View Full Version : "One of the girls"

03-21-2015, 04:07 PM
Ever been called one of the girls? No one knows I cd, but I've been called "one of the girls" by gg friends quite a few times before. Women have always been so much easier to be around and talk to for me. I feel calm and relaxed, being myself with women around me.

03-21-2015, 04:28 PM
My wife has had me drive her and several of her friends to concerts. A couple of times she has said she enjoys me being their driver we recently went to a movie with three of her women friends. When we got back home and where dropping the other gals off one of the gals said she enjoyed the night out with the girls. Then she said I'm sorry I didn't mean you in that Jay. Little did she know I could have been included..... The movie I took them to was that Fifty Shades of Gray. Ummmmm if she only knew might have been included....

Christie ann
03-21-2015, 06:29 PM
My wife to her chagrin will always agree that I get along very well with all of her girl friends. In addition, there have been two separate times where I ended up being the only male taking a class. In both cases, my classmates made me an honorary girl. I loved it! No dressing, but completely part of the group.

Beverley Sims
03-21-2015, 06:35 PM
Yes! often!

Especially when I was younger I was always introduced as another of the girls "you may not know".

03-21-2015, 08:46 PM
Just last Saturday, I happened to be standing near a bunch of lesbian girls who were dancing together at the club I go to as Ceera. One of them was celebrating her birthday. None of them knew me, but when they noticed me near them, watching the dancing and enjoying the music, they introduced themselves and welcomed me to join them. Shortly after that, they went outside for a smoke break and asked if I wanted to come with them. While I don't smoke myself, I went along to be sociable and continue chatting. There were, I think, seven or so girls, two guys, and me as Ceera. The guys and the ladies all accepted me and we chatted on a number of topics, from pets to birthstones, to one of the ladies' hearing problems... And then one lady seated right beside me made a rather disparaging comment about men, and belatedly realized I might be offended by it. She looked embarrassed, and then she looked at me and at the other ladies at the table in a rather inclusive way, (but not at two guys across the table from her and near the far end from me) and said, "Well... we're all girls here, right?". I just grinned and replied, "Of course. and besides, I have to agree with you, in a lot of cases." Clearly she was at least trying to accept me as "one of the girls". And that was also the closest any of them came to acknowledging that I was anything but a lady in their eyes. In all other ways that night, I was 'just one of the girls'.

Maria 60
03-21-2015, 09:33 PM
I find that when ladies are talking I find I am usually the one who is understanding, for example, yes it is very important to spend the money on a good fitting bra, or of course you must have those shoes in black also. I think we can relate to women's problems and don't notice our selfs talking out loud at times.

Natalie cupcake
03-21-2015, 09:58 PM
More times then not. My wife likes when I go with her and her friends on girls nights! They all consider me one of the girls!

03-21-2015, 10:42 PM
All the time growing up, especially in high school. If only they knew.

03-22-2015, 12:00 AM
All. The. Time. I love it, too.

03-22-2015, 01:40 AM
Yes, my best friend back home has done that. We were out and about one night, and she was talking about some guy she knew and being really put off by him. She then made a comment about hanging out with guys, and I joked with her and said, "hey now!" in mock defense of the male gender. She just gave me a "pshah!" and a wave of the hand and said, "You're different. You're like one of the girls." It was smack dab in the middle of a heavy crossdressing binge, too, so she never knew how much she made my day with that. Stuff like that makes me wish I told her way before I did.

03-22-2015, 08:26 AM
My wife makes the comment...you're such a girl, teasingly, from time to time.

One of my GG friends made the, "your just one of the girls" comment when I had lunch with her and several of her friends. I came out to her a couple years later.

03-22-2015, 09:07 PM
Yes. Some of the best experiences in my life have been being accepted by women as just another woman! Doesn't get any better than that!

Nikki A.
03-23-2015, 07:10 PM
I walked into the office and the females were all talking. Anyone else they change the subject, they look at me and just say that I'm like one of the girls and continued on.
At the time none of them knew, since then 2 do know. Only one female is left, she knows, and has been out with me and her family. I'm her work BFF.

03-23-2015, 07:28 PM
i get along fine in the company of women. I took a drawing class taught by a woman friend a few years ago and was the only male in the class. At the end of the class, which was great fun by the way, I was voted "honorary woman". That was very pleasing.

I always wondered if they smelled the perfume that I wore or noticed the camisole that I wore beneath my shirt.

I still see the lady who taught the class and we always share a welcoming hug when we meet. I genuinely like her and also liked all the other ladies in the class.

Suzie Petersen
03-23-2015, 07:36 PM
This doesn't quite qualify, but .. I just so want to be part of your little girls club here, talking about this, so ... ;)

Yesterday my wife went on her weekly food shopping drive and stopped by a few clothes shops as well. She came home and talked about a few items she had seen, liked but not bought. I told her she should get them if she liked them! She then said: "You are a strange man! You are supposed to say that I already have plenty clothes and shoes!". I replied, well .. you might want to think about that for a moment!". :)

We are in a DADEFTAI relationship, but she knows how I used to dress.

