View Full Version : Neighbors

03-27-2015, 09:35 AM
How do you deal with your neighbors about your crossdressing?

They Know about you?

In my case i think my neighbors didnt know about my crossdressing, and if they all ready know i think they didnt care. But i prefer my crossdressing stay in secret with my neighbors

Or anyone have another crossdresser neighbor?

03-27-2015, 09:45 AM
I'm an in-home cross dresser which also includes my backyard. I have no desire to get out and mingle with the populace, although I have gone for strolls in another residential neighborhood. Several years ago I had a family who was nosy. They really had to twist their collective necks to violate my privacy. They did see me en femme in my backyard, and, would line up against the side of the house they were renting and try to observe me. When I realized their nosiness, I stopped my routine of eating my breakfast in the backyard. I'm sure they talked to other neighbors about seeing me. They were the type to gossip. They gossiped about everything. Eventually they moved or were kicked out for non payment of the rent and utilities.

Anyway, if they had gossiped nobody ever changed how they interacted with me. I've been in the house over thirty-five years. Everyone knows I am a decent neighbor, and, knows me for the entire package. Of course, everyone has to deal with neighbors. Some may be intolerant of a cross dresser, a gay, a lesbian, unmarried couple, African-Americans, Latinos, etc. Some are just intolerant of anyone who is not a clone of themselves. If you want to come and go and eventually be recognized as a cross dresser, then just be a good neighbor in all other respects.

03-27-2015, 10:46 AM
I'm totally out to one neighbour, and totally hidden from the others. It's likely to stay that way.

But I do have a slightly more distant neighbour (500 yards) who has a liking for billowy silk shirts and very loose linen yoga pants. I just haven't got up the nerve to ask him how far his liking for feminine clothing goes, because if I do I'm likely to tell him about Nikki.

Cat, bag, etc.

03-27-2015, 10:56 AM
Lots of neighbours in the flats I live in, no one is aware as far as I know. Little interaction between those of us who live here and I doubt who those who might find out would even care.

03-27-2015, 10:57 AM
Two are newly married couple, Francine has been over for a coffee a time or two they get it. On left Is retired school teacher church deacon etc. Won't even look at me as Francine or when I'm not dressed up. Right side Is young couple with three kids, I avoid them all together, Lady is nice she smiles all the time but Man Is Palestinian Muslim
So I got three strikes in his book. 1 cross dresser 2 openly homosexual 3 Jewish.

Nadine Spirit
03-27-2015, 11:13 AM
I don't know if my neighbors know about me or not. I assume that they would as I make no attempt to hide my actions. They have been out in their yards while I have been driving by while dressed with my wife in the car, so maybe they know, I don't know. I used to be much more paranoid about it, but as of late, I have thought, who cares!

03-27-2015, 11:14 AM
Neighbors are over 1/4 mile away and I like that. I have been nearly caught a time or two by wrrking in my shop in a ladies top. I usually pay. Better attention but got caught up in my work that day. Out in west Texas I know of a few of us but not many. I think it would be cool to have a neighbor that could be accepting and dresses also. The closer neighbor is living to the east and maybe a couple hundred yards away but he is always in town but home on weekends. I know them and they are very religious so would probably say something about it to the whole town. Luckily my house faces them and theonly place I do go outside is toward the west as it's open for two miles. I can walk to my shop that way and not be seen by anyone. I can hear any one coming in the road from the east so might have a fairly good chance of hiding or. Getting into acceptable boy mode before they left. I am desperately trying to stay in secret to my neighbors.

03-27-2015, 11:25 AM
Yes, my immediate surrounding neighbors know and have talked with me in female mode. They've been quite friendly and understanding in our conversations.

03-27-2015, 11:37 AM
I really don't care what the neighbors think.
My dear wife cares if the neighbors think.
I care what my wife thinks.

If/when she changes her mind, I'll be "me".

Best wishes

03-27-2015, 11:53 AM
Nobody has seen me dressed, neighbors or wife. I do keep my body smooth and they all know that I shave my legs. One neighbor, a female, asked me about my leg shaving. Not sure if they suspect because of that. Wife likes the smooth legs so that's all that matters

Adriana Moretti
03-27-2015, 12:53 PM
none of my neibors know...i live in an condo complex so at any given time when I walk to my car I could pass the entire complex. So I move in stealth, i wear large sunglasses over my eye makeup, and a sweatsuit over my clothes to the walk to the car, and put my shoes, lipstick and wig on once I leave the complex. My neighbors do not need to know my business or my lifestyle at all and thats just fine with me. Its just not worth the hassle at the gym,pool,sauna,hot tub etc.......

