View Full Version : click-clack and opps

05-09-2015, 06:56 PM
Went shopping for my usual supplies today was wearing 3" wedge booties with my outfit when walking down the isle I was over come by that click-clack noise and began to deliberately walk slower and make the noise louder if at all possible. I than noticed that no one else there was wearing any type of heel just flats and sneakers everywhere, not that I was over dressed just casual attire, skirt and top, than as fate would have it after many hours of walking in these heels I stop in at a store to buy some new lipstick in a new color and other items, when walking across the open floor area in front of a few other shoppers I miss step and out slides my foot, luckily I'm still agile enough to catch myself from going down but still turn red faced, than look down like there was something that caused me to slide, fooling no one of course, talk about drawing unwanted attention, had to laugh when in my vehicle and driving away just another man trying to walk in heels and dressed as a women. And then it rained as I got out of my truck at home, just thought I might bring a smile to all.

Victoria Demeanor
05-09-2015, 07:42 PM
Oh Lisa, Lisa, Lisa...... give me some time I'll have you in 5" heels in no time. Cute story, you made me chuckle.....and then it rained.....

05-10-2015, 09:13 AM
Things like that happen, it sucks but they happen and BTW, you handled it perfectly. Sometimes you just gotta laugh!!!!!!


Beverley Sims
05-10-2015, 10:10 AM
Yep, mark that down as another experience. :)

Adriana Moretti
05-10-2015, 10:40 AM
ha ha....at least you diddnt go down....I have done that...took a spill in public...embarassing yes....but always worth a good laugh. xoxo

Kristy 56
05-10-2015, 11:08 AM
Nice story Lisa,and it's nice that you can laugh about it. Thanks for the laugh :)