View Full Version : Don't fully understand

04-19-2015, 02:04 PM
I know this GG that loves to hang out with me and go shopping together when I am dressed and just have fun. When I am not dressed we have sex together, but when dressed as a girl she won't. Does anyone else have this problem?

04-19-2015, 02:14 PM
No. But, wish I did!

Sounds like u r dating a straight female?

04-19-2015, 02:25 PM
yep she sounds straight - it does increase our chances of getting lucky.
Had she been gay, well you might have got the shopping, but nothing else.

04-19-2015, 02:33 PM
If a woman I was sleeping with wanted to put on a convincing Rush Limbaugh disguise I somehow wouldn't be into it. Some things and situations are sexier than others, and it's subjective. She's just not into very feminine-looking sex partners. It's the most normal thing in the world.

04-19-2015, 03:14 PM
trying to see the problem...:idontknow: seems you get the best of both worlds

04-19-2015, 03:29 PM
I don't fully understand either...

Not seeing the issue here really... Next you'll be telling us you're a lottery winner and can't think how to spend the money, does anyone know how...? :facepalm:

If anyone else here does have this problem, they're coming off my Christmas card list too - I think you're being just a trifle picky in the broad vista of our little community...

Katey x

04-19-2015, 03:38 PM
I agree with the others. Sounds like she is heterosexual (wants sex with a man) and also open-minded and loving (enjoys hanging out and shopping with you dressed as a girl). So, the problem is she doesn't want to have sex with you while you are dressed as a girl? I can think of a few people who would be willing to trade problems with you. :)

Melissa in SE Tn
04-19-2015, 04:07 PM
We should all have that problem

04-19-2015, 04:13 PM
Oh to be so lucky and have a seemingly small problem like that. For some of us just the acceptance by our SO would be a milestone.

04-19-2015, 06:43 PM
A most typical reaction of even many very accepting gg's. You are still in a better place than many. I personally would leave things as they are. You still have a good thing going.

04-19-2015, 06:50 PM
Yes I know both sides of this question ! Before I married I had two GFs that were into CDing, the second I bought nighties for and shared them on many occasions !
My wife knows about my need to share my CDing but doesn't want to know ! Yes I can fully function without but dressing takes it to another level ! My wife's comment was I'm not a lesbian, my reply was neither am I !!

04-19-2015, 10:01 PM
My ex wife was very tolerant of my cross dressing. We went shopping for clothes for me. She did not mind if I was fully dressed at home and we even went out with me totally dressed. However she did not want to have sex with me when I was fully dressed. She said she looked upon me as the older sister she never had but to have sex with me fully dressed would be like making love to her older sister and she was not into incest.
We both had a fondness for garter belt, stockings, panties and heels, and if I just wore them then that was ok. Some of the sessions we had with both of us wearing stockings, garter belt, panties and heels were tremendous.

Tracii G
04-19-2015, 10:07 PM
Have sex with a woman and shop with her too? Ewwwwww.

04-19-2015, 10:09 PM
Is this a real question? You can't see the glaringly obvious dichotomy here? If you are really mystified by this outcome, you are in for serious relationship trouble.

04-19-2015, 10:41 PM
As one of my forebears might say:
"You should be so lucky to have a problem like that!"

04-20-2015, 12:40 AM
Is this a real question? You can't see the glaringly obvious dichotomy here? If you are really mystified by this outcome, you are in for serious relationship trouble.

I can see this as a real question. There are plenty of stories on here about bedroom play. Plenty of internet videos about forced CDing, or couples that just dig this thing sexually. For someone fairly new to it all, I can see someone having a problem with it, or thinking it is a problem.

Joni T
04-20-2015, 12:49 AM
When I was dressed around my ex, (no, dressing was not even an issue in the divorce) we'd do girly things but she would not have sex with me dressed. We tried it once and she said it made her feel like a lesbian.

04-20-2015, 03:36 AM
Wish i had a problem like that, your lucky to have a gg friend thats ok with your dressing xx

04-20-2015, 03:57 AM
I've been lucky enough to have a SO that's been curious, and well now she says it's pretty cool she gets a girlfriend and a husband too. I think it's pretty cool because I get to wear some very sexy get up some times!

04-20-2015, 04:51 AM
Sounds like she's not into girls in that way.

What part don't you understand?

Alice K
04-20-2015, 05:38 AM
Wow. She seems like a loving, accepting, tolerant girlfriend. She just does not want to see herself as a lesbian. You are one very lucky girl. Quick - marry her before she gets away.

04-20-2015, 08:30 AM
I think you're doing pretty well the way things are so I wouldn't push the issue.

Teresa Monsivais
04-20-2015, 09:31 AM
I think its more than just whether your heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian etc. Sexuality is not black or white but rather fluid but some people try to make it black or white( i.e a girl kisses a girl they must be a lesbian, a guy wears a dress he must be gay or want to be woman etc). Some people identify less with their feminine/masculine side and vice versa. My live in girlfriend is straight and is not into women but at times she is into Teresa because she knows its me and that its my body. It also turns her on to see me get turned on when I am Teresa and she tolerates it. I would say 98% of the time I wear heels in our bed and she has never made me feel less of a man. She has told me that she loves me and it does not matter what I wear or how I look like. She loves "me" the person. There are times I think she dodges having sex with Teresa because I have been dressed when we go out but we also come home pretty late and we both are beat so I am not sure if she is dodging or if its a coincidence. Regardless, I do understand if she did not feel up to it or does not want to do it because I really don't know if I could make love to her if she were dressed like a man. I think I would have to try it to find out. But some people can't get pass the look and she maybe be one of those who can't get passed that and you need to respect her decision, which I think you do. Maybe one day she will be willing to do that or maybe she may be thinking that if she enjoys it or is willing to do that that it would be normal for her to begin to question her sexuality. How many of us have questioned our sexual preference because of our crossdressing. I know i did! Despite knowing that wearing heels etc was a turn on for me I owed it to myself to really explore that area and be honest with myself. We complicate sexuality issues because of what people will think, whether we will be accepted etc. Maybe if she likes it or even tries having sex with you dressed would make her question her sexuality and for some people this can be a big deal. I say talk to her about this if you haven't done so that way you can get a better understanding of this and help her understand what this would mean to her.


04-20-2015, 12:16 PM
Thanks Teresa

04-21-2015, 02:44 AM
Man, some people are never satisfied. Shemike, you've hit the lottery, you've found the one in a million woman who's ok with crossdressing. Don't screw it up; there are only about 3 million guys out here who will take your place and treat that woman like a queen if you do. And I'm close to your area, so I'm one of them. And I've got money. TREAT THAT WOMAN LIKE GOLD! You're not likely to ever find another one like her.

Beverley Sims
04-24-2015, 04:05 AM
Yes I think this is a common inquiry.

Girls usually do not accept men in dresses.

Not straight away usually.

Cheryl T
04-25-2015, 08:31 AM
Sounds like my marriage...nothing wrong with that at all.