View Full Version : what would you fantasie boyfriend be like

02-27-2015, 03:57 PM
Just out of curiosity. I'm a straight guy.
So in a fantasy world if you have to make your ideal boyfriend for yourself how would he be?
Personally for me he would be someone not physically big or tall. Nature wise would be kind but dominant and aggressive in bed.

02-27-2015, 04:16 PM
As a straight guy myself, I'll ask my wife. It's girls only for me, in the real world or a fantasy life..... :devil:.


02-27-2015, 04:25 PM
im bi curious.....ummmmm hmmmmm my fantasy boyfriend.... hehehe i dont know as long as he was cute hehehe

Candice Mae
02-27-2015, 04:27 PM
Kind of a weird questions for a straight guy to ask or even think about. The thought of it makes me feel like I might throw up and makes me question my sanity. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, I'm just not wired that way.

02-27-2015, 04:37 PM
just dreamy.... I am in the height of Bi-Curiosity, so I would like him strong and commanding, yet soft and gentile. some one who could make me want to submit to his will with a simple touch or glance! a man who could make me climb the walls as he owned me and made me "his" woman!!! to show me the other side of passion and make me beg for it like a drug!!! is that man out there????

02-27-2015, 05:10 PM
straight, so no idea at all, i don't even know what handsome means, but I do know my ideal woman ... and I married her.

02-27-2015, 05:29 PM
from Fiddler on the Roof

For Mama make him a scholar, for papa make him rich as a king, for me well I wouldn't holler if he were as handsome as anything...

But really I don't know what the ideal man would be, the last three weren't.

To the OP...sounds like you just want middle of the road.

I would suspect that most here who are not really looking for a man wold want themselves

02-27-2015, 05:37 PM
Most CDs that like men are into the strong masculine protective men who can dominate them in the bedroom. A lot like gg.

Nadine Spirit
02-27-2015, 05:47 PM
I'm a straight guy.

Are you sure? Kind of sounds to me like maybe not so much.

Many times I have had the opportunity for sex with a man, all I had to do was to accept the offer, and as I am not into guys in any way, I politely declined, though I was quite flattered. And so do I have a picture of some fantasy guy in my head, no, cause I am not into guys.

Kate Simmons
02-27-2015, 06:08 PM
A handsome hunk who is a real gentleman and will carry me off on his white horse after slaying the dragon and saving me. You did say fantasy, right?:battingeyelashes::)

Brandy Mathews
02-27-2015, 06:17 PM
Not into guys, even though the woman in me wants someone in my life, it is a GG. Would love to meet a GG I could ge close to again, I was soooooo happy when I was in that spot. So happy for everyone that has a SO that appreciates that.
Bree :)

02-27-2015, 06:20 PM
I like strong, dominate and masculine men. I like them to be bigger and taller than I am to make me feel small and weak around him. There should be no question who wears the skirts and panties in our relationship. :o

02-27-2015, 06:20 PM
No fantasy there for me either. My enjoyment of all things fem extends to my attraction to women - particularly my awesome accepting SO. ;)

Dianne S
02-27-2015, 06:35 PM
For Mama make him a scholar, for papa make him rich as a king, for me well I wouldn't holler if he were as handsome as anything...

It's official! Lorileah wins this thread! Ha!

(Though to pick nits, I think the Mama wanted the money and the Papa the learning...) :)

02-27-2015, 07:07 PM
This thread reminds me of all the other, "I'm straight but..." threads. Straight guys don't think about men, dressed or otherwise.

02-27-2015, 08:28 PM
I've tried to rationalize it and make excuses for it..."Oh I only think about men when I'm in a girly mood" or "Oh it's just a fun fantasy!" But who's kidding who...I'm very much bi-sexual. The only difference is when it manifests itself.

Maria Blackwood
02-27-2015, 08:48 PM
As someone openly and comfortably bi, and having explored it a lot before my CD was a thing, at this point I'd like just a simple booty call for when I'm dressed and in the mood. My bi side is entirely physical. No romantic feelings for men, but I can enjoy a good evening's fun. CD simply added a new facet to it.

02-27-2015, 09:03 PM
Some one taller than me I am 6 ft and in 3in heel, he would have to be at least 6ft 3in, with dark hair.

Lily Catherine
02-27-2015, 09:13 PM
I'm a straight guy, and I'm thoroughly stumped; even in the most feminine garments and make-up I could plausibly put on, I'm still attracted to GGs and nowhere near attracted to GMs.

02-27-2015, 11:27 PM
My bi side is entirely physical. No romantic feelings for men, but I can enjoy a good evening's fun. CD simply added a new facet to it.

This is me. I have no desire to date or be in a relationship with a man. I just like the pure physical act and being a CD allows me to experience the feminine role. I haven't explored it much, sometimes it can be hard to find someone you can be comfortable with, but I hope I can experience more.

