View Full Version : Facial Hair

05-13-2015, 07:41 PM
This question is open to everyone who is on the MTF spectrum. CDers, TSes, genderqueers, gender fluid, dual gender.

1. Please state your gender identity.

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?

For all questions, if you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.

CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only

6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?

MTF TSes only

7. Did you ever have a phase where you actually liked your facial hair?

If you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.

I will go ahead and answer.

1. Female. I am an MTF TS.

2. I hated the way facial hair looked on me from the day it started growing out. I was never into experimenting with facial hair styles. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. I can't wait to be completely rid of it.

3. I hated the way facial hair felt on me when it grew out. A day or more worth of growth would feel incredibly uncomfortable on me. It felt like someone was sticking needles into my face.

4. I never participated in Movember. I first heard of it about four years ago when my company wanted the men to participate in it. I wanted nothing to do with it. I didn't want to go a whole month, or even a day, growing a mustache.

5. I hate and always have hated my 5:00 shadow. I'm glad it's disappearing, that I am able to cover it effectively with makeup. I can't wait to be completely rid of my 5:00 shadow.

6. N/A. I'm TS.

7. No. I always hated my facial hair.

05-13-2015, 08:51 PM
This question is open to everyone who is on the MTF spectrum. CDers, TSes, genderqueers, gender fluid, dual gender.

1. Please state your gender identity.
2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?
5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?

1) I'm a man. Never questioned that for even a moment.
2) I have never grown a beard or mustache. I have the ability but never the desire, even as a teen.
5) I can cover it well. My facial hair is going quite gray and I think that helps.

05-13-2015, 09:11 PM
Hi Michelle,

I guess my gender identity is up for debate these days but I will stick with gender fluid (40/60 female/male split).

I inherited the mountain man grow a beard on the spot facial hair from my mother's side of the family (surprisingly my father could not grow facial hair of any consequence if he tried). So I have sported everything from a moustache (cheesy as it was in the 80s), a goatee to a complete beard. I never really gave it any thought on how it felt growing . . . it just grew and very quickly. I could shave at 6 AM and need to shave again by noon if I was attending a parade or military function. When I accepted this side of me, no amount of beard cover, make-up or whatnot could hide my five o'clock shadow for more than a few hours. A year ago I started laser removal and never looked back. Now I suppose with a lot of time I could grow a patchy goatee at best but will most likely never do so.



cheryl reeves
05-13-2015, 09:16 PM
too me 4 yrs of shaving to grow facial hair,at that time i got tired of being regarded as a woman til i said something..these days its a mustache between dressing...when i shave i have no shadow for 2 days,on the third you can finally feel the stubble..its always been how i balance both sides of my psych...im complicated..lol

05-13-2015, 10:18 PM
Guy, and like growing out a beard but for some reason the hair on my head is black but facial hair is red. In girl mode no problem covering shadow with my makeup.

05-13-2015, 11:11 PM
I am me, somewhere along the TG spectrum a little or more, TBD, beyond the fully dressed and going out regularly CD point. I am very happy with myself and what I do with all this "stuff"!

I never minded my facial hair because a good morning Norelco electric shaver shave normally lasted me all day, only needing to shave a second time if going out later that evening. I have had beards and mustaches (the last in 1982) and they were fun and fun to run my fingers through and sometimes make little curls. I never learned how to properly trim it, so when it got too long and shabby looking, I shaved it off.

I didn't mind the stubble later in the day and occasionally let it grow for a few days and then cleaned it all up.

I have no idea what Movember is and could care less.

Before my electrolysis, my beard shadow was quite light with a mixture of red, brown, probably black and a lot of graying hairs. I hardly ever used any type of beard cover, when the foundation did its job correctly.

Now that I am down to a little over an hour a week, hunting and zapping those elusive hairs, I can actually go for almost two weeks before I may need to trim a few longer and more obvious longer hairs. I haven't truly shaved in about 2 years with my weekly electrolysis session serving as my weekly shave.

Jazzy Jaz
05-13-2015, 11:29 PM
I am tg/dual gendered.
I look alright with my shadow but it grows fast and i hate regular shaving.
Once a couple days go by it gets itchy n annoying n i hate it.
Havn't played with coverup etc... Hoping me n gf can go shopping n then try it out soon.
When i was in my mid teens i had a small goatee n stash for year or two, thats it.

