View Full Version : How do you score in my Femininity Test?

Lucy Long Legs
03-07-2015, 01:14 PM
I think we can take it for granted that we on here have a strong feminine side to our character and sometimes physique. I came up with ten attributes which help us to be feminine - perhaps you can think of more. How many of these do you consider apply to you?

1. A feminine face with small features and smooth skin

2. Little upper body strength

3. A slender neck

4. Little or no body hair

5. Natural breasts

6. Small equipment

7. Lack of desire or ability to take a dominant role.

8. Preferring the company of women.

9. Attracted to men.

10. The ability to "pass" convincingly in public.

I score on 1, 2, 6, 7, 10. Grand total: 5 points.

Candice Mae
03-07-2015, 01:19 PM

What does being attracted to men have to do with femininity?

Nadine Spirit
03-07-2015, 01:27 PM
Well funny enough, on your personal test I think I score a zero. I guess I am just not feminine.

Kate Simmons
03-07-2015, 02:08 PM
The funny part is that women don't do femininity tests. They just are. Sometimes we are more concerned how we come off to others than just being ourselves.:)

03-07-2015, 02:29 PM
Given that you came up with those ten attributes, I'd like to hear your definition of femininity.

Lucy Long Legs
03-07-2015, 02:33 PM
What a lot of hostility.

03-07-2015, 02:41 PM
Lucy, real femininity comes from within. It is a part of your spirit, your personality, your soul. Sure, some of us express it in superficial ways too - in clothing, or speech, or with makeup or our hair. Those things can certainly enhance the effect. But being feminine - it's a kind of energy. You just feel it.

By the way, being attracted to men, or being the more passive partner in sex really have nothing to do with being feminine. I know very feminine women for whom neither of those are true.

It can be very hard for others to see past some of the physical characteristics you cite to see the feminine part of you. That was the story of my life for a long time.

03-07-2015, 03:09 PM
I worked with a woman with cerebral palsy who could never have been described as physically feminine but did her best to be so from within. I think you may want to reconsider what defines femininity.

03-07-2015, 03:15 PM
Hey Lucy's just having some fun, lighten up folks! It's not my test, but i reckon 4 or 5 for me :-)

I'd add tests on specific behaviours ... I think its a good idea and fun ,cos in the end there's nothing that defines a female, nor a male, if the physical body is discounted, it's all conditioning, and if sexual orientation is also discounted, then ... well, we've no idea, so why not decide what is for you F or M, and work to that code?

I reckon a person at 4,5,6 on such a code is well balanced in their M and F ?

03-07-2015, 03:17 PM
I score a '1' (attracted to men)

I will *still* rock a skirt and heels better than most!

- MM

Melissa Rose
03-07-2015, 03:22 PM
None. A check list of attributes does not define my or anyone else's femininity (however that is determined or measured). While I get what you are tying to say, it is misguided. I know several natal women who are no doubt women that would fail miserably at this so-called femininity test. A few of the criteria are borderline sexist. So yes, unsurprisingly, there are some hostile or less than receptive responses.

03-07-2015, 03:23 PM
1. A feminine face with small features and smooth skin
2. Little upper body strength
3. A slender neck
4. Little or no body hair
5. Natural breasts
6. Small equipment
7. Lack of desire or ability to take a dominant role.
8. Preferring the company of women.
9. Attracted to men.
10. The ability to "pass" convincingly in public.

1) So women with acne are not feminine? What about scars?
2) Women are weak? I've never been dressed in public where someone wanted to test my strength. Next time I get challenged to a push up contest, I know what to do.
3) As compared to what? A man? A body builder? a giraffe?
4) So if I shave my chest I'm more feminine than if I don't even if my chest is covered to any onlooker? Does shaving even count?
5) Yep, women have natural breasts thanks for the 411
6) Well, women don't have any "equipment" so I guess by this criteria no woman is feminine. Bummer.
7) More 411, not sure where you get that.
8) My wife prefers my company, I guess she is not feminine.
9) No lesbian is feminine. Interesting take.
10) Women do and cross dressers don't. I think you grossly overrate yourself on this point. The general public prefers to say nothing even when they notice something. It's called being civil.

03-07-2015, 04:51 PM
I love online quizzes. My low self esteem prevents me from revealing my score.

03-07-2015, 05:20 PM
Not trying to be hostile, Lucy. Less than receptive, yes. Jennifer explained very well why none of the ten attributes describe/define femininity.

03-07-2015, 05:23 PM
I did not score well but......being here makes feel real good...real feminine....thanks girls!

Nadine Spirit
03-07-2015, 08:35 PM
What a lot of hostility.

Not trying to be hostile, I seriously score a 0 on your test.

How many of these do you consider apply to you?

1. A feminine face with small features and smooth skin - I don't think so, but my foundation does wonders!

2. Little upper body strength - sure compared with some guys, but I don't think so.

3. A slender neck - Eh Gads! My neck always looks huge to me!

4. Little or no body hair - Naturally I assume? Because mechanically I am quite hair free, so maybe this might be a point for me?