02-28-2015, 01:28 AM
I'm straight but have had to create boyfriends for Sherry's stories.

I kind of like this sincere, caring, El Guapo type. Of course, he turned out to be complete rat. Like some instantly appealing men do!

02-28-2015, 03:30 AM
Kind of a weird questions for a straight guy to ask or even think about.

Has anyone in this thread considered the possibility that at least some of the respondents who fantasize about men may, in fact, be straight women? For that matter, some of you who loudly cry out about your love of women, and disgust at the thought of being with a man, may actually be lesbians, and therefore quite gay?

I fall into the former case. (BTW, I am not attracted to gay men. They are nice, I have lotsa gay friends I love, some of them are handsome, and yet there is just zero attraction to one another.) I see a fair number of female attracted trans women who are quite homophobic when they start transition, despite the reality that they are lesbians. They were straight identified originally - but that wasn't really the reality. It is just quite difficult for some to overcome their internalized homophobia and admit that they are gay women. (Sometimes *really gay* women...)

Oh, to answer the OP - my fantasy was always a very straight guy, highly masculine in terms of behavior and looks, but with a sensitive side. (Not feminine in any way, just not narrow minded.) Handsome, but not overly fussy about fashion. Really secure in himself, but not a jerk about it. The kind of guy who watches sports, smokes cigars, and maybe drinks a beer once in a while, but never to excess. A guy who treats me like a lady. And who is faithful. Who's kind and loving, but also strong and protective of me. A high sex drive would be helpful - he needs to keep up with me! ;)

02-28-2015, 05:59 AM
The only fantasy I have about guys is if I reincarnated what actor would I come back as ! May sound an odd choice but Gregory Peck is mine !

No I don't fancy him or any other guy, I like women too much ! But then Paula may be right !

In that case the question should read what would your fantasy girlfriend be like ? I could name many in that case !!

02-28-2015, 06:42 AM
Just out of curiosity. I'm a straight guy.

First of all: Rah - you are perfectly entitled to be curious about this and straight. :) It appears intellectual curiosity evades some other straight guys...

I too have no fantasies about this, dressed or otherwise, but these threads do make me chuckle...

With the greatest respect (as I are one too, after all...) but straight guys in dresses being sanctimonious about other straight guys fantasies...??? :doh:

Just accept that sexual diversity is here to stay and very prevalent amongst a community that is very gender flexible. :)

My wife and I occasionally discuss what makes a good looking woman or man and - aside the fact we were attracted to each other - we sometimes completely disagree on who are attractive women or men in movies or on TV... Perhaps with all these things, you just never know until you meet the right woman or man... and then your preconceptions and philosophical rigidity are as smoke up a chimney... :thinking:

Katey x

Shelly Preston
02-28-2015, 06:57 AM
I think if can be fun to think about what if

You just never know what will happen in real life. The right person for an individual may not be a man but for some it will be.

There are a lot of good looking men out there in my opinion.

Cary Grant, Steve McQueen, Gerald Butler, George Clooney, Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery to name a few

Sadly some have passed on but with everything it just comes down to individual choice.

02-28-2015, 07:08 AM
Well, I don't even think about men, much less fantasize about them.:brolleyes:

02-28-2015, 07:18 AM
Hi Rah,

As Katie said . . . nothing wrong with being intellectually curious and throwing it out as a post . . . that is what this site is for . . . we are an eclectic bunch to say the least. Sorry that some have taken this to be an affront to their "straightness" and have responded oddly to say the least.

My wife and I will often discuss what makes a good looking man or a good looking woman . . . it doesn't impinge on our sexual preference . . . just good plain "what if" fun. I suppose if I was going to "what if" he (the man in question) would have to be kind, considerate and into things that I enjoy doing as much as I would be in to what he is doing . . . good looking would be a boon but not necessary. However these are all things I would look for in a woman as well.

So . . . there it is and guess what folks . . . still straight :battingeyelashes:



Jocelyn Quivers
02-28-2015, 08:05 AM
A hedge fund manager, doctor, lawyer, athlete, etc. who makes minimum $750,000 per year after taxes. A guy who works all of the time and is rarely at home, travels a lot, who has no interest in sex with me because he is having affairs with his mistresses, or "john", escorts etc. While I'm at home pampering myself, spending his money on me(mainly on plastic surgeries, liposuction), and also having an affair with my mistress. He will not divorce me, because he does not want to pay my alimony so I can live the spoiled life I have become used to. Sounds like the plot of a lifetime movie!

Hannah Adams
02-28-2015, 08:07 AM
I use to deny being attracted to men and proclaim my hetro sexual status, only slept with women. Then my femininity wanted more and who I truly was started to emerge. I started sleeping with guys and it was so much more emotionally fulfilling , something I never experienced with women
I appreciate women and they make great friends but I only am interested in dating men now. Just be true to who you are it may not be who you think you are suppose to be.

