View Full Version : Throwing out versus a purge?

03-20-2015, 02:23 PM
I am fortunate enough to have a wife who is tolerant of my CD'ing and therefore I have accumulated a decent selection of clothes and shoes over the 15+ years she has known about me being a CD. I keep my clothes in our large clothes closet and in a drawer for my dainties.

Every once in a while my wife and I go through our closet and drawers to throw out any unwanted articles of clothing. I never have a problem with doing away with my "out of favour" drab clothes however, I always almost have a stroke when it comes to tossing away any of my enfemme clothes/shoes! It is as if they are a real part of me; which metaphorically speaking they probably are as they define me as CD????

Does anyone out get the same feeling when doing this?

03-20-2015, 02:27 PM
Yes, I have a terrible time doing that too.

I've always felt that part of it is that it took us so much effort to get our first clothes that we can hardly accept that we will be able to get more.


03-20-2015, 02:44 PM
I throw out femme clothing all the time with no problems. I've accumulated my share of items that no longer fit, look terrible on me, I didn't like as well as I thought I would, or are just plain worn out. I have no problem tossing them out or taking them to Goodwill.

There is this one pair of red shoes though that never did fit right ... :)

03-20-2015, 03:10 PM
...and by the way, because they are always "gently used", my enfemme clothes always go to charity...unlike the tattered, torn and stained drab t-shirts my wife makes me throw out even tho they are my fav's!!!!

03-20-2015, 03:41 PM
I tend to hang on to the articles I've accumulated and need to get rid of some things. A couple never did fit but I just folded them and put them at the back of the drawer. The only thing I don't mind junking is those hose that get a runner. I just toss those with no regrets.

Beverley Sims
03-20-2015, 11:06 PM
I avoid the trauma of throwing out my dresses and shoes.

I archive them in a plastic bag until the next reorganisation of my wardrobe.

If I have lost interest then, they get erased. :)

Nadine Spirit
03-20-2015, 11:18 PM
I used to feel bad and have a hard time getting rid of some of my clothes. Some of them I was more attached to than I should have been. Doing my blog, with blogging my outfits over time, has helped me to see the benefit in constantly refining my wardrobe. So now I enjoy of getting rid of things to be able to make room for items that work so much better for me. I look back at some of my older photos and am SO glad I got rid of so many of the things I used to wear.

So, don't purge! Just refine!

03-21-2015, 03:14 AM
There is nothing wrong with thinning out the herd every once in a while.

Psshhh - I tells you a secret ......

We refine and update our wardrobes all the time, granted there may be some "staple" items that rarely, if ever, go out of style or you just need. But if you haven't worn it in a year, it is two sizes to big, or small or it is something you are hoping will someday come back into style then get rid of it.

If it is in good shape, donate it, if it is worn out, then to the trash bin with it.

And unless it holds some sentimental value, if you find yourself getting long in the tooth, perhaps it is time to rethink the micro miniskirt collection and matching Go-Go boots. Just saying :D

03-21-2015, 03:23 AM
Once all the drawers, bins, bags etc are full, time to donate something you haven't worn in awhile, unless there is some sentimental value.
Wow, now I have a project for next week.

03-21-2015, 09:11 AM
I have a hard time throwing things out or giving them away because since I paid for them, they represent value to me.

That said, I have run out of room in the closets and must get rid of some things. Also, the skirts that fit my male bottom don't fit my purchased female bottom so they need to go as well. They will go to charity, not the dump.

03-21-2015, 09:23 AM
Cleaning house is always an issue. For me I have limited space and usually donate to charity what I am tossing out. Most of the time I wish I could keep it all like my Wife she keeps everything lucky her unless she cross dresses and I don't know(LOL) You are very lucky that she knows and accepts.

03-21-2015, 10:11 AM
I have often written that clothes for a cross dresser are like trophies. But, fashion changes. One MUST eliminate out of date and otherwise inappropriate clothing. My wife points out that you I should be shopping each season as colors, styles, fabrics all change. My view is, why own something I will not wear? As a result, I trim my closet every few months, removing pieces that are not worn.

03-21-2015, 10:19 AM
Updating one's wardrobe is always a good thing and not to be confused with purging. In a purge, not only are all female clothes thrown out but the purger thinks they are throwing out the urge to cross dress with the clothes.

Refining the wardrobe is good but us CD ers become so attached to some items that it is hard to let go.

03-21-2015, 10:23 AM
Its called editing, and it makes for a better experience and closet.

03-21-2015, 12:51 PM
I used to purge in my younger days before I came to grips with who and what I am, but I now have a loving wife that understands and shares with me my love for all things womanly. I have not purged in twenty years, however I recently realized that it is time to purge some panties. They have become tattered and some have holes so like any clothing, it is time to clean up my collection. As far as clothing goes, I would never purge clothing, but would consider donating them to our garage sale or to charity. This will make room for new styles in the coming year. There are some pieces that my wife has bought for me, that I can never part with because of sentimental value. It's funny, because I have no problem donating my men's clothing at all. LOL I have no men's undergarments at all any more, but do keep 5 pair of pants and 5 shirts for business and two pair of shoes. My female wardrobe on the other hand consists of over 50 tanks, tunics, blouses, and 7 nice dresses, 10 pair of shorts, a few sweaters, bathing suits, and lots of shoes to match many outfits. I love panties and have an entire dresser just for them and my bras and slips and nighties. If it wasn't for my job, I would own no men's wear at all.

Diane Smith
03-22-2015, 03:02 AM
When something is worn out, doesn't fit well, has gone totally out of fashion, or simply doesn't match my current tastes, it leaves the closet with no hesitation. I have enough nice clothes that I feel good in to last for years, so there's no reason to mourn for the ones that have fallen into disuse. Some gets donated anonymously to Goodwill, and stuff that is too worn, dirty or just plain hideous is trashed.

- Diane

03-22-2015, 09:38 PM
If there were a rule for CD’ers it would be

Kate's at home
03-23-2015, 05:53 AM
What a wonderful paradigm shift Celeste! Editing... So I need to "edit" my closet and drawers!


Cheryl T
03-23-2015, 02:32 PM
I will "cull the heard" occasionally and donate unwanted items (as does my wife), but it's surely not the same as a "purge" which is usually based in guilt and shame.