View Full Version : Baby Steps

Victoria Demeanor
03-28-2015, 07:46 PM
HI everyone,
I am dressed up tonight, makeup, wig, cute black dress and heels……OH YES beautiful heels, that I have not had the opportunity to wear yet, until tonight. My make up job is so poor, but it doesn’t matter because, I feel pretty. I’m not going out tonight, oh how I wish I was, but as the title of my thread said. This is a baby step.
For those of you who don’t know, I very recently accepted my crossdressing and stopped my denial and suppression. I also recently came out to my wife in hopes of acceptances and help. Well The acceptance part is there, the understanding is, well, we are working on that. We have been married 23 years and I have never given her a clue, so understandably it has been a huge shock for her.
She surprised me today though. She was going out to a meeting tonight from 5pm to 9pm and after I made her breakfast this morning, she mentioned that she would be out of the house for several hours and if I wanted to do something she would be okay with it.
The way she said it was kind of funny and she was so round and about with trying to get the words out, without actually saying I could dress up, was priceless. She was so worried that she was going to say something to offend me. I just smiled; I love that woman, and thanked her for thinking about it. I all most didn’t tonight, not really a lot of time and I wasn’t really prepared I thought. I haven’t shave my legs in a week an the face fuzz had been growing in, but the need, the desire, the want to put on a dress and be pretty again was so strong that I didn’t think I could not take advantage of her sweet offer.
So yes I am dressed up tonight and I have changed my outfit several times. I even took a couple of pictures of a new outfit I bought. That is until the battery in my camera died. As awful as I look I may still post them later.
This is though, baby steps and she told me that she would call before she headed home. I will be good and wash away the makeup, put away the cloths and go back to drab mode before she gets home. It may only be a few hours and I really wish I could have gone out, but for her sake and in the hopes that a little baby step will lead to a little more, I will take what I can get for now and for now Victoria is out and happy.

Sorry for the length of my story, but thank you all for allowing me share it with you.
Victoria D ;)

Julie Denier
03-28-2015, 08:07 PM
Thanks for sharing your story, Victoria! You're very lucky to have acceptance at home. Keep up those baby steps and have fun refining your look. We'll all love seeing your pics when you're ready ;)

03-28-2015, 08:40 PM
Victoria none of us ever look bad, its great your wife can give you a wide berth. Baby steps are what its all about, you will be ready because you said the key words YOU FEEL PRETTY, thus by feeling pretty you radiate that beauty to all. I lived in Norfolk/Va Beach for seven years when your ready Military Circle is a great place for an outing. Its not that busy and I never had a problem there.Stay away from Lynnhaven too many kids, Victoria it sounds like you are ready to make your grand appearance. Keep up the good work and let us know. Would love to see
the pics.

Victoria Demeanor
03-28-2015, 09:09 PM
Thanks Julie and Francine.
I am back in guy mode now. She called and I hadn't been watching the time, so mad dash to get changed and re move the makeup. Well 90% on it at least. when she came in she noticed some I missed, then said I didn't have to change. Well as I told her I didn't want to push it. It was a fun night, just staying in, I got my girl time and I do appreciate my wife for trying.

03-28-2015, 09:16 PM
Victoria - Not sure where you are in VA but there are several CD groups and outings that you would be welcomed at and you would find enjoyable.

03-28-2015, 09:18 PM
Great story Victoria! So glad your wife is coming to terms with your need to be YOU! I am in a very similar situation as yourself, my wife often remarks about how I should utilize my alone time at home to embrace the woman within and let her out to see the world. She is extremely supportive, it's myself that has the lingering hangups about being able to dress around her, so she often suggests that I too take baby steps towards the goal of being comfortable in my own skin. It's so amazing to have a supportive wife. Congrats to you for taking the next step towards happiness, and I'm certain you look as amazing as you feel!

<3 Lauren

03-28-2015, 09:26 PM
Hey, baby steps are forward progress. Congratulations. There's room for growth on both sides -- you have a lot of learning to do with all the day-to-day minutia of being a girl. That's something that your wife has years of experience at. She, on the other hand, has a lot of learning to do about what a crossdresser is and the day-to-day minutia of that -- something you have years of experience at. You can help each other out if you can find the ways to communicate. Good luck to you both.

Barbara Black
03-28-2015, 09:33 PM
Victoria, I think I love your wife also!!

Victoria Demeanor
03-28-2015, 09:58 PM
Thank you all for your wonderful comments.
A couple of things I wanted to clear up. I have been out and about before and although I still need a lot of practice, I have been comfortable with my make up. Tonight I was just rushing too much and wasn't worried about others seeing me. I discovered this thing that been haunting me for years when My wife was out of town for a couple of months. when I embraced my fem side I dove into head first and when whole hog. Now the baby steps are allowing my wife to adjust to it. She really is a wonderful partner and I think if I take it slow, we will work it into our life together. She just has to realize that her strong, rough and tumble hubby can be sweet and pretty sometimes.
Oh and Heather, yes I would love to get together with a group or go to an event and in time I hope I do.
Thanks again
Victoria D

Beverley Sims
03-28-2015, 10:48 PM
Keep taking the necessary steps to hide yourself and only expose yourself briefly.
These things take a long time and I don't mean just a few months.