03-27-2015, 01:02 PM
Its really up to you. If you want to keep it a secret then do so.
I do not know if my neighbours know about me but I do go out early in the morning in a long caftan style robe with a nightdress on beneath it. I only collect the paper and I can see the entire street and check that it is clear before I walk out. The walk is a short one to the edge of the lawn. However, the caftan robe does have a front slit and side slits and the bottom few inches of my long nightgown are visible if someone should be nearby and looking directly at me.
I don't want to be indiscreet and I don't want to flaunt my cross dressing in front of neighbours but if they should accidentally discover it, then so be it.

03-27-2015, 03:13 PM
I'm all ready the "weirdo" in the neighborhood due to things not CDing. I know I've been seen getting in and out of my vehicle by the neighborhood busy body so I'm sure it got around and I shop in town in my with my jeans, shoes and purse and slight make-up so I'm sure I've been seen but no one has said anything to me. Any way they don't pay my bills so they can just live with it.

Michelle 78
03-27-2015, 04:47 PM
My Neighbours are a bit of a nightmare as the street I live in the average age must be 65, they are the type that have lived there for 30 or 40 years and are now retired and all that keeps them going is finding out other people's business. They have no idea about Michelle and I want it to stay that way, getting in and out the very few times I have been out is like a military operation thanks to them being so nosy. I wish sometimes people would keep to there own lives, I really couldn't care what they do.

03-27-2015, 05:24 PM
All my neighbors have seen me en femme. Most many times. No big deal.

03-27-2015, 05:53 PM
My only neighbor, our landlord, doesn't know.
Its quite a private area.

03-27-2015, 06:07 PM
I live in a townhouse, so I share walls with neighbors on both sides. I don't really wish my neighbors to know, so I tend to only leave the house when its dark to catch an Uber. Now, I have worried about my Uber rating (the drivers rate passengers and vice versa) as most of the drivers are middle eastern, at least in DC, and they could drive my rating down making it harder to get a ride.

katie elouise
03-27-2015, 06:11 PM
Yes my neighbours know ,one lady is always wanting to know where I have been and where I am going as Katie ,she is so sweet and understanding I really am very fond of her .
As for the others they know but make no comment either way .
Its easy really, if you don't like what you see when making an effort to look into my property .................then don't look . Katie x.

Beverley Sims
03-27-2015, 09:02 PM
We have high fences, lived in the street for twenty years and do not know any of the other neighbours.

Sad isn't it.

Allison Chaynes
03-27-2015, 09:48 PM
Most of my neighbors are white trash and I have nothing to do with them. I don't think they know, but I don't care . I go walking at night in women's activewear. The only neighbors I really have anything to do with are the Iranian refugee family next door. Not sure if they would react any differently... I have talked to the wife several times while wearing women's jeans.

03-27-2015, 09:50 PM
I live in an eight unit condo, four facing north and four facing south. two of the neighbors on my side (north) have seen me dressed and haven't had a problem. I'm not sure if I want the neighbors on the south side of the building to see me dressed.

Natalie cupcake
03-27-2015, 10:03 PM
My neighbors don't no about my cross dressing. I to prefer it stay a secret.

Barbara Black
03-27-2015, 10:12 PM
My house is near the end of a cul-de-sac. My back fence is six feet high, the two sides are four feet high. I don't get along with the one behind me, and avoid her, one side is an elderly lady who I know well, and I sometimes do her yard work with my breasts in, I've even talked to her with my chest covered only by a T-shirt. she hasn't said anything about it though. I knew the young couple on the other end, but I pretty much avoid them when dressed, but not to the extent of running into the house. I was pretty sure they have seen me wearing skirts occasionally. However, they moved out, so now I have to 'train' a new set of young people. I avoid the embarrassment, but also try not to confront them either.
I also get into my vehicles in front of the house while dressed sometimes, and frequently check the mail (by the curb), wearing my breast forms, with only a T-shirt covering them. That exposes a whole neighborhood to my special character.

03-28-2015, 12:13 AM
The neighbors on both sides of know. I can confirm since they have treated me the same way in passing whether in skirts or pants. If any have had a laugh or bad thing to say about it they haven't shared it with me directly. I try not to make a big deal of it without trying to hide it and so far nobody else has either.

03-28-2015, 12:28 AM
Over the years I've lived in close to a dozen places beside many temporary stays for a few months so I've had lots of neighbors and a few land ladies. One of my first experiences was a land lady who asked me to move when she found out. The next one and her boyfriend treated me as their daughter which was fun. I didn't even get moved in before one neighbor walked in on me wearing a dress and offered to show me the property. He stayed a friend for several years.

