View Full Version : Have you ever intentionally outed yourself?

04-18-2015, 09:47 PM
So the other day, my wife and I went to get makeovers at a MAC store. I received mine first, and while I was watching my wife get her makeover, a lady who was watching her friend get a makeover struck up a conversation with me. She started by complementing me on my eyes, she then complemented me on my hair and asked if it was my natural hair. I chuckled and replied no, that it was a wig. She then asked why I didn't grow mine out, and I replied that I work outdoors all summer, and would not enjoy the extra heat. I also mentioned that I've seen all the hassle that she(pointing to my wife) goes through with her long hair, and how it flies forward in our convertible, and that I prefer to put it on when I want to. She replied something along the line of "Is your hair really short?" I said "Yes, VERY!" The conversation ran it's course, and my wife, the makeup artist and myself were discussing whether or not the lady realized I was a guy. The consensus was that she hadn't figured it out. I have no idea how she couldn't have figured it out, as I made no attempt to disguise my voice, but I decided it might be funny to see her reaction if she saw my male side, so I found a picture on my phone and motioned for her to come over. She came over and I handed her my phone and said "This is my real hair." She got this very surprised look on her face, and I was sure that she had figured it out(the makeup artist agreed), but as time went by, the conversation didn't confirm one way or the other. I really would have liked to have heard the conversation between her and her friend after they left.

Does anyone else have a similar story?

04-18-2015, 10:04 PM
It was the other way around with me. I use to work for Walgreens. That is were, I buy my makeup. It is the cosmetic lady, I have been talking to about my old coworkers from years ago and how things are now. I send my hello's etc. I would be buying evident things a woman only would be getting. She would never ask a question or raise an eye brow. One day, I was buying some skin tone powder and getting advice. I showed her a picture of me on my tablet which was me at my makeup best which, I like the most. She was quite shocked to see such a transformation because usually, I be in my freight yard work clothes and unshaven.
It is an outing on more than one level. I left it open for others, I know with the company to find out through her which, I don't care. This feeling of not caring came with enjoying my life this way.

04-19-2015, 06:58 AM
Cute story! I guess she accepted you at face value, so to speak!

04-19-2015, 02:03 PM
I don't know if this counts, but I'm often asked for a photo ID when I'm out en femme, and I always show my drivers license, with my male photo. Nobody ever bats an eye. (Almost never, anyway.)

04-19-2015, 02:55 PM
One time Mimi, my daughter, and I (dressed) were at an art store that was holding a drawing. Mimi put in entry cards for all of us and, thinking that the winners would be notified by phone, made mine out in my male name.

Well, it turned out that the drawing was a "must be present to win" affair and it was to be held in 90 minutes!

They drew three names before they got to someone who was present and that name was my (very) male name.

At that point I could have stayed silent but greed kicked in and I stepped proudly forward and said "That's me!" The person said "That's you?" and I said "sure is!"

They handed me the gift certificate ($25, whoo!) and everyone when on with life. :)

Beverley Sims
04-24-2015, 12:12 AM
At parties, always good to make a reveal as it helps the party go round.

Then at a hairdressers once when everyone started talking about feminine things and it seemed out of place for me to share the conversation.

It turned out well as they then made female jokes about me and asked me lots of questions, mostly about my convincing appearance.

I was a twenty year old blonde bombshell at the time.

The shell has exploded now. :)

04-24-2015, 09:48 PM
I guess you could say that. I always thought that it was sexy when women wear their shirts with the top couple buttons undone. As they move you sometimes can see the top of their bras and a little cleavage. I've worn mine that way for years. More than one woman has seen the top of my bra.

04-24-2015, 10:01 PM
While I don't think I'd ever be that direct, I feel myself caring less that strangers know what I do. I feel myself inching closer to saying I don't care if people that I know, know about this side of me. I underdress and paint my toes so it is entirely possible people will get glimpses of things that might make them suspect.

04-24-2015, 10:23 PM
I'm always telling people. I'd rather get things out in the open if I get the sense that they are cool. Usually they know already- I have loads of tells! Honestly I have only had a few bad reactions and those were mostly harmless.

04-25-2015, 06:23 PM
This past october I broke down and posted a couple pics of me enfemme on facebook. So yes, I have intentionally outed myself. However, my closest friends and family already had known for years, so the only thing I have dealt with since are the more distant friends and such. However, family get togethers are interesting as I have not shown up totally dressed as of yet, but they all know its coming at some point as well. Makes for good jokes at the moment, lol

Lacey New
04-26-2015, 05:12 AM
Well, I suppose that if I asked to try on a dress at Dress Barn, happily tried it on and the SA asked if it fit well and I bought it, then I suppose I have outed myself. But I never gave any clue to my real identity.

04-26-2015, 06:17 AM
Yes I told 1 person and it felt good !

Lily Catherine
04-26-2015, 05:34 PM
Yes, though while presenting as male.

F doesn't know. J knows but doesn't like the notion of cross-dressing.
F: "Hey, why were you staring at those wedding dresses? Are you -
J: "I think he's going to wear them."
Me: "Maybe. :daydreaming: "

I don't intend to out myself any further to F. Also, my situational awareness hit an all time low then.

04-27-2015, 12:58 AM
Coming to the office as a fairy princess last Halloween (see here (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?220704-Amy-s-Second-Halloween-Opening-The-Door-Wider)) may have outed me to a number of my coworkers...but, if it has, I haven't heard anything about it. A few of them do know (my manager, and some of the people in HR), but they don't think of me any differently as a result. It's possible that some of them may guess in the future...and, if anyone asked me point-blank, I would probably tell them. It's not as if I'm ashamed of it, after all.

- Amy

04-28-2015, 11:01 AM
Amy, I was tickled by your idea that 'Coming to the office as a fairy princess last Halloween may have outed me to a number of my co-workers'
Honey....I would guess that it pretty much outed you to all of them.

Isabella Ross
04-28-2015, 11:27 AM
I do tend to reveal to SAs and store owners when I feel I'm in a safe and anonymous situation, with people who show signs of accepting me. It makes shopping a lot easier. But being from a small town, I'm careful not to divulge to anyone who might know me, even by some kind of circuitous route.

04-28-2015, 12:34 PM
Amy, I was tickled by your idea that 'Coming to the office as a fairy princess last Halloween may have outed me to a number of my co-workers'
Honey....I would guess that it pretty much outed you to all of them.

Not all of them saw me. And of the ones that did, some probably assumed it was just a costume.

But it's funny you should say that...yesterday, as I was filing into a conference room that other people were vacating, one of the ladies looked at me and said, "I didn't recognize you without your wings!" Sadly, I didn't have a cute quip ready in response. :D

- Amy