I saw a woman on youtube the other night talking about using wet coffee grounds and baking soda to make a paste,apparently if you apply this regularly over time it will kill the roots of your hair and earlier on when hair grows back it comes in thinner. I have no idea if it works but i hate shaving so im thinking it might be worth a try on my face.

05-14-2015, 12:32 AM
1. I'm a man who enjoys occasionally dressing as a woman

2. I had a goatee for about 15 years, so yeah, I liked the way it looked, but as it got grayer I started feeling like Col. Sanders. WHen I was younger, it helped hide my baby face

3. I didn't particularly like the feel of it as it grew out. I always kept my goatee trimmed

4. Movember? Nope

5. Hate the bluebeard, I have covered it up effectively, but it takes a lot of work

6. After I shaved off my goatee a few years ago I never had the desire to regrow it

05-14-2015, 12:59 AM
I'm a male and always hated facial hair !
Never grown any form of facial features ,no beard nothing !
Always close shave everyday even before I started wearing makeup, I was self employed and worked 7 days a week, photographing weddings/portraits so I always presented well groomed !
Luckily my facial hair is fairly light so the shadow isn't a problem, I worked out my own way of covering it up ! A careful close shave is a good starting point !
Have never considered any other form of controlling hair growth .

05-14-2015, 01:51 AM
1. Now I see myself as being tg and it seems that the female side is growing stronger with each day that passes. I really am starting to think I am TS. These are things I need to sort out with a therapist.

2. I have never been into facial hair.

3. Mostly I never let my facial hair grow out. Every once in a while I would go a few days without shaving, but it always felt great to be clean shaven again.

4. I have never heard of Movember.

5. After 10 treatments of laser hair removal on my face the 5 o clock shadow is not a big problem. Hopefully soon facial hair will mostly be gone from my face.

6. I do not see myself as a cross dresser any more. I now seem to feel more comfortable when dressed en femme than en drab.

7. The desire to have facial hair for me has never been strong. About 30 years ago at 21 I let it grow out for about 3 weeks just to see what it would look like. The results were not good and have not attempted to grow a beard again.

Sara Jessica
05-14-2015, 08:44 AM
Interesting set of questions. My POV may be kind of surprising.

1. ID as a (non-transitioning) TS.

3. I am assuming this pertains to when it first started coming in. Frankly, I cannot remember because it took years. I don't even remember when it went from soft-fur-fuzz to tree-trunk-like stubble.

5. Shadow? It never was a major issue although the goatee area could be a bit problematic. This is where it gets complicated. About six years ago, I tweezed it all, kind of on a lark. The result was beyond my wildest dreams so I won't leave home presenting as a female without the major tweeze session. It may affect my ability to be spur of the moment because of that period of several days when the furs begin to emerge but are impervious to both tweezer and razor but to this date, that hasn't been too big of a deal.

2. This is where I get really complicated. One would think I'd harbor utter contempt for facial hair but even though I am rather ambivalent as to how it looks on me, I have more contempt for scraping a razor over my face to remove it. It's kind of like, tweeze or nothing. I hate the feeling of shaving, both during and afterwards.

4. Mowvember, perish the thought!

6. This one kind of applies to me because I'll present with goatee action between tweezes. But this doesn't even define me like some who sport mustaches and/or beards.

7. Like shaving it less.

Post-script: I have had a fair amount of electrolysis. Thing is, getting rid of the fur between my chin and ears took a very short amount of time. That is how little I had there to begin with. I never had any fur on my neck and can see progress in the goatee area but I still have a ways to go given that I'm only having a session once a month or so.

I have been so busy since my late-April Vegas trip that I haven't gone out & about since. Consequently, I have not shaved since. If I were to tweeze the stragglers between my chin & ears, I'd be done in about 2 minutes tops. That is how little grows in there. But I think there is another factor that has figured into my habits of late. I used to cherish the opportunities I'd have to wear makeup at home when everyone was out of the house. Now if I do that once a year, I'd be doing good. The reason is because ever since my hair has grown out, it has changed my personal perception of what it means to me to present as female. The makeup, while desirable when going out & about (though less essential given the tweezing routine and hair) became non-essential at home.