02-28-2015, 08:29 AM
My wife and I had a good laugh about this question. No we were not laughing at the OP's question, rather at ourselves. She said she has always been attracted to tall men with dark features and a rather rugged appearance and personality. Of course she married a medium height, slightly overweight bald man with feminine feelings who likes to crossdress in women's clothes. I have always been attracted to tall, voluptuous, red headed women. Of course I married a very petite small chested blond. She is 5' and weighs 103 lbs. Go figure. I was really attracted to her personality and her smile. She says that she went out with me the first time because she saw my eyes come alive when ever I looked at her and I opened doors for her like a gentleman. We are still very much in love after 20 years.

So when she pressed me about what kind of man I would be attracted to I told her it would not matter. If I ever was attracted to a man the fantasy and the reality probably would not match.

Ellen Jo

Beverley Sims
02-28-2015, 01:09 PM
Rah, Being like yourself I think we both think alike on the subject.

Only those of us who are gay or in transition would give an unbiassed answer.

Mine can only be fantasy.

In reality my perfect mate would be a tall lithsome blonde, all female and probably I would die of a heart attack in bed. :)

02-28-2015, 01:35 PM
Most CDs that like men are into the strong masculine protective men who can dominate them in the bedroom. A lot like gg.

Really!!!!! what century are you living in then?

02-28-2015, 01:52 PM
Really!!!!! what century are you living in then?

Well I somewhat understand the sentiment, a strong man making us feel more demure, feminine and it seemed to me that was expressing more of a sexual interest than living with a man. I fall into the same category as some here, really on the hetero side of bi. I can fantasize about a man but I don't walk down the street and look at men. But being with a man dressed, really touched a feminine nerve and my preference is for the strong, gentle daddy types.

Curious if you straight girls are attracted to other cd's? These days that attraction is as strong as any for me.

02-28-2015, 02:02 PM

I understand that some cders would like that type of man but Sean was implying that this is the type that GGs want, and that maybe right with some but not all GGs want that, he shouldn't lump all GGs together.

02-28-2015, 02:57 PM
... he shouldn't lump all GGs together.

Maybe that is what he would like :p

02-28-2015, 03:55 PM
I always imagined I'd look good next to a guy who's at least 5 years older and 4 inches taller than me (so I look more petite), kind of hipsterish with like dark hair and a beard, long eyelashes, check shirts, skinny with tight jeans, one or two piercings, some tattoos etc. He'd be an artist or something (not a musician), and be really talented and really into it, even if he's not very commercially successful with it. He'd be somewhere between introvert and extrovert, neither dominant not submissive, intelligent but not snobbish, someone you meet and just think "he's really nice". oh and he'd be irish. definitely.

I think I got carried away there. I'm not even into guys usually.

02-28-2015, 06:18 PM

I understand that some cders would like that type of man but Sean was implying that this is the type that GGs want, and that maybe right with some but not all GGs want that, he shouldn't lump all GGs together.

No its true. Most girls whether they are cd or gg like this type of macho man. Its innate biology. It makes them feel petite, submissive, protected and most of all feminine. I have seen it in real life through many years of dating too.

02-28-2015, 07:58 PM
my ideal guy would be a girl like shania twain {giggle}

Adriana Moretti
03-01-2015, 03:24 AM
I have my fantasy boyfriend....in real life.....and he dresses like a girl too. xoxo....I zip up his dress, and he/she takes off my boots and gives me a foot massage, we go shopping, eat pizza, share makeup tips, fashion advise, she is the ultimate wing girl......xoxo

03-01-2015, 11:05 PM
Oh Im HELLA GAY!! but still like guys to. I even got to date one for a bit because Stacy was way cool about it,
But ya my guy??? Johnny Depp the longhairish scruffy face hat n glasses wearing one lol. you know what i mean!

Anyways taller like 6ft is awesome long hair is cool too tats but not like everywhere just some.
you know that rocker bad boy guy but deff not a self centered douchebag. Someone like Marys guy below :D

Sorry but I dont think i could ever be with a guy my height or shorter that just be weird I mean im bearly 5'6 Stacy is freakin taller then me shes a girl how can i date a guy shorter then me???? LOL!

MY friend is like 6ft 5 or maybe more! he like ducks in doors lol its great even Stacy is petite next to him LOL!
IDK but taller guys just so do it for me and Stacy LMAO!! no its really funny cause she married me!
But she says it doesnt matter Im shorter because she married a girl not a guy :D. shes right thou :)

taller than me, kind of hipsterish dark hair and a beard, check shirts, skinny with tight jeans, piercings, tattoos an artist or something somewhere between introvert and extrovert, neither dominant not submissive, intelligent but not snobbish
I think I got carried away there. I'm not even into guys usually.