Where I live now most of the time many neighbors know. I've gone walking with several of them while wearing women's exercise clothes and bras. One night while walking with several neighbors I noticed that my white satin bra straps were very visible due to my boat neck top. I've been to homeowner's meetings wearing fem clothes in guy mode with my bra giving me projection. It must not bother people since many have been friends and several of them have asked for assistance.

One neighbor lady rushed over and asked me to check something. As happened I had on a white t-top and 2 cup size enhancer bra. My boobs were 2 sizes bigger than hers so she had to notice. I don't usually wear enhancer bras, but it isn't hard to see I have boobs. I've caught a couple looking down my blouse when bending over and sometimes you can see the bra lines or even the bra under sheer fabrics.

In all these years I've only had a couple comments. I think if you are a good neighbor and friendly most people will still value your friendship or at the very least live and let live.

03-28-2015, 12:37 AM
The neighbors on either side of me do not know. To the east, the neighbors are "born-again" Christian; I avoid them assiduously. The neighbors on the west side are beer-drinking,racists, and heavily into loud cursing and yelling at their kids and the dog; I avoid them, too. I believe the neighbors to the south (across the street from me) know. They seem friendly; we wave to one another when we come out of the driveways or go out to our respective mail boxes. They are two women living together. I suspect they are lesbians, but am not certain, and have no intention of asking, since their personal life is none of my business.

03-28-2015, 08:25 AM
We know our neighbors pretty well. We take care of each other's homes when the others are out of town, get the mail, etc. and even help with yard or home repairs. They don't know that I am a crossdresser and my plan is to keep it that way. This means that when I go out, I have to go and return in male mode and change in the car. It's a pain in the butt but you can't really let people who know you see you and not expect relationships to change and the word not to get out. Even if I didn't care, my wife does.

Kirsty Louise
03-28-2015, 09:14 AM
I think one of my neighbours might know as I was doing some work in the garden one hot sunny day, it was so hot I took my shirt off, I didn’t realise but there was prominent bra strap marks across my shoulders and back, my neighbour looked over the fence to say high I’m sure she noticed but didn’t say anything just smiled.

03-28-2015, 09:23 AM
Some of my neighbors have seen the tall, occasionally buxom blonde / brunette / redhead who comes out of my house and climbs into my car or walks down the street. I'm sure if they cared they could form a pretty accurate assessment. They've never spoken to me about her. Who knows? Maybe I'm known as the neighborhood tranny -- in which case I hope when transgender topics come up in their lives they can say, "I have one who lives in my neighborhood. She's no trouble to anyone. I don't see a problem with transgender folks." Or I might just be known as the guy with half a dozen really hot girlfriends who come and go at all hours. ;)

Cheryl T
03-28-2015, 02:16 PM
I'm sure that some of my neighbors have seen me now and then leaving the house. I don't try to hide from them and they have never commented about it and I've noticed no change in their attitudes.
If they know then they know. At my age I don't really care anymore. Actually I was surprised when I began going out and mentioned just this to my wife. She said she didn't care if they knew either.

03-29-2015, 12:24 AM
I'm pretty sure most in the neighborhood know. I get the paper in the morning wearing a robe most of the time. I've had them blow open and expose my nightgown. Not many guys wear long nylon nightgowns. I've been out talking to one and the wind caught both of our robes. Each of us were attempting to keep them closed without much success. The very pretty lace top of my nightgown became exposed as I tried to get things under control. We just smiled and kept talking.

03-29-2015, 04:54 PM
We don't socialize with my neighbors so all they know of my family is seeing us come and go. I'm the only male in the household and I don't really appear all that male at any given time. I have no idea if the neighbors are aware that the tall woman they see now and then is so closely related to the man of the house. I used to worry about it, but these days I'm a lot calmer about it. There is no way they can be sure and since we don't socialize they aren't going to ask about it.

03-30-2015, 12:42 AM
My neighbors don't know. We don't socialize with our neighbors very much anyway. I'm careful when I leave the house. Luckily there are no houses directly across from us, one house next door and the others are not in a line of sight, so it is fairly easy to get out.

03-30-2015, 01:02 AM
Reading all the replys in this thread, i got a conclusion: you can get good or bad neighbors, but at the end of the day they really dont care about it, they can starts saying things, or looking at you in a bad way, but in the time we lived this kind of things are more common, and the neighbors preffer a crossdresser neighbor than a lot of other kind of people.

So if your neighbor look at you crossdressing, the best thing you can do, is act like you normaly do, and say hello like you always do, trust me is better to react with security than react with scare