I guess I'm a complicated mess!!! :)

Beverley Sims
05-14-2015, 09:08 AM
1. I have not been issued with a cretificate yet.
2. Don't like it and it grows too slowly for me.
3. It never had a chance so I don't know.
4. No, I would be a dismal failure, it would take a couple of months to grow stubble for a start.
5. My five o'clock shadow would not occur till about 3 am, then it is fair and light.

Adriana Moretti
05-14-2015, 09:11 AM
1. I am a dude....I just like womens clothing, pretty things, and shoes

2. I kinda like when my 5 o'clock shadow grows in...I think it looks kinda cool....I dont experiment with styles...if I'm experimenting it is going to be with eyeshadows...& I dont hate it completely I like it once in a while...sometimes it is good to be a guy....

3. When its growing...I actually cant stand it...its itchy from day 1...thats why it dosent last long...

4. What the heck is Moevember ?? Is that like No Shave November ?? cause thats what we call it ?? but no....there are already too many bearded hipsters in brooklyn

5. I love my shadow..( in guy mode) When I dress I DONT HAVE A 5 O'clock shadow...I shave very well sometimes twice a day ....but if you mean do i use beard cover....yes...Ben Nye Rocks!!!!!

6. I dont alternate...but some days I get lazy..longest recently I have had ANY type of facial hair has been 2 days. xoxo

05-14-2015, 09:56 AM
Here goes
I am a man and if one goes outside I do not think it quite fits in with being a cd and then going out unshaved.
As i am fair skinned and fair haired I can get away without shaving for a day and it does not show but i know it is there and with that in mind i make it a point to shave every day.
After all are'nt we after a nice look rather than a second hand one

05-14-2015, 10:24 AM
1. CD
2. I had a full beard from 1976 until about a year and a half ago, I must have liked it!
3. feels OK
4. What is Movember?
5. My beard is white, I can go two days without shaving and you have to look close to see it. I can shave in the
morning and the apply makeup at 6:00 PM without shaving again.
6. No, since I started CDing I have been clean shaven, makes me look younger I'm told!
Hugs, Bria

Dianne S
05-14-2015, 10:38 AM
1. Female (MTF TS)

2. I didn't like my facial hair, but I was too lazy to shave and my wife liked it.

3. It was uncomfortable for about 3 days until it grew to reasonable beard length.

4. I never participated in Movember.

5. Hate beard shadow.

7. I hated dealing with my facial hair (I don't like shaving) so I just left it. But I'm far happier now that most of it has been lasered off. Ironically, now I have to shave every day to deal with light hairs that the laser missed. I plan on a couple more laser sessions to get the last of the dark hair and then it's electrolysis. My goal is not to have to shave more than once a week.

05-14-2015, 12:05 PM
1. Male crossdresser, straight.
2. Thought a beard looked good; tried a fu manchu, people said it made me look evil. Back to the full beard.
3. Didn't even know it was there.
4. What is movember? Never heard of it.
5. When younger, I had light hair, and didn't get five oclock shadow until 5 AM. So it wasn't a problem.

I wore a beard for oh, about 35 years, until the ladies told me that the salt n pepper look just made me look like a homeless guy, an OLD homeless guy. One girl at the strip club called me grandpa. That did it. So I asked some of the women at work who confirmed this. Shaved it off the next morning. I had originally grew the beard simply because I was working 100+ hour weeks and just wanted another 5 minutes sleep every day. It was also a way to keep me from doing anything stupid like going out dressed and trying to pass, which was simply never going to happen by that age. Way too late, I did ask a few of the women about facial hair; all but one didn't like it. The common complaint was that it tickled or irritated them when they kissed the man. When I smiled and asked about 'how about when he's kissing other areas', and implicated oral sex, I got a smile every time but they all said it didn't really make a difference. So, knowing what I do now, I would probably recommend to younger guys that they shave, and use a very good razor. Today's Schick hydro five makes baby face smooth shaves a cinch, haven't nicked myself once since I started using them, an never any irritation. Terrific razors. I wish they had them back when I was young; would have eliminated a whole lot of razor bumps.

Edit. When it turns all white, and I can be Santa Claus, then I'll grow it back.