OK lol for someone not really into guys you dream up a pretty good one :) If you don't want him can i have him?? lol

Most girls like this type of macho man. Its innate biology.
Forget asking what caveman decade your from.......... more like what planet are you from?!?
Ya Let me guess.... I bet your also one of them machoman who think 50 shades was accurate to? :doh:

03-02-2015, 10:31 AM
No its true. Most girls whether they are cd or gg like this type of macho man. Its innate biology. It makes them feel petite, submissive, protected and most of all feminine. I have seen it in real life through many years of dating too.

Umm TSs are girls but cders are not so get your facts right please...still don't agree with you, but I'm not gonna win whatever I say, so I'll let you go live in your world where the GG is the weak, defensive little woman who just can't cope unless she has such a man in her life...yeah maybe in the 1950's

Tracii G
03-02-2015, 12:17 PM
I have my fantasy boyfriend....in real life.....and he dresses like a girl too. xoxo....I zip up his dress, and he/she takes off my boots and gives me a foot massage, we go shopping, eat pizza, share makeup tips, fashion advise, she is the ultimate wing girl......xoxo

I wish I had that situation.
I find I'm attracted to guys that take care of themselves and dress nicely.That goes for women too but the attraction is not as strong.
I have a small circle of guy friends I hang out with quite a bit and one of them is really handsome and so much fun to hang out with but he isn't interested in guys.
His GF is really sweet so I'm happy for him.

03-02-2015, 12:54 PM
Well I somewhat understand the sentiment, a strong man making us feel more demure, feminine and it seemed to me that was expressing more of a sexual interest than living with a man.

To Trishwa, the difference I think, between CDers and GGs when it comes to a preference for men, is that GG's don't need men to "make us feel more demure, feminine" as you say. We already KNOW that we are women and therefore feminine compared to the man we're with.

Different women have different preferences (not just tall, dark, and strong) based on all sorts of factors including their personalities, background, personal sense of aesthetics, etc. I prefer the intensely intellectual type, doesn't matter what color hair or eyes, or how much muscle he has. A killer smile doesn't hurt, but then this is a feature that all types of people possess.

I totally get Sandra's response to SeanMuscle. I would much rather be an equal partner than be dominated by someone. I want a voice in the relationship. I do not want to live like women did during the 1950s.

Do I want to be wanted in bed? Certainly, I think that everyone does. AND, both men and women are fully capable of wanting their partners sexually and showing it. The idea some of you have perhaps, that only men are capable of wanting partners, is another idea from the '50s.

I also understand the purpose of this thread. I can see why it would be fun to imagine "what if". I also have graphic fantasies that I know real life experience could never imitate, simply because I have complete control over my fantasies … I can add what I want, omit what I want, add any characteristic I want … in short I can manipulate, stretch, compress, and invent something that does not exist, and I can even omit some of my own fundamental preferences in order to mesh with the fantasy. Real life and real people (and my own reactions in real life) don't work that way. lol

03-02-2015, 04:03 PM
@Reine. Actually a lot of women say they want a bigger, taller, stronger, protective guy because it makes them feel petite and feminine. They avoid small effeminate men because it makes them feel masculine and like they are the man in the relationship.

Reine and Sandra you dont understand. Women want a man who knows how to lead in the relationship. It does not mean he is controlling or abusive. And women like to be dominated in the bedroom because the strength, power and masculinity of a man turns them on.

There are always exceptions but most women want the masculine alpha male type guy.

03-02-2015, 04:34 PM
...Reine and Sandra you dont understand. Women want a man who knows how to lead in the relationship. It does not mean he is controlling or abusive. And women like to be dominated in the bedroom because the strength, power and masculinity of a man turns them on..........

And first prize for the most complete and unsubstantiated load of bulls*** goes to 'seanmuscle'. I'd love to see the research into said theory and the peer reviews.


03-02-2015, 04:48 PM
They avoid small effeminate men because it makes them feel masculine and like they are the man in the relationship.

Women want a man who knows how to lead in the relationship. It does not mean he is controlling or abusive. And women like to be dominated in the bedroom because the strength, power and masculinity of a man turns them on.

There are always exceptions but most women want the masculine alpha male type guy.

I'm not so sure about all that other stuff - some of the things you talk about are social, and definitely do not apply to all women. In the study below though, 50% of women surveyed did prefer a taller man. However, while 50% is a lot, it's still not most.

I would be willing to bet that 50% of the cis women who are supportive on this forum do not prefer that type of partner.


