View Full Version : One of those days....

01-20-2015, 09:51 AM
Ever have "one of those days'?

It is one of those days for me. The days when you wish you had someone to talk to but there isnt anyone that will really listen if there was someone around to talk to...

Ugh, cant wait for this dark cloud to pass...

anna kate
01-20-2015, 10:08 AM
What's up Heather? I'm not much for talking, but I'm a good listener. I'm a little south of you, there's no dark cloud here, only bright sunshine today.

Linda E. Woodworth
01-20-2015, 10:09 AM
Yes, I think we all have days like that. The frequency is up to the specific circumstances of the individual.

01-20-2015, 10:26 AM
Get a pug! They're cheaper than children! They argue less than a wife! When you're fed up with it you can make it into soup! Or buy two and make a pair of slippers! They're great for making friends in public- people in dresses will stop you and ask what's wrong with it's face- they'll feel sorry for you and offer to buy you drinks!

Or you could order lots of frilly underwear online, then when you've worn it, send it back!

Or you could take up archery and buy that Pocahontas outfit you've always secretly craved!

Or you could become a weather girl, then you'd get really excited whenever you saw a dark cloud!

01-20-2015, 10:55 AM
Get a pug! They're cheaper than children! They argue less than a wife! When you're fed up with it you can make it into soup! Or buy two and make a pair of slippers! They're great for making friends in public- people in dresses will stop you and ask what's wrong with it's face- they'll feel sorry for you and offer to buy you drinks!

Or you could order lots of frilly underwear online, then when you've worn it, send it back!

Or you could take up archery and buy that Pocahontas outfit you've always secretly craved!

Or you could become a weather girl, then you'd get really excited whenever you saw a dark cloud!

You are to funny Nikki!

perhaps i will order a dress today!

01-20-2015, 01:53 PM
Hug! :hugs:


01-20-2015, 02:14 PM
Yup!! I have those days. I had one on Saturday. If life had a face, I would have punched it. But, it passed, Sunday was better and so was yesterday. I think we all hit ruts regardless of where we are in our journey. Feel free to rant a way kiddo. We are hear to listen....



01-20-2015, 02:28 PM
"If life had a face, I would have punched it."

Now that made me laugh! Thanks!

01-20-2015, 03:38 PM
I'm sorry you had one of those days hunny I hope it gets better for you soon or at least that the next couple of days go better and make up for it.