05-14-2015, 01:17 PM
1. Please state your gender identity. Male

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?[/I]
I grew a fu man chu for a while. It looked pretty good on me. I like my beard to be short. They say that about a five to ten day beard on any man is good. Very attractive for women. I let it grow until I get ready to go into fem mode weekly. 4-5 days.

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out? Uh, how do I feel. Itchy when it is about five days old. Other that that. fine.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember? No

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
I do try to shave close and cover my beard shadow. I do get covered good sometimes and when I do I pass pretty well and feel pretty.

I had a short beard all of the time. People have always commented on that. Guess it looks good on me. Now my hair is long. Wearing it in a pony tail and a beard helps me look more male when I'm in male mode. If I let it down, wow it is long enough that I look feminine anyways. So if I do I wear a ball cap. that seems to help. yet long hair out the back. Its really fun to shave the face with long hair. Shortened many a hair by accident.

Nadine Spirit
05-14-2015, 01:44 PM
1. Please state your gender identity.
2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?
5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only
6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?
MTF TSes only
7. Did you ever have a phase where you actually liked your facial hair?

1 - I suppose I identify as existing somewhere between male and female
2 - I like it. I have grown out different styles. Possibly my favorite was when I had a really long goatee. But I wasn't fully dressing during that time of my life.
3 - It felt fine. Though it was a pain in the ____ when it got stuck in things like my jacket zipper.
4 - No idea what Movember is.
5 - I don't really have much of a shadow. I can easily cover it. It is also becoming easier the whiter my whiskers are becoming.
6 - I grow out my goatee generally during the week and generally shave it on the weekends. But I don't do it to "be a man." How do I feel about it? That is an odd question. I feel fine.
7 - ----------

05-14-2015, 01:44 PM
1. MTF Crossdresser
2. I cant grow a beard, I just get scruffy. Sometimes Id like a beard and other times I hate having facial hair because of CDing, depends on my mood.

3. the feel of it doesnt bother me, it can get a bit itchy when it starts growing back which can be annoying.

4. Ive never participated in movember but its a worthy cause. my job doesnt allow facial hair either though because of working with food.

5. I thankfully havent got much of a 5 o clock shadow but I would dread having it, I get razor burn pretty bad because of sensitive skin and that interferes with makeup

CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only
6. When or if the time comes that I can grow a proper beard I would probably alternate between having one and being clean shaven, however as stated my job does not allow for facial hair so that keeps me shaven for the foreseeable future

Sarah x

05-14-2015, 02:10 PM
1) Male, occasional cross dresser
2) I rarely am clean shaven. Between dressing, I switch between a well trimmed Van Dyke beard or a full face two day growth, which my wife prefers.
3) I've never noticed a physical issue growing hair back on my face, but have with other areas.
4) I had to look up Movember and think it's a great cause. I am more prone to dress in the fall, so I may not physically participate, but I plan on making a donation. I'm glad you brought up the question.
5) Five o'clock shadow hasn't been an issue for me to hide. Between a close shave with a multi blade razor and a little concealer, I do alright.
6) I suppose I do alternate growing facial hair, but only because I like the way I look with it in male mode.

05-14-2015, 02:31 PM
Thank you for your responses. I see a lot of us have never heard of Movember. Movember is a men's health fundraising organization which challenges men every November to grow a mustache for a whole month. The company I worked for in 2011-2012 asked the men to participate and grow mustaches during the month of November. I was only at the company for one month of November - I was laid off the following July. I didn't participate and wanted nothing to do with it. I think it's a great cause, but there is no way I am growing out a mustache for a whole month.


05-15-2015, 12:32 AM
I'm a CD male, wear panties everyday and often more
I work as a professional in construction. I prefer a beard while working; between projects I'm clean shaven (takes foundation so much better !!!)
When beardless I only need to shave every second day unless an event requires an additional shave, or dressing...
I've never felt compelled to participate in Movember. Prefer to be able to make up my face whenever the opportunity arises
I do have a little trouble covering the blue beard area - still experimenting

05-15-2015, 06:12 AM
1. Gender identity: trans* I like my male side, I like my female side. I express them both alternately.

2. I hate facial hair. I have never grown a beard or mustache of any sort. Did try sideburns twice, hated them both times.