- Suzie

PS: DADEFTAI = Dont Ask, Dont Even Flipping Think About It.

Alice K
03-23-2015, 07:53 PM
Some of my most enjoyable, tiny moments, are when my wife refers to me as "she" or "her" when speaking of me in the third person. It gives me a very warm feeling to be seen as "just one of the girls" in her subconscious. And in all cases, she does it so naturally without a stumble or even backtracks to correct herself.


S. Lisa Smith
03-23-2015, 07:54 PM
Yes, I get along well with women and actually prefer their company.

03-23-2015, 08:16 PM
Hmmm, I don't think I've ever been called "one of the girls" OR "one of the guys"...

Erika Lyne
03-23-2015, 09:24 PM
Although I've only been called, "One of the Girls" once I have been included in conversations that men generaly are not included in. The conversation usually starts off PC but may quickly escalate into a bitch session and I happily go right along with it. Everyone laughs when they take a moment and say, "Wait? What? Umm... But you are a guy, how do you know these things?" I would just smirk a little, lift my brow and shrug my shoulders. Then the conversation would resume, no holes barred then!


03-23-2015, 11:51 PM
All my life.
Loved it every time, and no one knew but me!

03-24-2015, 01:54 AM
Used to happen a lot before I came out.
For the longest time my female friends outnumbered my male friends.
All of these girls knew me as just a slightly different, but "straight guy".
I was never an "effeminate guy" I was however quiet, reserved, well spoken, I listened, not just waited to talk and when I did talk it was eye to eye, not eye to breast. [hint, hint. Don't think we don't notice!] :heehee:

Even answering the occasional "Is he/are you gay?" question for me.
Because lets face facts, when you're a decently dressed "guy" among a group of girls on a night out and its obvious you're not some 3rd wheel but part of the group it gets asked more then you may think. :heehee:
Although I many times played the role of "Boyfriend" to shoo away creeps that would come around as well.

I've had girls refer to me as one of their girlfriends.
One friend for years used to say she wanted me to be her bridesmaid if she got married, lol.
"You're my best girlguyfriend or guygirlfriend" was used more then once LOL.

Dragged into more then a few "girl conversations" and into woman's rooms to have those conversations.*
*mind you restroom etiquette is usually a lot more lax in rock/alternative bar/clubs, especially in NYC, and due to long lines it was not uncommon to have more girls in and using the men's room then guys were. :lol2:

Claire Cook
03-24-2015, 06:04 AM
Don'tcha just love it when this happens??

03-24-2015, 07:49 AM
I sometimes wish they DID accept me as one - I often times feel more comfortable around girls than guys, but they just see me as a 'stupid guy' and wouldn't understand or care what they are talking about. Or they don't feel comfortable talking about 'girl topics' because a 'guy' is there so I can't even just sit there :/

Often makes me want to 'come out' just so they would see and understand that I do want to talk about the things they talk about, I do have emotions and WANT to show them compassion and understanding.

Blasted assumptions.

03-24-2015, 09:14 AM
Yes. And I did appreciate it. I worked in an office for a construction company. I was often included in the "girls" conversations which often covered "female" topics of interest. The company hired a new office manager. She wanted to have a get to know each other lunch but didn't invite me. When they found out I wasn't invited they had a small rebellion and convinced her that I was just "one of the girls".

03-24-2015, 10:30 AM
It has happened to me in male mode and I love it. I was out once after a meeting with 3 other female members of our group and they all said, oh you're just one of the girls. A female friend who lives nearby recently said to me that we would have to get together for a girls night out. I was so happy.

03-24-2015, 11:03 AM
I love being around women, I prefer their company over men. I compliment their hairdo, their makeup, their clothes, but they never call me one of them. Maybe I should go out as a woman after all!!

03-24-2015, 06:57 PM
As a teen, I was a volunteer at the local hospital and was the rare boy among all the girl 'candystripers'. One day at lunch, one of them kindly dubbed me an honorary girl. I don't think she had any idea of: 1. How much it meant to me that she would accept me as one of her own, 2. How much it would further my gender dysphoria, and of course, 3. That I had a crush on her.

03-25-2015, 11:47 AM
It's never really happened me, I'm quite laddish.

03-25-2015, 02:02 PM
I have a good female friend that I have known since 7th grade. We even lived together for 3 years after college. She has known I dressed since high school. When we lived together she really helped me with my look and learning how to do make up.

When she got married she askedme to do a reading. She only had her sister as a bridesmaid. At the rehearsal dinner she gave a speech and went around telling a little story about everyone in the wedding.
When she got to me she told everyone how long we have known each other that "it is like I have another sister". Everyone started to laugh, and she then said "I meant sibling".

Later that night, she was staying with me the night before in our apartment and she said "I really meant sister". Then she said she really thought about asking me to be a bridesmaid, but figured it might be awkward. Which it would have.