5. Natural breasts - I can do some great trickery with a good bra!

6. Small equipment - That's not what my wife keeps telling me!

7. Lack of desire or ability to take a dominant role. - Nope, I am fine with it, I am also fine with not. Either way is great!

8. Preferring the company of women. - There are lots of women whose company I enjoy, but I have many male friends I enjoy hanging out with as well. You know who I enjoy hanging out with? Nice human beings, regardless of how they or others choose to classify them.

9. Attracted to men. - Nope. And no that dies not mean that I am actually so homosexual that I can't even think about it. I've thought about it. And had more than several opportunities.

10. The ability to "pass" convincingly in public. - This is quite debatable. I think I pass at most what I call "the glance." The glance is what most people give to each other. If something seems really out of place people will look longer. So most people don't look longer. Unless of course I am standing still or eating in a restuarant or shopping at oh say Costco or Trader Joe's. I do not pass the second glance in other words.

So I stick to what I said, I score a zero. According to your test, I am just not feminine. Bummer.

I also liked what Jennifer said. Funny.

03-07-2015, 09:07 PM
Being feminine or masculine is highly subjective as its relative to any number of variables up to and including specific geographic, political, cultural, societal, even religious standards and beliefs? That standard while fixed by biological ~ physical attributes, are not fixed by those variables attributed to any specific culture, region, ethic group, nationality, etc.

There are about 8 billion people on the planet called earth, what is feminine or masculine will get you a definition with about 8 billion different answers? Gender like sexuality lies upon a spectrum if you will, ( I don't even believe that is correct as its too ~ two dimensional ~ its more complex and multi-dimensional than that IMHO) There are those of us that for instance have no interest in having sex with anyone for example ~ Sir Issac Newton for example.

Rather than cubby-hole this or that, and striving to be - "NORMAL" ~ why not celebrate, appreciate, the uniqueness of individuality and the RIGHT for each of us to choose the Life that suits us best?

Sara Jessica
03-07-2015, 09:43 PM
Between honest answers and an abstain or two or three, I'm pretty much a zero. Could be the makings of a complex if I were not already self-assured. Still, not liking this measurement so much.

Lily Catherine
03-07-2015, 10:40 PM
1 2 3 6. 10 is entirely debatable though.

I wonder what all these measurements have to do with anything, however; a few criteria do scream stereotype to say the least.

03-08-2015, 06:25 AM
1. A feminine face with small features and smooth skin - Nope, big nose and jaw plus a few pot holes from acne - But hey foundation and contouring right?

2. Little upper body strength - I've got pretty small arms for a guy, but hey so what?

3. A slender neck - What's slender? I've got a 16.5 inch shirt collar

4. Little or no body hair - Legs are always hairy (thick tights ;) ) but the rest is shaved for appearance

5. Natural breasts - Nope, proportionately sized silicone.

6. Small equipment - Average size thanks

7. Lack of desire or ability to take a dominant role. - Changes with mood

8. Preferring the company of women. - See above

9. Attracted to men. - LOL attracted to their car maybe

10. The ability to "pass" convincingly in public. - 6 and a half feet tall without beautiful heels? Don't think so.

Do you have any sources or reference material for this test?
Chauvinistic hogwash.
That's not a test, that's a list of attributes that you perceive to be feminine or markers of femininity.

I predict a riot here

Beverley Sims
03-08-2015, 07:00 AM
I score a five.

All those searching questions again.

Good one. :)

Candice Mae
03-08-2015, 01:25 PM
What do you mean Beverley?

03-08-2015, 01:43 PM
Hi lucy i dont mind this quiz i know you ment it in a harmless kinda way...so dont feel bad just that some of us have low selft esteem and took this in a bady way....any ways i scored on 5,7,8 for a totall of 3 :)

Susan Smith
03-08-2015, 02:51 PM
Zero for me!

Susan Smith
03-08-2015, 02:53 PM
Whoops ... Score 1 for number 8

03-08-2015, 02:57 PM
In my dreams - 10
In reality - 0
How much fun do I have faking it? - 11

03-08-2015, 04:05 PM
1) So women with acne are not feminine? What about scars?
2) Women are weak? I've never been dressed in public where someone wanted to test my strength. Next time I get challenged to a push up contest, I know what to do.
3) As compared to what? A man? A body builder? a giraffe?
4) So if I shave my chest I'm more feminine than if I don't even if my chest is covered to any onlooker? Does shaving even count?
5) Yep, women have natural breasts thanks for the 411
6) Well, women don't have any "equipment" so I guess by this criteria no woman is feminine. Bummer.
7) More 411, not sure where you get that.
8) My wife prefers my company, I guess she is not feminine.
9) No lesbian is feminine. Interesting take.
10) Women do and cross dressers don't. I think you grossly overrate yourself on this point. The general public prefers to say nothing even when they notice something. It's called being civil.

Jennifer wins.