3. Hated the way it felt

4. I have never participated in Movember?

5. I don't like the five o'clock shadow I think I do effectively cover it with makeup when I dress as a woman, but I know it is there and it bugs me!

CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only

6. I am always clean shaven.The longest I may go without shaving is 24 to 48 hours and this is either because I am forced due to circumstances (traveling or whatever) or after a day of dressing and VERY close shaves, I like to give my face a break.

MTF TSes only

7. Did you ever have a phase where you actually liked your facial hair?

If you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.

05-15-2015, 10:47 AM
1. I am male, mostly.

2. I wish my facial hair was gone.

3. Growing it out, didn't like it. Felt weird.

4. No

5. It's very thick, and dark, so it's hard to cover.

6. I always shave.

05-15-2015, 12:42 PM
1. gender identity :
Bisexual male, occasional Cross-dresser. I have no gender dysphoria. I see myself as male, but I also recognize that I have feminine aspects that I like to express occasionally. When I dress I love being accepted as a female, but I don't think I am one, and I would never fully transition or get SRS. I currently spend one evening a week en-femme. Hope to increase that eventually, but probably never more than 50% of the time.

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
I spent most of my adult life sporting a full beard, or at a minimum a goatee beard. Usually kept it neatly trimmed and between one and two inches in length. I liked how it looked and felt. The GG I was married to for 30 years loved the way my beard looked and she hated it on the few rare occasions when I shaved it off. Part of that was because she was 6 years older than me, and without the beard I look a lot younger, and she thought others would accuse her of 'robbing the cradle! About 5 years ago my beard started turning white, and I really began to dislike how it looked, and particularly how old it made me look. But I kept it because my wife liked it. About that time I also started under-dressing, but knew I wouldn't ever try to do a full MtF appearance transition or go out as a girl until I lost the beard, and probably would never cross dress fully as long as my marriage lasted. A year and a half ago, after my wife died, I shaved the beard off, in part to look younger, and in part to allow me to cross dress and not look like 'a dude in a dress'. Now I pretty much hate the beard, because it grows so fast that I have to shave three times per day to keep stubble from appearing.

3. How do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
Except for when it became white and made me look old, I liked it. If I quit cross dressing and grew it back, I would have to dye it to stand having a beard any more.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?
A long time ago, when I was in high school, I entered a 'beard growing contest'. I wasn't allowed to grow a full beard because of my job, but I grew a 'Ship's Captain' with moustache and mutton chop sideburns, and won an award for 'curliest sideburns.'

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
The only good thing about my beard going white is that I no longer have much five o-clock shadow to deal with - just scratchy stubble that is not very easy to see, even without makeup. If I shave well and use a good foundation, it doesn't show for 3 to 4 hours. I don't need to color correct with a 'beard concealer'.

CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only

6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?
No. I remain clean-shaven, and shave 3x per day, so I can keep the option open of presenting as a woman. (Although I only dress about once a week.)

05-15-2015, 12:59 PM
At one time I tried to grow a mustache....two years and I looked like I had a dirty lip....I wish those days were back.

I did grow a mouthtee (goatees are what Colo Sanders has...not what men seem to wear now). and I started in December, visited my brother in February (it was just filling in), was told I looked 15 years older....shaved it off that day.

Hate facial hair on me now. Dislike the shadow unkempt look on men that seems popular with hipsters now. Can tolerate a beard on a date but really don't like it. Hate goofy looking mustaches like handelbars, pencil thins and that soul patch drives me to drink. To make it easy, no woman I date will have a beard. :)

I admit it looks good on some men....emphasis on SOME and it has to be trimmed and cared for. A little salt and pepper looks good too. But those men I tend to not try and date (have failed on that several times)

05-15-2015, 02:19 PM
1. My gender ID is in flux currently - lets just go with TG :)
2. I hate my facial hair with the heat of 1000 suns.
3. I do like the feel of stubble, though! Its funny and tactile.
4. Movember? I support everyone doing silly stuff for charity. Its not for me though.
5. My beard shadow is my hobgoblin. I keep him behind a thick wall of greasepaint.
6. The longest I have ever gone w/out shaving is 2 days.
7. No comment.

05-15-2015, 02:51 PM
I'm a male, and really like to wear a beard when I'm not dressing (which makes dressing a bit trickier!). Heard of Movember, never got into it, though. I'm not great at makeup, but I think I can cover it ok when I shave.