Disclaimer: Since the study above was done at UNT and Rice, both in Texas, it's possible that the results may not really be totally applicable to the rest of the civilized world. ;) (Just kidding, they used data from all over the place...)

edit: There are lots of implicit little things in your post seanmuscle that one could nitpick about. For example, there is a decent percentage of women who don't want a man at all! Presumably you are talking about heteronormative, cisnormative women - but you never really talk about that, you just kind of sweep them all into "exceptions" i.e. "other". That kind of sucks! Their experiences are just as valid, even if they aren't the numerically largest group.

03-02-2015, 06:15 PM
He would have to be a passable CD or transgender. Smooth, feminine features, and pretty face and hair doo. Just enough make-up to highlight the natural beauty. Sexy legs, butt, and smooth slender arms. Soft complexion.

03-02-2015, 06:25 PM
I don't think what seanmuscle says is a total load of BS as much as a gross exaggeration. A while back I spent some time looking at profiles on fetlife. The vast majority of women identified as submissives or listed submissive type fetishes. The women that identified as Dommes were mostly pros in it for the $. What I thought was interesting was the number of women that identified as sexually submissive and feminist. But when I thought about it, I saw no contradiction. The men were less likely to identify as dominant than women were to identify as submissive. I know that fetlife is not representative of the general population but you can still learn a lot by looking at the extremes of the bell curve. There's a reason that "50 shades" was popular among women and there's a reason there isn't a femdom equivalent as popular among men. I'm definitely NOT interested in sexually submissive women. Been there, done that. No more.

The only boyfriend I ever had was a nameless, faceless abstraction with a penis. That's about as close as I want to get to the real thing.

Barbara Dugan
03-02-2015, 07:16 PM
I am not straight but I really don't fantasize about a boyfriend, because I have a very real one:heehee:

03-02-2015, 08:27 PM
I'd say Ava Gardner's quote about Frank Sinatra would cover it:

She stated the singer was "only 110 pounds, but 10 pounds of it is c---!"


03-02-2015, 08:32 PM
Guess I am not a woman. I don't want a big beefy hairy man. I am attracted to well groomed "professional" looking men. Sports jackets, great smiles, well dressed (even if jeans not baggy or worn). clean shaven face. I disagree that women want the macho type of man. Hardly any of my male friends would have ever been married if that were true. Women like men who are confident and fun. The package is just window dressing

03-02-2015, 10:28 PM
He would have to be a passable CD or transgender. Smooth, feminine features, and pretty face and hair doo. Just enough make-up to highlight the natural beauty. Sexy legs, butt, and smooth slender arms. Soft complexion.
That about describes mine too.
Guess I am a lesbian bi-curios CD

03-02-2015, 10:45 PM
He would be a GG. Not interested in men and don't fantasize about em either.

03-03-2015, 12:26 AM
@Reine. Actually a lot of women say they want a bigger, taller, stronger, protective guy because it makes them feel petite and feminine. They avoid small effeminate men because it makes them feel masculine and like they are the man in the relationship.

Hiya Sean, long time no see!

To your comment, I must be really weird. I wear high heels when I go out with my SO to try to be as tall as she is, to try to eliminate one of the 'readability' factors. When people on the street see two people walking together who are the same height, the one who is taller does not appear so huge. Anyway, I don't feel the least bit masculine by doing so. And why don't I feel masculine when I do this? Because I'm not a man. lol

Women want a man who knows how to lead in the relationship.

Not the women I know. How old are you, Sean. You should get to know more modern women.

03-03-2015, 01:15 AM
I don't think what seanmuscle says is a total load of BS as much as a gross exaggeration. A while back I spent some time looking at profiles on fetlife. ...

Your opinion is based on a sample of people who claim to be "women" on a fetish site? Let guess, you're not a researcher of any kind...

03-03-2015, 04:38 AM
Absolutely 0 interest in men, there is nothing I find attractive about them at all. If going for a biological male, then I would need an ultra fem full time ts/tv. If feminine enough, i may be flexible on the pre vs post op. But really, I'm all for women

03-03-2015, 04:55 AM
If going for a biological male, then I would need an ultra fem full time ts/tv. If feminine enough, i may be flexible on the pre vs post op. But really, I'm all for women

OK, a trans woman is a woman. Pre-op, post-op, non-op - we are women. As for surgery status - having sex with one of us is nothing like having sex with a man because - we aren't men. Yeah, porn shows a bunch of penetrative types of activity going on. In the real world, this doesn't happen for most of us. And a lot of us wouldn't want it even if we could.

But hey, if the defining quality of a woman for you is her vagina, then I guess you don't have a very high opinion of women!

03-03-2015, 05:31 AM
I actually have a real boyfriend but I've never met him in person. I met him on a chat site over 5 years ago and we have developed a very close relationship which shows no signs of waning.
If I only had a fantasy boyfriend he would be just like my guy. He is handsome, fit, athletic, sexy, intelligent, the right age, very loyal and devoted, wonderful to communicate with and most importantly absolutely adores me and makes me feel very desirable and feminine. He adds incredibly to my CDing pleasure and I'm forever grateful I found him.

