are going to make it. She lost both of her breasts though. He felt it was really a sad story, and it changed the way he thought about them.

I thought it was sad too - in fact I cried when I heard this story. But I didn't cry for the reason you might think. No, I realized that somehow, even sick as she was, I was jealous of her life and her body. I wished that I'd been born cisgender, even if that meant I had to suffer what she was going through.

Claire Cook
01-22-2015, 09:04 AM
I sure used to. Why can't I have wider hips? Why are my shoulders too broad? Then I realized that GG's come in a great variety of sizes and shapes. So now I just try to do the best with what I can -- what girl doesn't?

Paula, you're right, most of us have little idea what you've gone through -- but I was very touched by your post.

01-22-2015, 09:08 AM
As others have said....I am more envious than jealous. In male mode, my wife's body is perfect in my mind. In female mode, my wife's body is what I want mine to be.

01-22-2015, 09:16 AM
Jealous? Yes, I think so. Jealous of not ever being a 20 something woman in a short skirt, showin off. I see beautiful women and wish I could be like them or perhaps even be one of them. It would be great to be young and pretty. With that said, I still do enjoy my male self, sports, friends, etc.

Taylor Ray
01-22-2015, 10:33 AM
Wow thanks for all the sharing, ladies. Your experience sounds very intense PaulaQ. I now have some great advice I can work with this new year. I especially like the posts which point out that there are many shapes of women, and that they too go through struggles of not all looking like 18 year old hotties.

Yesterday, I bought some women's fitness magazines that have some pretty muscular women who still look fabulous. Although I am happy with my weight, I could go the extra mile to really really slim down. I am very tired of shaving all of the time, so I might explore electrolysis sometime in the near future.

Thanks again for sharing!

Tracii G
01-22-2015, 10:52 AM
I would say admiration is how I feel about the female figure.
Try to emulate that as best I can and yes they come in all shapes and sizes.

01-22-2015, 10:57 AM
Your experience sounds very intense PaulaQ

I know most of you don't remotely relate to the way I feel. So I told y'all that stuff for two reasons:
1. If you read this, and are having feelings more like mine, and less like most of the respondents in this thread, please reach out to me, because we need to find some help for you locally, because you have serious stuff going on, and it can be dangerous to wait as long as I did to do anything about it. I very nearly didn't make it.

2. A number of GGs on this forum have told me that I only fantasize about the fun parts of a woman's life. So I hope my story illustrates that isn't really the case.

A lot of my life has been spent feeling like one of the replicants in "Blade Runner" - without the super human attributes.

Erika Lyne
01-22-2015, 11:22 AM
Jealous, envious, loathing my own body, imagining what it would be like to be her, the list continues. One of the most unexpected feelings was when my wife was pregnant. I was never so put off being male as when she was a glowing-mom-to-be. I supported her as the text book man should. I was sure to make it to as many doctor appointments as possible and I was sure to hold my hand on her belly as often as Possible so I could try to project myself to being her. However, my jealousy was palpable.

A girl can dream, right?
