View Full Version : what happened ?

04-23-2015, 11:39 AM
Today I had the house to myself for a few hours. So I thought I would use this time to dress. Got everything out, got on my tights etc still feeling good. But once I put my dress on that feeling hit the floor, thought may it was the colour of my tights so change them still the same feeling. Then change my outfit completely still nothing was right. This has never happened to me before. Maybe it was the anticipation of dressing and it was just a big low when it happened. Any ideas ?


04-23-2015, 12:00 PM
did you have the wig and makeup on yet?

Adriana Moretti
04-23-2015, 12:19 PM
Ive had that happen in the past....some days you just are not into it, you may have had a nice window of time, but it may have just been the WRONG time.

04-23-2015, 02:23 PM
I've spent a whole night, in anticipation of the next days outing, got all 100% dressed, then couldn't be bothered and re-changed in to drab and wasted the day.
It happens sometimes, it's quite normal

04-23-2015, 03:09 PM

That happens for whatever reason you just were not feeling it. Over the years it has happen to me a few times.
There is no rhyme or reason just because....
A few times I had plans to attend outings with wife's permission just was not in the mood.
Don't know if it is just tired and did not want to go through the process and work to get girly or just the male side took over during that period.
I would not worry about it...just happens like that on occasion.

04-23-2015, 04:53 PM
It is one of those things that is personal in nature. It has happened to me when I had been anticipating and wanting to dress so bad only to become disillusioned almost immediately. I finally was completely honest with myself and reasoned it out I was not getting a "rush" of any measure due to not having an chance of discovery and no reason to dress, such as specific work or stress relief and the sexual need just wasn't prevalent.

Like I said from the start it is something that Happens! That is just my beliefs. Yours could be most anything, but there is something.

04-23-2015, 06:00 PM
Some days is just can't get my skirt and my blouse to match no matter how many combinations I try. My solution: maxi dresses. No need to worry about matching up, and they cover up everything else.

04-24-2015, 04:56 AM
Thanks for your opinions. It might've been just one of those days.

04-24-2015, 08:23 AM
I've had that happen, I find when I have a lot of spare time I dress less than when my time is limited and I feel I NEED to dress.
The days when I get a chance after being so busy I sometimes just don't feel like it or I'll dress for 10 minutes and change back.

Having limited time or a purpose to dress really helps, today I was in college all morning and I'm in work this evening so I plan to dress after and finish a college project which makes me want to do it more

Maria 60
04-24-2015, 08:28 AM
Sometime the hipe is so high that when you finally get there it just isn't there. Sometimes for me opportunity happens at the wrong time, maybe I am tired or just to much going on in my life to focus on the dressing. Don't worry it will come back, your not going to get off that easy.

04-24-2015, 08:52 AM
It's human nature to be excited about something one day and not the next. Some days I'll want to get "fancied up" and some days I'll just dress like a regular woman around the house. Jeans, simple blouse and flats.

04-24-2015, 09:18 AM
Funny you mention that, as it happened today to me. I took a show and had every intention of getting "dressed" when I got out. I went into the bedroom and stood for a bit and decided not to. Might have been because it's cold outside or the fact that it would only be for a few hours because I have to lay down for a while to work a 12 hour overnight with kids.

04-24-2015, 09:51 AM
Is there something on your mind? Did something happen very recently that is bothering you, perhaps at the back of your mind?

Go and let off steam somewhere- hit something round with a stick- go for a drive and scream as loud as you can- hey, you're Scottish- this stuff should come naturally.

Mods- I'm allowed to say that: I'm half Scottish.

Hugs, Nikki