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View Full Version : Awesome shopping day

04-02-2015, 09:26 AM
Move it admin if needed Opps :hugs:My wife and I were in town the other day shopping, (she is very supportive of my needs) there is a store that sells closeouts and I guess insurance stuff, cause we have also bought lights/plumbing that came from Home Depot that was smoke damage I.E. food, furniture, household, clothes etc. They sell name brands Anyhow they were having a sale of 90% off on nearly all clothing items, which is pretty awesome in it self, but while we were there they had an additional sale (all you could stuff in a bag for $10) not just a normal bag but a BIG bag, so anyhow we picked up 1/2 doz gowns,(1 was over $600 orig sticker) dresses, bras, tops. They called out 10 min to get to the checkout, so we went there and filled 2 bags and 1 bag was 1/2 full so we ran back to finish filling it, we just started grabbing clothes to fill the bag, anyhow we spent $30 + tx and went home with like 50 bras, 6 gowns, 20 dresses. All was not for just me but for the both of us, she is short and a bit hefty but we or rather I can wear her some of her clothes since they are stretchy and I am over 6' tall so its hard to find a dress long enough, I FOUND 2 that with my 3" heels on hit the floor, let me tell you I am in hog heaven, one needs to be altered a bit tight, and a purple one that is maybe an inch too big, but I dont go out in public anyhow soooo.
I have the best of both worlds, a wife that is completely ok with me dressing EVERYDAY, ALL THE TIME, when we get home she strips to nothing and I go get dressed, even if I am outside working i am usually in a skirt, or mowing in a bikini, and let me tell you it is pretty kool gurls to mow in a bikini and get some rays...... she knows what I like to wear and so she buys it, she has bought me dresses, tops, bras, panties, earrings, She is the greatest!!!! Anyhow I dont post often but just felt like sharing, Have a good day ladies, I will!:cheer:

Beverley Sims
04-02-2015, 10:38 AM
I have seen similar sales as you describe, but they have already been or else the sale is tomorrow.

Got some awsome clothing at a school fair once using a bag bought for $5.

Lots of fun trying the stuff on afterwards.

No problem in purging that that doesn't fit. :)

04-02-2015, 10:53 AM
"No problem in purging that that doesn't fit." That is not purging. That is redistributing the wealth. ;)

04-04-2015, 06:30 AM
Mowing in a BIKINI is going to make some fantastic tan lines.:daydreaming:

04-04-2015, 03:46 PM
That is awesome! Always good to get clothes when you can and especially if you can get an entire wardrobe in one trip for $30.

04-04-2015, 04:19 PM
You are so lucky on every count. Wife being supportive and encouraging u. And then dressing all the time. Lucky girl.

04-04-2015, 05:58 PM
They must have better grass where you live -- if I went out to mow in a bikini I'd have to wear shin guards for all the rocks (New England.)

04-05-2015, 12:33 AM
Blue Orchid I did have some very nice tan lines last summer and hopefully again this year.
and Samantha it was nice we brought home bras,dresses, except no panties but I did get a nice pair of silver hills that actually fit me really well.
Ally you have no idea how lucky I am to finally have the life that I have wanted for most of my life and that is to have a partner that excepts me for who I am, and be able to dress how I want.
Jennie, lol my yard is mostly weeds but does look good mowed, was a field 2 yrs ago when we started building our pole barn house, it is turning into a really nice home.