View Full Version : Moving your stash

04-17-2015, 08:57 AM
Hey all, I know these questions pop up regularly but I'm looking for some advice

I have a bed with 4 storage drawers built into the base of it, two of them have all my clothes etc in it including my wigs since it's the only not on show practical place to put them.

My parents bought an apartment recently and I've just now been informed that I'm getting a new bed base from it. Unsure if it has any storage in it and I'm hesitant to ask since I suspect my mom knows (DADT) my stuff is in my bed.

Should I relocate my stuff? However I've no where else practical to keep it besides making my wardrobe dual purpose or if the new bed has no storage refuse it?

I might add that I like the notion of putting my clothes in my wardrobe but obviously if anyone opens it obviously it'll lead to a conversation I guess

joanne barber
04-17-2015, 12:41 PM
I used to hide my stuff in the bottom of boxes, then put other stuff on top of them in the boxes, then put other boxes on top of those boxes in the closet. My snoopy Mom would go through everything as soon as I wasn't home though, but at least I made it harder to find the stuff. It got to be expensive, one day the stuff would be all gone, & she wouldn't say a word about it. I was afraid to say anything about it either. I tried stashing it in the attic & other places too. They eventually disappeared wherever I hide them. Do you have a friend with their own place to keep your stuff? That's what I had to do. Mom thought I was "cured", until I moved out.

04-17-2015, 01:16 PM
Assuming your mother knows and says nothing, that is a type of tacit acceptance/tolerance. I use several "under-bed" clear plastic bins/boxes with snap on lids. I put a large bath towel in each one and then the clothes that I wanted to store/hide in them and then folded the excess towel over the top. That way anyone looking at them would have to purposely take them out from under the bed and open them up. I did that when my son still lived with me and just case the cleaning lady would happen to look under the bed when vacuuming (she should be regularly taking those boxes out to get all the accumulated dust, debris and cob webs, but I am glad that she doesn't for obvious reasons!). I lose a little bit of storage space because of the thicker towels, but I get a lot of peace of mind knowing that at least I have a Plan A that should work 95% of the time. Just make sure that your bed has a bed skirt that covers the bed frame from the top of the box spring to the floor. It looks cute and just happens to hide your stuff better. Good luck and let us know what happens. Many times we all give different advice and it would be nice to know what was selected and tried, and what worked or did not.

04-17-2015, 02:06 PM
Why not just pack everything into a suit case or two. That way nobody will what you have and it can be moved
around with ease. If some one should ask you why so heavy, tell them you packed away seasonal clothes.

04-17-2015, 02:16 PM
My name is Michelle? I've been a closeted crossdresser for 35 years.I have a very basic stash.One of my prime joys is secretly wearing my mothers beautiful
wardrobe,when she leaves in the morning to go to work.I simply put on a pair of beige pantyhose,out of my stash&completely enjoy wearing many of mothers
outfits,we are about the same size,so I can get away with slipping into one of her dresses,&a pair of her heels,or select one of her short mini skirts&a silk blouse&
a pair of her heels&spend the morning dressed,sitting at her makeup table,trying on her wigs&trying her makeup

04-17-2015, 04:19 PM
Personally, I would refuse the new one if it has no storage. More to the point though, why explain what you keep in your room, in your drawers/wardrobe/under the bed etc.? In fact, I would look to lock the drawers if it were mine.

I wouldn't dream of questioning what any member of my family kept in their room, unless of course I seriously suspected criminal activity. Then, it affects me and anyone else in the house, but otherwise, not my business.


04-17-2015, 04:29 PM
In your introduction of 2009 you indicated your mom knows. I would just tell her you really do not need a replacement bed because your wardrobe is in the drawers. You really do not need to give her any further explanations unless you want to engage the conversation. If you want to hang some dresses in your wardrobe I'd suggest buying garment bags that come with a security/privacy lock that are used for traveling. Men and women use them to keep clothes that are not worn often from getting too dusty or faded in the light.

04-17-2015, 05:56 PM
I don't know what your wardrobe includes, but As Steph suggests, consider a hanging, zippered garment bag for those items you don't want on open display.

04-18-2015, 02:59 PM
Crisis averted!

I was texting her last night and decided to ask about the bed. I went with the attitude that if crossdressing came up I would tell the truth, tired of hiding myself.

She said she thought the bed was in better condition but it wasn't and she would get me a new bed over the summer "unless I'm happy with the bed I have"

Not sure if I was over analysing that last part but it felt like she gave me a way out to avoid an awkward conversation. I just joked it off saying my bed is fine unless I get one of those race car beds.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, the problem with my wardrobe is that it only has shelves and no hanging space and my bed has a solid base that sits on the floor, there is no underneath to it because of the storage drawers that are built in.

If I recall when I was a teen I used to take the bottom drawer out of my dresser and hide my stuff under that since you had to take the drawer out to see in, was pretty clever I thought but obviously quite impractical now.

I think in future if this happens again I'll just tell the truth, I think it would be a lot easier

04-19-2015, 12:05 AM
Glad everything worked out for you. I constantly worry I will have to go through a similar ordeal about moving my stuff. Not fun :(

04-19-2015, 05:17 AM
Yeah dani I have that concern for when I get the chance to move out, problem for another day.

2 years ago I had a two week holiday in the states and while I was gone my mom decided to repaint and decorate the upstairs bedrooms and suggested to get a new bed for me then too, I was so worried since I wouldn't be there but then in the end she said she didn't have time to get around to replacing my bed.

04-19-2015, 05:56 AM
I am glad it all worked out Sarah :)

