View Full Version : took a stroll on the beach.

Brooke H
05-06-2015, 08:51 AM
I waited until late at night and went for a walk on the beach. I was wearing a dress, tights and under garments. I also had my long blonde wig on. It was a great half hour.

Sara Jessica
05-06-2015, 09:24 AM
And you think this was a safe thing to do because?

05-06-2015, 09:36 AM
Brooke, I'll jump on the "unsafe" bandwagon now. You do not know who is hiding where. Women do not still the beach alone late at night. In fact, guys don't do it. You might find this odd, but for anonymity, walking the sidewalks downtown in rush hour makes you nearly invisible!

Brooke H
05-06-2015, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the concern. I didnt really think about something bad happening. I guess i just can not get the courage during the day

05-06-2015, 10:03 AM
Hi Brooke, It's like Jenn said you can hide in plane sight.:daydreaming:

05-06-2015, 10:05 AM
Brooke, I have agree with Sara and Jennifer, you need to think about your safety. I know that it sounds like fun to go out at night when you are not likely to encounter anyone and if you do, in the dark they can't tell that it's a dude in a dress.

But that is the problem, they will think it's a GG in the dark.

I'm glad nothing happened to you, just be careful!

Hugs, Bria

05-06-2015, 10:26 AM
Brooke, I won't jump on the bandwagon here. If you felt good and you enjoyed your time, that is wonderful.

To others, for all we know the beach that Brooke referred to could be relatively deserted and quiet. No one here knows her location or if it is a high crime area where attacks are common. Just because a man is a cross dresser, does not mean he cannot defend himself. (E.g. he magically becomes a dainty feminine flower in need of protection :brolleyes: )

Stop trying to bring someone down; because they don't go out, or aren't ready to go out and about, in downtown rush hour. One can simply say, that's nice you were able to enjoy yourself, please remember to be safe while walking alone late at night.

Brooke H
05-06-2015, 11:25 AM
Thankyou daniellelee. It is a rather nice area but i understand where the others are coming from. It was a rush being out dressed though.

Tracii G
05-06-2015, 11:33 AM
Nice area or not always keep safety in mind,crime can happen anywhere.
Glad you enjoyed your walk on the beach.
I find daytime outings the best because I dress to blend.

05-06-2015, 02:13 PM
Myself and my wife are always mindful of safety. We live in a very weird time when a woman alone could be endangered just about anywhere. My latest example is that we have a few crazy gang type kids that are grabbing the purses of women coming out of Wally World. Especially the ones that are park several rows out from entrance. Usually as the woman is putting her groceries in the car they run up grab her purse and run. The crooks are getting a little more brave now as a few of the women that had there purses over their shoulder were pushed down and then they took the purse. I won't let my wife go to the store after dark anymore. I could only imagine someone of us CDs there and they mistake us as an easy target and push us to the ground. Even if we fought them off being dressed would definitely out U.S. As this would make the police report n possible the six o'clock news... Just be careful.

05-06-2015, 02:45 PM
Hi Brooke

I agree with the sentiments posted by DanielleLee. I assume the beach area was known to you and that you knew of its 'safety'. I doubt you would have gone to an unknown beach just as the rest of us wouldn't either, be it, beach, street, town, city or mall, without having weighed up the possibilities of being outed or accosted.

You have taken your first steps outside - I am yet too take mine - well done - beach walks are always refreshing.


05-06-2015, 03:42 PM
Brooke, I'll jump on the "unsafe" bandwagon now. You do not know who is hiding where. Women do not still the beach alone late at night. In fact, guys don't do it. You might find this odd, but for anonymity, walking the sidewalks downtown in rush hour makes you nearly invisible!

I'd echo this advice. Day walking only seems daunting because you can see others, but the reality is that there is safety as well as anonymity in busy public places.

Brooke H
05-06-2015, 05:28 PM
Thankyou for all your thoughts. I do trust the area but there is always at least one bad person in an area so i was keeping a lookout. Although that was more because i didnt want to be sèen. I have put my first ever pic up, it is from yesterday during the day. It is my profile picture.

05-06-2015, 05:56 PM
While others have noted the concern of wandering around in the dark at night which I never would have thought of, I suppose thats men for you, I congratulate you for getting out there, just as a recommendation id say stay away from parks in particular at night, but kudos all the same as well

Sarah x

Kristy 56
05-06-2015, 06:03 PM
Brooke, I won't mention safety,as I'm sure that you are now more aware of taking proper precautions. That being said,as you seemed to enjoy the experience perhaps you can now try going out in daylight in a safe area. You're on your way,good luck & stay safe. :)

05-06-2015, 06:19 PM
I waited until late at night and went for a walk on the beach. I was wearing a dress, tights and under garments. I also had my long blonde wig on. It was a great half hour.

Sounds like a wonderfull time.

Sara Jessica
05-07-2015, 08:38 AM
While others have noted the concern of wandering around in the dark at night which I never would have thought of, I suppose thats men for you, I congratulate you for getting out there, just as a recommendation id say stay away from parks in particular at night, but kudos all the same as well

Sarah x

That's men??? :eek: Really?