03-03-2015, 02:56 PM
Your opinion is based on a sample of people who claim to be "women" on a fetish site? Let guess, you're not a researcher of any kind...

I made no claim that my opinion was based on scientific research, so congratulations for defeating your own strawman. It's an odd criticism coming from someone that asserts, without any evidence or rationale, that their DNA makes them wear dresses.

Prissy Linda
03-03-2015, 06:40 PM
He would have to be a passable CD or transgender. Smooth, feminine features, and pretty face and hair doo. Just enough make-up to highlight the natural beauty. Sexy legs, butt, and smooth slender arms. Soft complexion.

Sounds like a perfect boyfriend to me.

03-03-2015, 06:58 PM
So in a fantasy world if you have to make your ideal boyfriend for yourself how would he be?

amazing how many "I don't like men" people don't read well isn't it? It doesn't ask if you like men, want to sleep with men, dream about men or have in any manner before ever seen a man. It asks in a fantasy world. So here's an idea. If you you don't want a man or fantasize about a man you don't post an answer here. You are just taking up space on the thread.

Dianne S
03-03-2015, 09:12 PM
OK, I'll give it a shot...

I found it really hard to imagine any specifics of a "fantasy" boyfriend beyond boring non-sexy things like being kind, gentle, honest, funny, etc.

But tonight I happened to listen to a CD of someone singing Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Music of the Night" and this singer was amazing... he had a deep, rich voice with amazing dynamic contrast, control and power. I was weak in the knees!

So yeah, a handsome guy with a really strong singing voice would do it for me.

03-04-2015, 09:58 PM
amazing how many "I don't like men" people don't read well isn't it? It doesn't ask if you like men, want to sleep with men, dream about men or have in any manner before ever seen a man. It asks in a fantasy world. So here's an idea. If you you don't want a man or fantasize about a man you don't post an answer here. You are just taking up space on the thread.

Sorry Lorileah, you don't get to decide; the OP, Rah, didn't restrict comments or answers to a specific demographic.

I'm an open advocate for our Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans brothers and sisters to my friends, family and workmates, but I'm straight, and can no more come up with a "fantasy boyfriend" than I can a fantasy girlfriend who'd dress me in a nappy/diaper, put me in a playpen, and feed me with a bottle... it's just not my thing.

Quite frankly threads like this are the reason that when I introduced my girlfriend to the site, I logged-in and took her to the "Loved Ones" forum first, emphasising the supportive and nurturing nature of the site.

03-04-2015, 10:41 PM
This thread reminds me of all the other, "I'm straight but..." threads.

Et tu, Jennifer? :heehee:

03-07-2015, 04:02 AM
Nature wise would be kind but dominant and aggressive in bed.

I definitely want that in a boyfriend. I love tall guys with fabulous bodies!

03-07-2015, 06:16 AM
hi girls, I was not going to post, since I only think about women ,but what to hell here it goes, my man would have to be one of them nikki Newark types,all slick and ready for action,just down and dirty sex lol hugs lynda

03-07-2015, 12:39 PM
OK, a trans woman is a woman. Pre-op, post-op, non-op - we are women. As for surgery status - having sex with one of us is nothing like having sex with a man because - we aren't men. Yeah, porn shows a bunch of penetrative types of activity going on. In the real world, this doesn't happen for most of us. And a lot of us wouldn't want it even if we could.

But hey, if the defining quality of a woman for you is her vagina, then I guess you don't have a very high opinion of women!

It isn't about my opinion of women, the question was what my fantasy boyfriend would be like. As someone not attracted to masculinity, I based my answer on the genetic composition of the person. Would I go for a porn star- absolutely. But thats all for show, so if the individual maintains the role of a man, then I have no interest. If the individual who was born a male assumes the role of a woman in a physical sense and appears to be very feminine in body and manner, then that is what I would be much more attracted to.

Joni T
03-07-2015, 01:48 PM
This thread reminds me of all the other, "I'm straight but..." threads. Straight guys don't think about men, dressed or otherwise.


03-07-2015, 02:07 PM
Kind of a weird questions for a straight guy to ask or even think about. The thought of it makes me feel like I might throw up and makes me question my sanity. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, I'm just not wired that way.

I guess Rah wasn't asking you, was she? Your answer really doesn't add to the conversation.

Sorry Lorileah, you don't get to decide; the OP, Rah, didn't restrict comments or answers to a specific demographic.

I'm an open advocate for our Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans brothers and sisters to my friends, family and workmates, but I'm straight, and can no more come up with a "fantasy boyfriend" than I can a fantasy girlfriend who'd dress me in a nappy/diaper, put me in a playpen, and feed me with a bottle... it's just not my thing.

