View Full Version : Just added spiro

03-09-2015, 10:56 AM
Well i went in for my 3 month check up or check in or whatever you want to call it. My Testosterone level was still at 440 which apparently is super high. So they added spiro to my estradiol. The doctor mentioned that there could be some nausea with it. For anyone who has experienced it is it severe or just a minor annoyance?

03-09-2015, 11:10 AM
i have been on it for 2 weeks now but my doctor like to start low and work up after blood test. . no problem at all.

03-09-2015, 12:07 PM
Depending on where your doctor starts the dosage for spiro, dizziness and nausea are fairly common. One of the biggest things to watch out for is dehydration. Spironolactone is a diuretic so not only will you be going much more often but you need to be sure to keep putting more water in to your system. Also be aware of your potassium intake, spiro can cause an unsafe build up.

03-09-2015, 12:22 PM

I've been taking spironolactone for awhile now. No issues but am conscience of keeping hydrated particularly because I aslo perspire a lot when working out. Split my dose morning and evening vs. all at once.

Cheers... Jennifer

Ann Louise
03-09-2015, 12:33 PM
It's curious that your doctor added spiro after-the-fact, i.e., let you take your estradiol alone. I think it's well accepted that testosterone is antagonistic to estrogen, hence you'd more E to fight back the T. Does your doctor do many transitions? If not, is there an experienced one you could use? All the best, Ann

Dianne S
03-09-2015, 03:58 PM
I started on a low dose of spiro which was subsequently quadrupled. When I started and again when the dose was increased, I did feel a bit "spacey" for a few days. However, for me, all the negative side effects went away after a week and I went back to feeling normal.

03-09-2015, 05:55 PM
I never experienced any nausea or dizziness from Spiro. I don't recall my prescription coming with that warning on the bottle either. Anyway, lots of people take the stuff with little or no side effects, I'm sure you'll be fine.

03-09-2015, 06:10 PM
Dizziness and nausea are fairly common with Spiro. Spiro was used for years as a Low Blood Pressure medication. This means your BP could be low which causes lightheadedness. Also Spiro will force excess water in your system to be urinated out of the body. This will cause dehydration if allowed to continue. Drink plenty of water while on Spiro. The dizziness and nausea should begin to subside as your body becomes used to the medication. Like most medications you may have all, some, or none of the side effects. I have never heard of any of the symptoms being really terrible but that does not mean they cannot be. If in doubt check with qualified medical personal.

03-09-2015, 09:55 PM
I never had any nausea, but I had pretty severe dizziness problems for a while, including a blackout and clocking my head but good on one occasion. It dissipated over a few months.

Melissa Rose
03-10-2015, 12:58 AM
I did not have any side effects from spironolactone besides the expected diuretic effect which was fairly mild. My blood pressure is great and so is my potassium levels. My dose was doubled after 6 months with no ill effect. I must be one of the lucky ones.

Jeri Ann
03-10-2015, 04:55 AM
I have never experienced nausea with spiro. Dehydration, however, is an issue. It can necessitate extra trips to the bathroom at night and can effect the condition of your skin.

03-10-2015, 11:26 AM
Ann Its the VA so they have a very specific way of doing things and if i want to use them i have to jump through a few hoops, not many though as the VA has become pretty progressive. I was pretty shocked that they facilitated anything at all. Its basically uniform to everyone, i was actually lucky to be able to start a t blocker at 3 months as opposed to 6 or 9 like it usually happens. I resigned myself to the fact that this will be a slow process and that is ok! Rome wasnt built in a day! So no nausea but watch out for dehydration and watch potassium intake. Roger that.

03-10-2015, 09:46 PM
I had heat exhaustion during basic training and ever since dehydrate easily. So guess what spiro did to me? I managed just a few days into starting but I have consistently felt like my endurance in anything took a huge hit. Two months ago, I got a fair increase to my dosage and the cramps came back. I am taking have of my dosage in the morning and half at night and get all the cramps at night. I am considering taking it all in the morning and seeing what happens.

Leah Lynn
03-10-2015, 10:33 PM
I'm going through the VA and started Spiro the same time as estrogen.

With acid reflux, I didn't notice any extra nuasea.


03-11-2015, 08:19 AM
I have always been curious as to why people have diametrically opposed reactions to starting Spiro when it comes to energy and endurance. Some people tank while others spike. The first makes more sense to me, but my own experience was the second. Interesting.

03-11-2015, 11:29 AM
Just part of the wonderful rollercoaster ride which is HRT!! Yippie Kay yay! Leah the VA started you Spiro and estrogen at the same time? Hmmm must just be a requirement from my specific endocrinologist.