View Full Version : Kind words and a joke with my GP !

05-15-2015, 05:56 AM
I had to pay yet another visit to my doc, apologised that I appeared like a bad penny always turning up, adding that he had more important things to do ! How the counselling appeared to be going off track, and that I should try to work through it with anti depressants !
He sat me down and initially with some frustration then turning to kindness told me that I was a really nice bloke, that was genuinely tying to do his best for his family ! The fact that they hadn't turned their backs on me now they all know was a sign of how much they thought of me despite my CDing !

The crux of the story was his referral for gender/sexual counselling had been sent to a Relate centre some 50 miles away and not the nearest centre only 12 miles away ! So he gave me their contact details and it appears I have been registered and things were in motion !
As I was about to leave I said at some point in the future I will have to come and see him when my arthritis in my toes gets worse , then I added that I suppose the first thing he's going to ask is, " are you still wearing those bloody silly shoes ?" He rocked back in his seat laughing at that !

Just to add a footnote , members have stressed that you make it clear you want to see the correct therapist !
When I contacted the Relate centre I told the lady clearly my problem, she tried to stop me by saying she was only the receptionist and not the therapist . I told her that I didn't have a problem telling her simply to prevent everyone wasting their time, she thanked me for my honesty and made the note in my application .

Stephanie Sometimes
05-15-2015, 08:50 AM
Hang in there Teresa, it's good to hear you can still joke about things! Nice that your GP is understanding and providing assistance along the way, not to mention that he has a good sense of humor.

05-15-2015, 03:11 PM
I'm still waiting for that special opportunity with my doctor when he asks, "Do you drink Mr (insert real name)" to which I can answer, "It's a bit early for me doctor but you carry on".

You can never beat the British system for sending you further for help than is required, but at least you are in the system. Can you walk that far in those bloody silly shoes?

Good luck on your path, just make sure it's not the Liverpool Care Pathway.