05-16-2015, 07:08 AM
I am post-op, MTF, started electrolysis early on because it was "just not right" for my identity. Thought I was doing great with makeup but hated constant shaving and now could not be happier.

05-16-2015, 02:23 PM
1. Please state your gender identity.

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
Only time I had any 'significant' facial hair was in the early 80's due to blood thinners and prohibited from shaving. I could care less if I woke up tomorrow and it was gone.

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
My beard - if you can call it that was very sparse and slow growing. I don't miss it.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?
NO, and never will!

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
It probably takes a day or two to get a 5 o'clock shadow, so I it is not a problem for make-up as I keep my razor sharp and shave daily to maintain a facial-hair free look.

For all questions, if you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.

CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only

6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?
No I do not alternate phases. The only look I want is clean-clean shaven and smooth.

05-16-2015, 03:20 PM
1. Please state your gender identity.

MTF sorta..

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?

Hated it, glad it's gone. Best money I ever spent.

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?

No real feelings except that it took more work to keep it looking good.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?

My entire life from age 20 through 53 was Movember. When I was 20 I decided to grow a mustache to look more mature. At 53 I decided that I didn't want to look more mature!

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?

Shadow is the reason I did electro. The only way it could be covered was with heavy makeup and I didn't like that look. I'm much happier now that I can use normal GG makeup techniques.

05-16-2015, 03:42 PM
1. Please state your gender identity.
Male, wouldn't want to transition but really enjoy that female side and the clothes.

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
Started shaving at twelve, thought it was cool. Wore a mustache for my ex for ten years and never liked it. I hate my hair and have done one treatment of laser on my face. It did slow the growth.

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
Hate feeling stubble. Very thick and wiry. I like to be clean shaven every day, but even after a shave I feel the stubble.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember? No. Great event, wouldn't do it.

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
I cannot use foundation to cover it, must shave as it grows fast. Can't wait for the other treatments, no matter how painful. My wife will like it too.

For all questions, if you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.
Happy with first treatment and has slowed the five o'clock shadow. My chest has at least two more treatments and I really love the reduction of hair there. I shave the rest of my bear body too. If I were rich, it would all be treated.

05-16-2015, 04:37 PM
This question is open to everyone who is on the MTF spectrum. CDers, TSes, genderqueers, gender fluid, dual gender.

1. Please state your gender identity.
True nature MTF Transgender Woman.
During "Living in Stealth mode" - CD and gender fluid.

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you?
When I had to live in guy mode, I was too feminine to pass as male unless I had a beard.
Having facial hair was a way to avoid some of the bullying.
My facial hair was spotty, some spots bare.

Do you like it?
No, I actually hated it, and wished I could get rid of it forever. Eventually I waxed it off - blood and everything.
I grew it out to 2 inches long in Saudi Arabia, then when i left, I ripped it off with honey wax. I lost my nerve with the goti.

Are you ambivalent to it?
No, hated it.

Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches?
When I grew facial hair I preferred to keep it shaped most of the time. Sometimes just a gotee with sideburns, since that's where most of the "gaps" were.

Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair?
Tried to resist the urge to tear it all out by the roots, but eventually succumbed.
Often I grew facial hair to please others (wives, girlfriends,...).

Do you hate your facial hair completely?
Deep down, yes - it was yet another symptom of the testosterone I so hated. I wanted breasts and a great figure, instead I got beard and bass voice.

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
It itched, it was course and skraggly. Food and beverages would get into it, disgusting.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
I HATED HATED HATED 5-oclock shadow, especially when I was dressed. I had to use industrial strength stage make-up from Ben Nye, stick or greasepaint, to cover it.
Often, I would use Nair on my face a day or two before before going out as Debbie.

For all questions, if you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.
Eventually, I waxed off the bulk of the hair, and followed that with laser and tweezer plucking until all that was left was light hair that only needed to be shaved every 2-3 days.
I still don't like the rough feeling even after day one, even though it isn't visible.

CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only

6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?
During my CD/Fluid period, I did grow out my beard at times to be taken more seriously. Even with the beard I barely passed as a male.
I did it to please others, and I think some of those people liked it because they knew I couldn't go out in public as Debbie.

