View Full Version : "Feelings"

Kandi Robbins
01-23-2015, 07:04 PM
Is there any one out there who doesn't feel any specific way, male or female, but is just enjoying being dressed?

I am me, have always been a guy/husband/father/friend, but the thrill I feel getting dressed on occasion doesn't change my self-image. It just makes me happy. My inner feelings don't shift in any way.

I am typing this thread with my first ever set of glue-on nails (yes, it's taking me longer to type this) in preparation of my first time out tomorrow and can't help thinking I feel no different. Just happy, almost at peace. Meanwhile, my wonderful wife can't help but laugh at what I am going through to just feel pretty. Laser hair removal, waxing, shaving, nails, painted toes. Way too much work. Maybe after I actually go out in the great big world for the first time as Kandi things will feel different. I'll certainly let you know.

BTW, my hands look great!

01-23-2015, 07:31 PM
Yes, I am with you on the same feelings. I enjoy being a Male, I have had 67 years
of practice, so I should have it down by now.
But there is this other side of me that wishes he/she could get up each morning and
put on a bra & panties and get away with it, My wonderful wife would ask me in the
AM if I was staying home; She knew if was going to dress I would be would not be
leaving the house. So I am in the closet to stay, would like to attend a meeting
some place that alowes a man in a dress dressed.
Good Luck........Rader

Kandi Robbins
01-23-2015, 07:38 PM
Rader, There are plenty of places and groups out there. Not sure what part of Illinois you live in, but find one. At least to allow you to talk to some one. Being closeted myself for 48 years, look for outlets. I was there, too. You won't feel so alone. Kandi

01-23-2015, 08:21 PM
Hi Kandi, Inside I'm the same guy , When I get all dressed up I just look a lot prettier on the outside.:hugs:

01-23-2015, 08:31 PM
Absolutely Kandi, I am me. Sometimes, rarely, I am me in a dress...

01-23-2015, 10:14 PM
Same here. Hence my user name. :)

Closeted Kat
01-24-2015, 12:00 PM
I too am closeted, but also am always me regardless of what i'm wearing. It does feel wonderful to be "pretty" as i don't feel like that in any of my male clothing.

01-24-2015, 12:32 PM
I'm a closet dresser but go out dressed often, too. Dressing DOES make me feel different. Excited, satisfied, stimulated, and sometimes aroused. It's often like a shot of adreneline or some kind of drug high.

I may look like someone else of the opposite gender, but I never "feel" like a different person.

I'm a guy and don't be bother with any of those "girlie" things u do. I rarely even shave my face!:heehee:

Seana Summer
01-24-2015, 01:13 PM
I really can not say that I have ever felt like I was female. I feel like me........I am me........ and sometimes I wear a skirt and heels. but I mostly dress like the man I am. I know there are a lot of folks who feel trapped in the wrong body, I am not one.

01-24-2015, 01:28 PM
I like the feeling I get when dressed as a woman. I feel pretty. :battingeyelashes: I enjoy the compliments and attention when I am out in public. I have met several people who know me strictly as Rachael and share fun times together.

I don't feel I'm in the wrong body or desire a change. I'm content with who I am and my life as it is now. I may think differently later.... who knows

01-24-2015, 04:40 PM
I have no other persona. In fact I have no female name at all that I go by. When I dress I feel more relaxed generally, but other than that, no different.

Michelle 78
01-24-2015, 05:03 PM
I feel like I'm always me, it doesn't matter if I'm wearing a shirt and jeans or a dress and heels just me anyway at all times.

Amanda M
01-24-2015, 05:10 PM
Thinking about it, I do feel different. I feel that it is worthwhile to take care of my skin and all the beauty rotine things, I feel it id better to have my home environment tidy, scented and spotless. I suspecxt that my wife may well be grateful for that. It has, on ocassion been quite funny - in my scruffier male moments, she might sya " You are not, surely, going out like that. What would Amanda think?

So, in truth, ther IS a change. For the better!

Zoe B
01-24-2015, 09:24 PM
I don't actually feel anything other than me in either male or female mode (or something in between), I have found that I take more care of my general health and care routines and such. I do come home and usually change into my 'home clothes' (palazzo pants, top and a cardigan (sweater)) but that is more for comfort purposes and the fact there is wayyy more choice in the female clothes department.

I am in my 'home clothes' now with a scrufy beard, happy relaxed and been giggled at by my wife while I do the ironing.

01-25-2015, 07:06 PM
Hi Kandi;
I live in the far northern burbs of Chicago, near the Wisconsin State line.
I did find a group, but since I have a Mustache, I could not come dressed.
And not being dress at a party or meeting is like a fish out of water.
Everyone in enjoying themselves, and you sit their like a bump on a log.

Angie G
01-25-2015, 07:57 PM
I'm all man on the outside when with others, But the last 8 years I feelall girl inside.:hugs:

01-26-2015, 01:42 PM
RADER, Was it the group that had a problem with your stach or you?

Hell on Heels
01-26-2015, 04:55 PM
My feelings are the same while in either dress mode.
What I have noticed though, is that since I began dressing again,
about a year and a half ago, my feelings have changed.
I've become a bit more empathetic, and caring about others.
Maybe I have always been that way, and it just seems more apparent now.
Much Love,

Kandi Robbins
01-26-2015, 09:09 PM

Once I self-accepted a few months back, all the fronts I put up just fell away and I became this person I really like. Much the same as you described, I am so much less judgmental (hard for me to judge others, I am certainly flawed in many ways) and more caring. My intimacy level (and I am not referring to sex) with my wife has been remarkable. I think that is buried in all of us, we just need a catalyst to bring it out.

Love the way you think.


Kandi Robbins
01-26-2015, 09:12 PM
, but since I have a Mustache, I could not come dressed.

Had a giant '70's porn stache of my own, for the better part of at least 40 years. Shave it off, they grow right back!

01-26-2015, 10:51 PM
I have to agree with Kandi, Rader. I've had my beard and stache since last year. Shaved them off for a big, local, dresser's event yesterday. Starting to grow them back today. I do this all the time. My family, vanilla friends, and folks at work have gotten used to seeing me fuzz faced, clean shaven, and somewhere in between.

Now, even I've gotten used to it!

01-26-2015, 11:25 PM
RADER, Was it the group that had a problem with your stach or you?

The group said shave or do not bother to come to the meeting.
I really do not want to shave, so I just stay home.