View Full Version : The Inventory

Maija Stone
02-20-2015, 04:25 PM
Maija got a new suit today, a nice conservative, yet stylish, gray suit. She looks great in it by the way. Then my male self did some inventory work. Maija has more suits than my male side has suits. She has more dresses than my male side has dress pants. Maija has more skirts than the boy has jeans, more blouses and sweaters than my guy side has dress shirts. Maija has more shoes by a factor of 3 than my male half.

Continuing the comparison to my wife, Maija has more shades of lip sticks and eye shadow than my wife, more brushes, more mascara, more powders...just more make up in general. My wife does have more beauty products then Maija does though.

What does all this mean? Nothing earth shattering, or anything we don't already know. I simply decided Maija is high maintenance compared to my male side. It is hard to be a girl. The effort to be a presentable woman is way more difficult than it is to be a presentable guy. Further thinking on my part has given me some more insight into my wife. I appreciate my wife a little more, and I will be more understanding when I am waiting for her (in boy mode) when we are going out for the evening.

Beverley Sims
02-20-2015, 04:28 PM
Maija and what does your wife think of all of this?

02-20-2015, 04:30 PM
I echo Beverley's question, and wonder what you'd like from us here?

Jean 103
02-20-2015, 04:55 PM
I hear that. Saying Jean is high maintenance would be an understatement. It takes jean two hours to get out the door. Guy me maybe 10 minutes if that. I have been purging my guy clothes to make room for Jean, as for shoes three words, out of control.

02-20-2015, 05:52 PM
It tells me that Maija has indulged herself, perhaps to an excessive degree. Time to focus less on the physical and more in the intangibles.

Candice Mae
02-20-2015, 06:01 PM
My SO has never owned more then 3 dresses at one time in her life since she started buying her own clothes. When she first seen my wardrobe it blew her mind. She likes the way I look in them though....

Maija Stone
02-20-2015, 06:16 PM
I think I need to explain a bit more because I think the purpose of my post is being misinterpreted. I'm a mostly part time CD. Today it dawned on me that Maija has a better wardrobe than my male self, and I found that somewhat humorous. So the intent of my post was simply to share a somewhat minor revelation. The expectation I have from the post is nothing more than for the readers to perhaps relate to a situation and have smile of recognition.

02-20-2015, 06:32 PM
At one point in master room walk in closet girl mode, boy mode, wifes clothes, then girl mode and wifes clothes then new wardrobe cabinet for wifes clothes then only girl mode summer and winter clothes then switch off one closet with summer clothes now, and winter clothes in walk in closet completely filled with girl mode clothes and shoes. I have five drawers of bras, panties, socks, stockings, leggings, garter belts, pantyhose, two drawers in the bathroom filled with makeup I can never find a thing to wear. A little overboard do you think?

Allison Chaynes
02-20-2015, 06:39 PM
I got it Maija. Same here. Allison has about 1/3 of the master closet, 1/3 of the man cave closet, a dresser, three totes under the bed, and some bathroom storage space. While she has less makeup than the wife does, she has more clothes, shoes and lingerie for certain.

Tonya Rose
02-20-2015, 06:47 PM
LMAO! Way too much gurl stuff here too!3 closets for Tonya and 1 for tony!! LMAO! but I do have my pryorties right!
Tonya tops it LOL!:daydreaming:

02-20-2015, 06:57 PM
Seems like a big dilemma... it is I think.
I am in a phased purge... drag it all out, sort it out, donate what I don't want, sort the rest.
And be real, the rest goes to the trash.... that skirt never fit ever :battingeyelashes:

02-20-2015, 08:15 PM
This reminds me that I've got to donate some of my first dresses and suits. My misguided goal back then was to cover my maleness, rather than to enhance my femininity. They all look like bags.
Since so much of my repertoire comes from charity shops it appears that I have only been renting things!

02-20-2015, 08:49 PM
I think we definitely "experiment" more with clothes and makeup than other women. We've got more catching up to do to understand what works and what is "fun."

02-20-2015, 09:54 PM
I agree. My closet and drawers overflow with my female things with more stuff down in the basement. I have way more female clothing than my wife had of hers. I should get rid of some vintage stuff, but hey, its vintage and irreplaceable. I do keep male clothing in several sizes as my weight changes (currently going up),so I also have drawers that are laden with male things. SharonDenise's clothes take first place though for its volume.

Beverley Sims
02-20-2015, 11:09 PM
I think most of us overindulge to a degree, and I am no innocent either, I do enjoy my wife's support so I am able to laugh and enjoy the situation.

Karen R!
02-21-2015, 02:27 AM
Well this week I got a deal on 6 pairs of shoes, 2pr flats and 4pr of heels. Bought 2 blouses and a pair of slacks at a thrift store (excellent shape) and bought some more makeup that I am still perfecting its use...

That was my week.


Maria 60
02-21-2015, 05:23 AM
Well I know where your coming from. I moved my male dress pants and shirts in the spare room closet and my female things take up half of my walk in closet. Two pair of black male socks, but over a hundred pair of pantyhose.

02-21-2015, 05:31 AM
Hi Maija,

Thanks for sharing your interesting revelation. For me, I have always been pragmatic when it comes to clothes as a guy and that seems to have transferred to my girl self. So I did a quick inventory check myself and found that in comparison, I am almost dead on even when it comes to boy/girl clothing and even that would fill perhaps six hangers and a two drawers. Then again I know lots of guys who are obsessed by guy clothes, they own a dozen pairs of shoes, more suits than I count, dress shirts of every style and colour and more jeans then they could possibly wear in a lifetime. Sometimes clothes are just an expression of who we are and perhaps Maija just likes to dress stylish. :)