MTF TSes only

7. Did you ever have a phase where you actually liked your facial hair?
Yes, when I was cast in the role of Caiaphas in J.C. Superstar at my college. I grew out my hair long.
Even then the choreographer had to hang 25lb weights from each wrist and ankle so that I would stop the feminine gestures for the show.
I had hoped it would also improve my sex life as a heterosexual male, but that didn't work out at all.

If you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.

05-17-2015, 12:02 AM
1. Please state your gender identity.
Female, I am MtF TS

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
Haaaate it! Always have hated it!

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
Scratchy. I tried to let it grow once, and I was constantly eating it, so not a great idea.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?
Nope, it is too "masculine". Just thinking of attempting growing the mustache made me feel bad.

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
Very annoying (until I got my second laser session). I can cover it pretty well. In order: moisturizer, sunscreen, orange lipstick (to hide the blue color), Dermablend concealer (darkest patches, mustache), Dermablend cover creme (bottom half of face), Kar Von D full coverage foundation, blush, powder.

7. Did you ever have a phase where you actually liked your facial hair?
Never... that is not only true for facial hair, but for the rest of the body. I see it as an error of Mother nature. Seeing it disappear piece by piece (still work in progress) makes me so much happier.

05-17-2015, 04:04 AM
1. Please state your gender identity.
2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?
5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only
6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?

Male identify - CD but believe many of us share something that makes us TG, however slight
Ha ha! Mine is patchy at best - I could manage a goatee and 'tache but virtually nothing grows twixt chin and ear. I don't hate it, but a few days stubble always seems like it has yesterday's breakfast in it...
It was OK, but always felt a little odd having a furry chin (even my stubble is soft)
No - I would have done Movember if I could have grown a decent one - it's a good cause. :)
Less shadow, more of a dappled shade... I don't think I have any trouble covering what little there is now I have the knack...
I don't think I've ever needed to grow a beard to be a man... I've always felt being clean shaven was the best, professional image for commerce - neat, tidy, clean.

Katey x

05-17-2015, 05:09 AM
1. Please state your gender identity.

Very much a guy, however I do enjoy dressing up, and the illusion of femininity. For me it is all about trying to look as passable as possible (but I often don't succeed! Ha!).

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?

Well I periodically run with a full beard between dressing sessions and I like it. However, it does start to annoy me after five or six weeks as I cannot help but play with it constantly (THE BEARD!). When I do shave I prefer a little bit of stubble, but obviously when dressed I MUST shave. In fact that is the only time I don't dislike shaving my face smooth.

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?

Not a problem really. I can understand why people dislike it, especially if they have strong gender dysphoria. In fact, I bet it feels horrible to them.

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?

I have participated a couple of times. I don't bother now.

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only

When I am dressed I obviously dislike it as it quickly destroys any illusion. The face is the first thing people are programmed to look at after all. I can just about get away with not having to shave twice a day, but it does require quite heavy foundation/concealer.

6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?

Yes I do. Exactly the above. I am totally fine with it, probably because I am totally comfortable in my gender. I totally understand women who are Transgendered really struggling with this, and I feel for them, I really do.

05-17-2015, 03:37 PM
1. Please state your gender identity.
Male who sometimes likes to dress as a woman

2. How do you feel about the way facial hair looks on you? Do you like it? Are you ambivalent to it? Do you like growing different shapes of beards/mustaches? Do you like to experiment with different styles of facial hair? Do you hate your facial hair completely?
when im in guy mode yeah i do like the way it looks on me and i do normally grow a beard when i have long periods of not dressing.

3. Ho do you feel about the way facial hair felt physically on you when it grew out?
it felt fine, the secret is if you put conditioner in it, the scratching stops!

4. Have you ever participated or do you like participating in facial hair events such as Movember?

5. How do you feel about your five o'clock shadow? Are you able to effectively cover it with makeup when you dress as a woman?
irritating but i do ok at covering it up.

For all questions, if you removed your facial hair through electrolysis or laser, then please answer how you felt about it when you used to have facial hair.

CDers, genderqueers, gender fluid, or dual gender only

6. Do you alternate between phases of growing out your beard to be a man, and shaving to CD to look like a woman (even if you don't pass)? How do you feel about this?
yes often and i feel fine alternating.