View Full Version : Where to go

05-04-2015, 06:35 PM
I like to dress... Dah.
But my biggest problem is to get so I don't just look like a guy in a dress. I have never used makeup or a wig or anything else to assist me to look more feminine. I don't know how, nor do I know where to go for help in this.
This topic is probably posted in the wrong spot, but I'd love to have anyones help where I can go for help with this. I live in mid coast Maine.

Adriana Moretti
05-04-2015, 07:03 PM
In your area....i believe glamor boutique can help you out if you were looking for a makeover......help with makeup ? thats ALLLL over the internet.....google is your best friend....and you tube.....and my totally awesome blog....LOL.. and practice, practice, practice.... not looking like a guy in a dress can take a few different things, you can hide your negative parts, and bring OUT the good with the propper clothing, also...a good diet, exercise, eating right and taking good care of yourself.....good luck xoxo

I found the link to glamor boutique...its in MA....dont know of anyone closer to you

if you are ever in new york...I do makeovers for this place...

Sarah Doepner
05-04-2015, 07:07 PM

I'm way to far away (Utah? yeah that's a long way from Maine) to even offer suggestions on where you can go physically to find someone to help. I would think there is a lot of great help to be found in the makeup part of this forum, links to YouTube videos and things like that. I learned most of what I know from trial and error (lots of error), and then getting feedback on photos I would share with others. Until you find someone close, I'd see what you can find on the web. Good luck and don't become distressed if you don't get everything great right away, just wash it off and have fun with it. Each time you try, you will learn something new.

Hell on Heels
05-04-2015, 08:03 PM
Hell-o Susan,
As Adriana, and Sarah have said , YouTube is loaded with makeup tutorials.
Wigs can easily be found online as well. Finding one that works for you is the tricky part.
They web sites selling them will have one or two models wearing each different wig. The models face shape may not be the same as yours, and the wig might look totally different on you. So study some GGs that have a similar face shape as you, and see what style you like. From there try to find a wig that has a similar cut to it. Wig colors vary also, I think 9 out of 10 times a color that is similar to your natural hair color will work best.
Def. check YouTube, but you'll find that Adriana already did the work for you if you check out her blog.
Don't get discouraged by making mistakes, we all do, it's a great way to learn. Get a good laugh, wipe it off, and try again or try something different!
Have fun and enjoy it!
Much Love,

05-04-2015, 08:05 PM
I am one of those people that need someone to show me in person how to do make up ect. I tried the YouTube thing and failed.

Even in school I needed hands on help. This isn't any different after 40 years.... :(

05-04-2015, 08:23 PM
There's a place called TG North in, of all places, Berlin VT. Don't know if that's handy for you. Never been there, but judging from their web site they know what they're doing. Hugs, Michelle

Nadine Spirit
05-04-2015, 08:43 PM
How adventurous/brave are you?

I have never gone to a TG place specifically for a makeover. Where have I gone to? Several different wig shops. They are in the business of selling their products and will generally be glad to help a customer find something they would like to spend their money on. I have visited these places while dressed as a male and as a female. Never have I ever had anything but competent professional service regardless of how I am dressed or what I am looking for.

Likewise with makeup. I have only ever visited cosmetic counters at places like Macy's. I have gone in dressed as a woman or as a man. Either way, again, I have only ever had professional service performed.

That is my two cents. Take it as you will! Good luck!

Tracii G
05-04-2015, 08:44 PM
Wigs? go to a wig shop they are the pros and they don't care if you are a man.
Make up? Ulta,Macy's,Sephora are good choices and they will help you get what you need in the right skin tones.
None of these places care if you are a man either.
Just own it and tell them the truth that you are a crossdresser.
Places like I suggested deal with crossdressers every day so its not a huge deal.

05-04-2015, 09:08 PM
If you tried no failed, you are just like the rest of us. Someone might show you a thing or two, but the key is practice, practice and more practice. When you're not practicing study...one line and in real life.

But in the end, set realistic expectations for yourself.

Julie 29
05-04-2015, 09:25 PM
If your in the Chicago suburbs there's a place called TransformationsbyRori. It's in Arlington Heights. They do makeovers for us. They also sell clothes, Jewelery, wigs, makeup, breast forms and much more. The owner is Rori she's very friendly and down to earth. There's also a couple of good places to eat at that's nearby. Peggy kinanes and Bigshots. Go 20 minutes south of Transformations you have the Woodfield mall in Schaumburg. Let me know if you should be in the area at all? There's always some sort of get together to go to.