03-09-2015, 12:16 AM
Hi Lucy, 1,2,3,4,7, and 8 for a total of 6 for me. Haven't taken the cogiati test in a long time, but I beleive some of your questions are similar to that test.
IMHO, we are all on here to fit in with like minded people tho we all have our differences. The last thing I want is to hurt someone's feelings. If I don't care for a particular thread, I just won't post on it. I realize everyone has their own opinions, but sometimes maybe they should just bite their tongue, I would if I thought my response would hurt someone who meant no harm. I don't think you meant any harm or disrespect to anyone female or male. This is just my opinion, I'm sure there are some who will disagree with it.

03-09-2015, 01:53 AM
Heels and dresses locked away and boots and jeans back on a big fat zero

03-09-2015, 07:28 AM
The problem with the word Femininity is how it is perceived. To a woman it is the essence of your femaleness an inner force that has nothing to do with wearing skirts or upper body strength.
To a man it seems to mean how much you look and act like a woman.

The reason this is offensive and not just a lighthearted quiz, is because it perpetuates the issues faced by women from men. Would you like to see how crushing this would be if read by a woman that fails at most of those so called attributes? Women fail to match up all the time, Mens magazine say how a woman should be, pretty, young, slim etc etc. Now add trans-women into that group and it's even harder.
Basically you are saying if you don't look like this, or act like that you are not a woman.
The irony of this is only a mans mind would come up with these questions, and yet bizarelly seeks femininity in themselves? That's one very confused person!

In theory as a man that expresses femininity you should be the bridging gap between the two sex's, and one would think you would have better understanding. Instead you help widen that gap and stereotype how a woman should be, more so than most non-trans men ever would.

The answer to the questions for you is 0, you have no femininity at all, you are so far from understanding what it is to be a woman as anyone could be. Wear dresses, put on make-up and maybe pass but that brain of yours is as masculine as it gets.

Amanda M
03-09-2015, 07:43 AM
Can we lighten up here. Lucy seems to have brought down the collective wrath of a certain segment of the membership. Becky - who are you to judge Lucy's concept of femininity? Is yours better, or just different? And, I'd just like to say that womens. magazines (whatever they might be) also suggest that a woman should be, pretty, young, slim etc etc.. Pot? Kettle?

03-09-2015, 08:32 AM
I scored a zero on the test myself but agree that the criteria listed are s o m e of the things that would define fem for me for sure. However, like others here I find my femininity comes from within a lot. For example, I longed to be the girl who could have soft frilly colorful fashion to wear, to have some one to lovingly brush my hair paint my nails and be intimate or get to be holding hands, hugging, giggling, etc. I find well manacured hands and feet fem too. I think you get my point. While I wasn't offended by you test questions I've certainly wished I was more like that physically yet am ok because I found for me accepting my femininity No matter how it manifested itself was best for me.


Melissa Rose
03-09-2015, 10:02 AM
One of the problems with many of the items on the list is they are used for body shaming purposes of both men and women. Women who have stronger physical features are made to feel less feminine or womanly, or who have stronger or independent personalities are bossy, bitchy or man haters. (Yes, magazines and other media often perpetuate this which in turn can influence some individuals, but it does not make it a good thing) Men who are smaller in stature ("equipment" included), lacking in much body or facial hair or do not have stronger or assertive personalities are made to feel less masculine or manly. I fell into the later and it was brutal at times especially during my teenage years though quite advantageous for me now. I know women who fall into the former category and it can be quite brutal for them as well and damaging to the psyche of girls maturing into women. Being light-hearted or fun about it does not diminish the issue or make it easier for those struggling with it. It can be difficult for those who have/had the privilege of fitting into the norms to see, understand or empathize, as is it is with almost any kind of privilege.

A question that comes up on this forum from time to time is how to get society to change and better accept cross dressers or those falling outside of the norms of gender appearance. One way is as a society is to move away from the confines of expected gender roles, appearances and behaviors (gender socialization) as a measure of femininity or masculinity or as partial definitions what makes a man or a woman. This does not mean there are not differences as a group in appearances and behaviors, but it means lets move away from using those differences as absolute measures of femininity or masculinity which in turn may affect self worth or acceptance in some.

03-09-2015, 11:58 AM
Ms. Foley unlurks just long enough to say "I really hope this 'Test' was intended as a joke." Looks around, realizes that's evidently not the case, prays that no cisgender woman reads this thread, and goes back into hiding...

(P.S.: Hi to all of you who were on this site back in the prehistoric era!)

Dianne S
03-09-2015, 12:23 PM
I'm sorry, but my femininity goes to 11.

Rebecca Cross Bracer
03-09-2015, 03:00 PM
I think i'm about a .5. I also don't think attraction to men belongs on this "ranking system". It's no more an attribute for CDs than any other part of society. I guess I have some work to do on my femininity though :)

03-10-2015, 08:06 AM
The attracted to men and/or women trait is a person's sexual preference.

If I agreed that these are traits of femininity (which I don't), most can be attained with clothing, makeup and some padding.

So as I sit here I get a zero, when dressed it depends on the day, the lighting and the view of the critic.

I think if Lucy worded it something like,

What female physical features do you naturally possess and left off ones that aren't, all here would be peaceful.
I naturally don't have any of them.

03-28-2015, 11:30 PM
2, 7, 8 so I scored a 3 lol