View Full Version : Flying in a skirt!

04-12-2015, 03:52 PM
I wore a skirt while traveling on both halves of a trip. It was a very pleasant non-event. On the first half of my trip, when I got to my destination airport, I went to the men's room and changed out of my men's clothes. I put on a long maxi skirt and black hose to hide my 3mm leg hair. I also wore a red top, and long black cardigan. I was surprisingly calm. I was not nearly as nervous as normal. I rented my car in a skirt. I went shopping in a couple stores. I ate at a restaurant. Everything was a non-event.

On my return flight, I changed before going to the airport. I wore the same skirt, and flats. I wore black pantyhose, a black top, and a light men's jacket (with pockets!) I returned the rental car. The woman who inspected the car was cordial. I walked over to the shuttle bus. The driver greeted me politely. A moment later, a woman got on. I said hi. She asked if I was cold. Then we had a conversation all the way to the airport about where we were going, home, etc. It was as if she always sees men in skirts. We got of the shuttle bus together and walked in talking. When we got to an escalator, we both hesitated and then she got on first. I commented, "I think the proper etiquette is for the man to go first. That way he cannot see up the lady's skirt." Then I realized what I had said. I said, "How ironic," because she was wearing pants. We walked along a little more, talking before we separated.

I walked through the airport and through security. A woman in line talked to me briefly. She started by saying, "You look comfortable!" I sat at my gate for a half hour. People looked once or twice and then went on with their lives. I spoke to a young woman who was near me about some heels another girl was wearing. She started talking to me and kept talking to me until we sat in our respective seats.

I ended up sitting by a chatty guy and his fiancée. I walked up in my skirt, so he knew. She came later. I saw her take a few glances at my skirt. I never really considered that she did not know. But she was very friendly. He thanked me for talking to him during the flight. He said he was glad he was by someone he could talk to. At my connecting airport, I felt, for the first time on this trip, that there was some disapproval from the general public. Before, everyone I encountered might have taken an extra look, but they acted like it was rather common seeing a man wearing a skirt. Here, it seemed like people needed to glance sideways and tensed their faces slightly.

I stood in line for fast food and then changed before my final leg for my flight.

It was a very nice experience in the end. I love dressing up. I would love to do it more.

04-12-2015, 03:55 PM
Good for you. I'm wearing skirts more and more out and about.

04-12-2015, 04:23 PM
Hi Johanne, That was fantastic I'm so happy for you.:daydreaming:

Natalie cupcake
04-12-2015, 06:03 PM
It takes a lot of courage to do what you did Johanne. I don't think I could do that. I'm glad everything went well. It sounds like you were treated with respect and made a couple new flying friends too. I hope you get more opportunities to wear skirts while flying again soon.

04-12-2015, 06:09 PM
I would have been so scared to do that. Good for you! I don't know how comfortable you are with dressing in public but you sound like you are pretty comfortable. I want to go out more too! :)

Sometimes Steffi
04-12-2015, 06:48 PM
I'm out and about a lot, but still afraid to fly pretty. I like to have the option of an orderly withdrawal, and I don't see how I can have that when flying.

04-12-2015, 09:12 PM
Well thank you for the nice responses. People seem to be OK with the idea of a man wearing a skirt. I find it very convenient.

bridget thronton
04-13-2015, 01:49 AM
I only flew once wearing a skirt suit - but was pretty much a non-event

04-13-2015, 03:02 AM
Pictures or it didn't happen.

j/k. Good to see everything went smoothly. I haven't flown yet, but I've driven around and been out with no issues.

04-13-2015, 04:02 AM
Hi Johanne,

What a great story and great testament to the kindness of strangers in this thing we do. Thanks for sharing and I must add . . . that took a lot of courage to be a guy in a dress (no make-up and wig that is). WELL DONE! Love the escalator part of the story.



Paula Siemen
04-13-2015, 07:44 AM
I've got a business trip to Orlando the end of April and I'm considering joining the "Angles Club" on one leg or the other. I just need to work out the logistics of the return trip and turning back to the pumpkin state before driving home from DFW airport? Hope I get the balls to do it......how ironic is that statement?

04-13-2015, 08:42 AM
Amazing! Your so brave! Great story and I love to hear about positive events like these! I hope one day I can do the same!

Angie G
04-13-2015, 10:05 AM
Glad you had a good trip wearing a skirt.Maybe someday for me.:hugs:

04-13-2015, 06:33 PM
Flying in a skirt? That's a really small airplane to fit in the skirt.

Seriously, I applaud you. I really want to fly pretty someday soon. I'm just waiting for the right opportunity. I have flown while wearing girl jeans, a lace cami with a ladies pull over blouse where the cami was very visible. It was a non event.

04-13-2015, 08:10 PM
I believe it takes a fair amount of courage for many to wear a skirt or dress on a flight if one has not been out much but as I am sure many already know it gets easier in time. Before obtaining a letter to change my gender on my driver license I opted for skinny jeans but afterwards and before transitioning I wore skirts from time to time, it all was dependent on my mood for that day. Usually I rather wear leggings now as they are most comfortable for me especially for long flights.

04-13-2015, 08:52 PM
I think going out in a skirt as a man is simpler than going in full en femme. I'm not hiding anything. I don't have to worry about 'pretending'. My voice is my natural voice. No padding. No bra. No makeup. It's just me in some pretty (I hope) clothes. However, I know that going out as a man, it is disinteresting for many here...

Alice Torn
04-14-2015, 10:24 AM
Sounds fun. i was wondering if you have long hair, or wore a wig, though?

04-14-2015, 10:37 AM
I think going out in a skirt as a man is simpler than going in full en femme. I'm not hiding anything. I don't have to worry about 'pretending'. My voice is my natural voice. No padding. No bra. No makeup. It's just me in some pretty (I hope) clothes. However, I know that going out as a man, it is disinteresting for many here...

I'm with you 100%. I'd never pass the way I would want to so I don't even try. It gives me a rather "free" feeling. I love it.

04-15-2015, 05:24 AM
Alice, I wore my natural, short hair.

Beverley Sims
04-15-2015, 02:23 PM
It shows commitment to do it as you have, I hope you succeed in your endeavors.

04-18-2015, 06:01 PM
What an awesome experience. I have worn ballet flats while flying (they are easy to take on and off at security) but not a skirt yet. Perhaps someday soon!

04-19-2015, 12:01 AM
Sounds like a great trip! I'm hoping to do that on an upcoming trip to Vegas :) Your story puts me more at ease about doing it. Thank you!

04-19-2015, 01:57 AM
Good for you and glad you had a great trip.