05-05-2015, 01:01 AM
Tg north in VT mybe closer

05-09-2015, 01:16 PM
Thanks for your thoughts.
Vermont is a lot closer then Chicago. ;)
No one knows of anything closer in Maine? I tried to Google information but I can't find much. :(

05-09-2015, 02:08 PM
Unfortunately, I agree with Kim. If u want to get good at looking good? U must try, try, and try again. And, keep experimenting until u come up with looks u like. Or, at least can live with, Susan.

Make overs r helpful. But, u can't do them every time u dress. And, the GG's that do them won't teach u how to create a fem figure or know what kinds of outfits you'll look and feel best wearing. U have to do most of this work yourself, by yourself.

Some people can just throw on a dress, boobs, and heels and be satisfied. But, some of us that r NOT natural beauties, but like to look good, know we must put in a lot of time and effort to create the pretty fem images we see in our mirrors.

I can't ever pass and I'm 70 years old. But, I finally learned the tricks necessary to create fem illusions I'm proud of. :daydreaming:

Using your avatar as a guide, here's a similar look of Sherry's. I believe most CD's can look attrtactive and fem if they want to bad enuff!:battingeyelashes:


05-12-2015, 08:41 AM
I think a great smile is the best make up in the world sometimes less is best

05-12-2015, 11:23 AM
When I started with makeup I had my niece and lil sister show me the basics. Unfortunately that was both helpful and a hindering at the same time.

As young attractive women they don't have the need to cover or contour anything.

But it was a starting point I suppose and it did give me the basics. And the basics are important.

But for the most part everything outside of the basics that I've added to my steps when I get ready I learned about from research. There are a few blogs that I follow one I know is a member here.

But almost everything I've learned comes from googling questions and research.

Recently I had a sister in law preform a make over on me to expand on the things I researched and I feel a bit intimidated about just how well of a job she did... sort of feel like a Lil girl playing with makeup compared to her.... lol

But for a beginner if you need hands on your probably going to have to bit the bullet and either drive to vt or to the glamor boutique.

Otherwise you can always just experiment and post pictures for feedback in the beauty section of this forum.

Just make up a list of your facial characteristics that need to be minimized.

Start out with a really close shave, a member here used foot lotion instead of shaving cream, I've tried this method as well and have found it to be really effective especially when I warm up the lotion.

Then use a facial cleanser. I am currently using one by aveeno.

Then use a regular face lotion.

I use a skin primer made by elf cosmetics

Then I use a beard cover. I'm still figuring out which one I like the best but all of my beard covers are bought from the glamor boutique.

Once that is done I put a bit of setting powder to reduce the shine. And then I might repeat the previous 2 steps.

Once that sets I move on to a regular foundation more matched to my skin. To do that pick a color that can be matched up to either the side of your neck or inside of your forearm.

After that sets I add another layer of setting powder.

Then I move on to eyeliner, use a dark color on the lip of the top lid and a white on the bottom. There are a lot of you tube videos on this.

For the lids themselves just get a large eye pallet, mine I bought off amazon that way you can experiment with colors to find out what works.

Mascara, again the videos online about putting on mascara I have found to be more helpful than being taught in person.

Shaping eyebrows is something that I cannot do yet. It's disastrous when I try. Your better off going to a salon for that.

Contouring and filling them in is something that I learned from a blog I followed but I'm not quite there on getting it done well by myself.

Facial contouring. Somewhere I came across a site that showered a facial map of where to contour, bronze and highlight. This has been trail and error and I'm still struggling with it and then blending it all together.

I no longer use blush

For lips try to find a matching lip liner lipstick and gloss in a color that so it's you. To find out Google what lipstick shades go best with your complexion.

Once that is done I use a finishing spray by elf cosmetic s.

Wigs and breastforms and other padding areas is a trail and error sort of thing if you don't want to goto a speciality store.

I bought alot of cheap wigs to figure out what I like.

For picking out your breastforms I would just try to figure out what type of figure you want to have and just keep in mind that you should try to balance your chest with your hips and butt.

There's a ton of different products out there and it's going to be trail and error.

Beverley Sims
05-12-2015, 12:45 PM
In order to get out, makeup, wig and other accoutrements go a long way to ensuring success.

You do need to experiment.

Self help is a wonderful thing. :)