Quite frankly threads like this are the reason that when I introduced my girlfriend to the site, I logged-in and took her to the "Loved Ones" forum first, emphasising the supportive and nurturing nature of the site.

The OP Rah wasn't asking you, was she?

There's an old adage about "If you can't say anything nice..."

I don't get all these "I'm gonna throw up" and "I'm only into GGs" comments on this. OP asked about a fantasy world, and if you can't place yourself into that setting then why bother commenting at all? The negative "Oh you're cracked in the head" style of comments don't add anything, it just tosses a wet blanket on the conversation. OP wasn't asking "you" specifically, if you can't even conceive of this or it makes you physically ill - why not just keep it to yourself?

Seriously, if you don't have any good to say, why bother commenting at all?

Now y'all done got my dander up. I really don't like negative people.


Lucy Lou
03-07-2015, 04:04 PM
I would like a guy who is clean shaven, athletic, sensitive, caring and most of all honest. Who would make me feel like a woman treat me well. Be loving and sensual. And yes, I would make love to him as i have done in my mind many times before. Maybe one day I will meet him and the dream will come true, you never know.

My main problem is that I am very choosy and I wouldn't get involved in any way unless I knew he was genuine. I will get my day I feel very sure about that and 'the man' will be very happy with me as i will make him feel like he is the best.

:battingeyelashes: Lucy Lou xxx

Lacy PJs
03-07-2015, 04:31 PM
If we are to believe the psychologists, no one is completely immune to thoughts of the same sex in some intimate way. I believe this to be true. How do you know you are turned off by something unless you have at least given it some thought in the first place? For example, I can honestly say that I don't believe I want to go to the Caribbean because I have thought about it; I've not been there though.

Having said that, I have thought about other guys but that doesn't float my boat at all so I feel comfortable in agreeing with several others. Women for me... especially the one I'm married to.

Lacy PJs

03-07-2015, 08:56 PM
Just for clarification's sake, it would help if the responders actually understood the question:

"So in a fantasy world..."

Here are a couple of definitions to help us along:

the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.

indulge in daydreaming about something desired.

Rah's question was about "fantasy".

Next answer please...I'm still working on mine.


03-07-2015, 09:20 PM
I'm just not attracted to me on any level, not mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, sexually ~ sorry there's just noting that I find attractive about men?

I am attracted to femininity, women, and all that goes with that.

03-07-2015, 10:17 PM
He would be tall, muscular, hairless, and large in every way. :daydreaming:

03-07-2015, 11:31 PM
With the greatest respect (as I are one too, after all...) but straight guys in dresses being sanctimonious about other straight guys fantasies...??? :doh:

Katey, exellent point! My thoughts exactly. Men, and I use that term loosely, haha just kidding, take a look at your pretty little femme selves in the mirror before judging another's "straight fantasies"

He would be tall, muscular, hairless, and large in every way. :daydreaming:

Robyn you naughty girl:o

Jeri Ann
03-08-2015, 06:24 AM
I'm with Robyn but mine can have hair.

Stephanie Julianna
03-08-2015, 07:48 AM
Looking like Pierce Brosnan or Tom Selleck wouldn't hurt. He'd have to love nights out at the theater and if he loved vintage cars almost as much as he loved me, that would be nice. He'd always much prefer me in skirts and dresses than slacks. I had a boyfriend for decades and he was sweet and wonderful and loved me to dress up. Unfortunately those men are far and few between. However, I still feel I was very lucky to have had him in my life.

03-08-2015, 08:03 AM
If I were to construct a fantasy world, I wouldn't have to worry about whether I was straight or not, because I would be the cute chick/busty wench, and 100% straight. And my guy would be kinda retro, either a cowboy or a sailor. Someone who was gone for long stretches of time, but who was madly in love and faithful, so whenever he came home, we would both know how special our time together was.

I would be a barmaid/tender, serving up drinks and making everyone feel welcome, while unintentionally breaking a heart or two as I try to politely decline every pass that guys made at me, because I knew that I was spoken for.

As for looks...Broad at the shoulders, narrow at the hips. He would always lean slightly forward when he walked, as though he knew he had a destination and wasn't gonna hesitate in getting there. When he was walking away, for either the range or the sea, I could watch his confident stride and the way his shoulders rolled, and would know that on his return home, that determined walk would end at my door and nothing would be able to stop him.


03-10-2015, 08:55 PM
I really like guys who have beards and also if he is good at working with his hands such as working on cars and has the same interest as me as far as cars since I am a car type girl.

03-11-2015, 04:32 AM
I find it interesting that the 'I'm so straight I have to let everyone know' types, can clearly see the title of the thread, choose to enter, read and reply and yet apparently have no interest?

It is what it is, allow people their fantasy and don't be hypocrites.
Sometimes it reminds me of the saying 'Thou doth protest too much' if you don't agree with the subject why are you getting involved?