How about that's women, as in most women have the sense not to go places alone where they will be in danger. Let's make a list.

Deserted beaches at night.

Walking around the neighborhood under the cover of darkness at 2:00 a.m.

Going to adult video stores at night.

Going to parks at night.

All places we have read about when many first-timers have conveyed their tales about stepping out for the first time.

And what makes your recommendation about steering clear of parks at night any different than our comments about the beach?

Brooke, I won't mention safety,as I'm sure that you are now more aware of taking proper precautions.

No, I don't think OP is aware of taking proper precautions since OP's later reply says..."there is always at least one bad person in an area so i was keeping a lookout."

Unless one considers keeping a lookout to be a proper precaution.

How about not going to places alone at night where at least one bad person is in the area, dressed over-the-top for the location?

Brooke, I won't jump on the bandwagon here. If you felt good and you enjoyed your time, that is wonderful.

To others, for all we know the beach that Brooke referred to could be relatively deserted and quiet. No one here knows her location or if it is a high crime area where attacks are common. Just because a man is a cross dresser, does not mean he cannot defend himself. (E.g. he magically becomes a dainty feminine flower in need of protection :brolleyes: )

Stop trying to bring someone down; because they don't go out, or aren't ready to go out and about, in downtown rush hour. One can simply say, that's nice you were able to enjoy yourself, please remember to be safe while walking alone late at night.

No one is trying to bring anyone down. But I refuse to blow pink smoke up anyone's you-know-where in the name of "you go girl".

Thing is, a story like this would have been more understandable if we didn't have so much information available to us. There are plenty of threads in these pages about safety, places to go for first-timers, etc.

It isn't a gender thing to avoid certain places at night. It is common sense which becomes even more crucial for a woman given that she would be significantly more likely to fall victim to sexual assault. Let's look at the way OP was presenting on the beach, dress and tights. From a distance in the dark, all someone would see is a female, even if only a silouette. All it takes is one bad character out there to see this person as a female and a potential target.

So said perpetrator engages our victim with the intent of sexual assault and discovers that his target is really a male. What do you think will happen? "Oh, sorry sir, didn't recognize you without pants on" and walk away??? I think rage is more likely and nothing good can come of that outcome.

And sorry, I don't go out anywhere thinking that "gee, if I'm attacked, I can fall back on the assumption that I am not a dainty feminine flower in need of protection". I've never been in a fight in my life and don't consider myself particularly strong, nor adept in defending myself if attacked with a weapon of any sort. I approach going out & about as any prudent woman would and as such, I will continue to shake my head as these stories come up. There is no excuse for those in our community to put themselves at risk when there are safer ways to accomplish the same thing. Yet there is no doubt these stories will continue despite the admonishments that our well traveled readers have shared.

05-07-2015, 09:42 AM
Sara Jessica beat me to it but I'll add some additional food for thought. I am very capable of defending myself against one attacker, IF I see them coming. I am not capable of defense against a gun nor against more than one attacker. Bruce Lee would not win a real two on one fight with fists only. The problem is, in the dark, no one sees an attack coming. Hell, you likely won't see it coming in daylight. That' why so many people get attacked! There is no "safe" area on land on earth. That's a sad fact but true. There is "safer" but not safe.

05-07-2015, 10:51 AM
Congratulations of your walk in the sand. Sometimes I have day dreams of doing the same thing; walking in the sand, holding my sandals in my hand, sitting of a driftwood log, watching the Pacific Ocean tide come in, sitting near a beach fire...etc. Sure, someone may come up to you which then may lead to an unplanned event. Frankly, the same can happen in a totally "safe" residential neighborhood. I'm sure you did a "risk vs reward" analysis before venturing out.

Beverley Sims
05-07-2015, 02:48 PM
It is nice to be alone with your dreams in a situation like that.

The last one I had was three years ago on a quiet beach between Diamond head and Waikiki Beach.

It was really living the dream as the weather was absolutely gorgeous in the early evening with the sun having just set and the sound of ukeleles in the distance .

05-07-2015, 06:08 PM
One of my earliest daytime walks dressed was on a beach. Yep there were folks about but with acres of space, it was low tide, it was possible to walk and not have anyone come close. Dress like every other GG would for the time of year/weather for a beach walk and at a distance you'll look to all as if you're just out enjoying a stroll.

It's something I've repeated many times now and for someone who's venturing out for those early first steps it's a great way to spend sufficient time out to let your nerves calm down and to relax and enjoy fully the experience. The last time I did it the beach was 2-3 miles long and I was able to walk it's full length, and then back of course, so I must have spent several hours beach combing gently strolling enjoying a clear sunny day, a sea breeze, relaxed, stress free and able to enjoy being dressed. I only hope you can have the same experience soon. Good fortune in your journey.

05-07-2015, 07:28 PM
Its all about your attitude and confidence girl. If you look like you belong there then no one will notice you. If you look nervous and scared then people will notice you. Just embrace it and rock your femme side for the world to see and for you to love!

Stay safe!