View Full Version : Just a short girl-ish-ness quiz- to get the weekend 'juices' flowing

01-31-2015, 06:54 AM
A girl-ish-ness quiz.

When winter arrives- the first cold spate of weather, you think:

Is there a sale at Macy’s or Burlington Coat Factory?
Ooohh! Sweater Season!

What combinations of underdressing do I want… do I need to add to my collection?

If it snows, do you:

Watch the snow removal service from the cozy confines of you home?
Take the kids/pets/etc. out to play in in the snow, go sledding or skiing?
Think about the cute $100-$200 snow suit you got off of ebay for $25, and you want to wait to dark before wearing it outside to shovel or snowblow your house and your neighbors’ who need help?
Make sure the car has adverse weather gear so you do not have to call for help while dressed.

You get a new job offer- it would mean a moderate advance / upward move. One of the first things you consider, even if just for fun, is:

401k, etc
I wonder what their LGBTQetc support policy is… could I actually dress full time here at some point in the near future?
What I showed up for the interview, or first day, in a kick ass pantsuit, silk blouse, designer boots & handbag, textbook professional look makeup, $400 coif and just jumped into everything as if female right from the get go? Would they deal with it? Would I deal with it. as well as I would want them to?
20% travel required… chance to do some shopping (dressing?)...

Score: There is no score, just think about the answer you chose. Was it really the answer you wanted to choose? Why would you consider one of the others?

If you are mad that there is no score/grade: Good! You expected something- but you got something else- women have to put up with this more than men, so if are miffed- congrats- you’ve been girled. Get used to it or quit dressing up. ;-)

But in all seriousness: these are just a few questions to start. Post answers, but more importantly, please consider posting more questions of this type as well. The point is simply to get thinking along these lines… social interaction- sharing of ideas: This is what girls do with each other- if you feel a little weird about jumping in, GOOD! It should feel a little weird- we are not genetic females- we are learning different ways of thinking about things.

Hope you enjoyed this- let me know, I'd like to do more.

01-31-2015, 09:46 AM
Question set 1: number 4. Set 2: in the south, not too applicable but substitute grand children in number 2 and that becomes the answer. Set 3: retarded uh retired, so N/A. I would almost bet that the answers divide along age lines with the younger answering more 3 & 4; 3; and 3. The more elderly, moi, taking the stealth route like I did. But then one can fantasize about number 3 in the last set of questions. :daydreaming:

01-31-2015, 04:09 PM
We don't get much cold weather where I live. And people from other parts of the country tell me there are no seasons here. But that said, it does cool off somewhere between November and about March or so.
So I say "Oh! Sweater season!" (or at least a chance of the weather being cool enough for things like sweaters, boots, scarves, etc.)
It snowed once, just a dusting which burned off by mid-morning.
But if I lived where snow happened more often and needed clearing I'd opt for watching snow removal from inside the confines of my cozy house.
Not yet retired, but getting closer so I'm not even looking for a different job.
But I'd be more interested in benefits, as well as things like location, and not about lgbt policies as they might apply to me, or dressing opportunities at work or while traveling for work.

When summer arrives do you:
1. Think "great! now I can wear those cute short skirts and dresses!"
2. Feel disappointed that you have to let your leg hair grow out in case you want to wear shorts en homme.
3. Put away the wigs and makeup until the weather cools down again, otherwise you'll just sweat everything off.
4. Do some guy thing I can't think of. (lol)