For me, not so much fantasy as requirements. I am attracted to tall guys, taller than me. But I certainly don't want to be dominated by a Neanderthal. I like character, sense of humour and intelligent conversation. I'm attracted to personality, a guy that can't hold an engaging conversation no matter how good looking, is going to turn me off.
And loyalty, I want a long term relationship and not to be worrying if he is having fun elsewhere.

Sometimes Steffi
03-11-2015, 07:09 PM
My "ideal boyfriend" would be a tall, athletic, GG with a great figure, well "built" long hair and beautiful face and a great sense of style.

So, in my fantasy world I'm a CD who's a lesbian, so I would want my "boyfriend" to be a GG, and by her description, she would probably have to be a supermodel.

Janine cd
03-11-2015, 08:27 PM
When I was much younger, I occasionally fanaticized about being made love to by a strong ,gentle and sensitive man. I imagined myself as being totally submissive and following his every command. As I grew older, these fantasies became fewer in occurrence.

Jean 103
03-11-2015, 08:57 PM
Here is a pic of me with mine, it's from a trip I took awhile back to Hollywood

03-11-2015, 09:57 PM
I've always liked older men. And by older men I mean my friend Jaime's dad has been a long time crush of mine. He's 6'4, well buit, very successful, artistic, kind, generous. I could go on. He looks a bit like Tom Selek. If anything happens to our wives I'm going for it.

Raquel Maire
03-16-2015, 05:12 PM
As a male I'm hetro but when my CDing comes out I'm all women. To be with a man maybe over the top for me now. Fantasy and reality are two different things. But at times I do fantasies about being with another CD. Any Takers, just kidding

03-17-2015, 12:37 AM
I've never been with a guy before but have come to realize that I fantasise about men constantly, not sure if that makes me gay but my ideal boyfriend would be older and bald with strong arms and a deep voice who spoils me and has a huge sex drive, kinda weird putting it into words as I've never realised how much o think about it before

Kirsty Louise
03-17-2015, 07:14 AM
My fantasy is to have a woman as a woman

Kirsty x

Gypsy Sam
03-17-2015, 07:34 AM
Great respect for Khora's honesty. "Just like the physical act and being CD allows me to experience the feminine role. Imagination is everything, and for most that is all it would ever be. Truth to power is saying these days. Khora gets my vote for identifying a CD motive and desire.

03-17-2015, 08:13 AM
I met my Mr. Perfect several years ago. We had a fantastic relationship. One most could only dream of. Unfortunately, he passed away unexpectedly 6 years ago. Now days as long as they are breathing and the heart is still pounding.... even if I have installed a ventilator and defibrillator next to the bed;).

03-17-2015, 08:28 AM
I could literally spend days in this thread. :devil:

@Reine. Actually a lot of women say they want a bigger, taller, stronger, protective guy
Reine and Sandra you dont understand. Women want a man who knows how to lead in the relationship.

WOW! Nice you see you haven't changed one bit.
So tell me, how did a neanderthal like you jump from fire and the wheel to internet forum usage? :lol2:

"Reine and Sandra you dont understand" Typical MAN thinking HE knows what a women wants better then actual women do. :lol2:

"Women want taller men?" REALLY? Thanks for the insight Captain Caveman!
Real shocker considering the average height for females is 5 foot 5 inches (164.5CM) and for men is 5 foot 10 inches (178.2 CM). Granted there are exceptions and variations, but for the most part, most men are generally taller then most women, so stating women wanting a taller man has about as much merit as saying most women are attracted to men. Again, thanks Captain Caveman!

At 5'6 I can only think of 3 not taller then me (at least by a lot) men: Napoleon = Dead, Tom Cruise = No Thanks and Al Pacino. OK I would definitely make an exception for Al, come on, who wouldn't lol.

Roughly speaking, about 85% of the adult male population (in the U.S.) is taller then me.
So of course I want a taller guy, it's hard enough finding a decent one out of the 85% I'm not going to start fishing in the shallow end. lol. About the only real question would be "how much taller" do I prefer a potential guy to be?

It would be nice if he was at least 5'10 so I would be slightly shorter or about the same height while in heels. And I say this NOT for me, but for HIM! Yes that's right, seems most guys don't like being shorter then their girlfriends.

Go Figure? Might be because being shorter is seen as being inferior and NOT an ALPHA MALE trait!!! Right Sean? Yes those pesky fragile wittle alpha male egos do bruise quite easily don't they? :lol2:

Anyways, LOL, to answer the OP, like others have said, there is no "fantasy guy" for me to wonder about.
I like guys (and girls) and about the only "fantasy" might be becoming one of those "greedy Bi chicks who want to **** every person they see" and wanting one of each. :lol2: A girl can dream, can't she? :battingeyelashes: