View Full Version : finally cane out to someone.

05-16-2015, 07:52 PM
So I totally came out to my baby brother this week. I always under dress, my nails painted, always have light makeup on, and legs shaved. I've always been the one that does the picking/making fun however, my brother lately has been picking at me because of all of the new stuff he is noticing about me. The other day he was at my house and we were working on my refrigerator, he said something about how 'he is starting to worry about me.' I all of a sudden felt a boulder sitting on my chest and it was kind of hard to breathe, I gathered my compour and said 'oh, its nothing to worry about, I'm a crossdresser.' He just shook his head and we went on with our day. A couple days later he told me something he wanted me to keep a secret from our mother, (keep in mind he's 37 I'm 42) I said that's fine but I also want you to keep my secret, the one I told you the other day, I don't know if you really caught it or not but I was seriois. He said no worries. I asked him if he told his girlfriend, he said his girlfriend was the one that told him, I asked him what do you mean by that..? what did she say and how did she say it. He said that she simply said that I think your brother is a crossdresser. I said why did she say that. Apparently when they were over a couple of weeks ago, it was the first time she seen my nails painted, legs shaved and she seen my thong sticking out of my shorts. I said to him, well she is right, I am a crossdresser. I wanted to tell you myself before now I just didn't know how, he said no worries you're my brother, always have been, always will be. Anyways I know that was a long story but its huge weight lifted off of me. It feels unbelievably good to know when he shows up that I may be in heels, womens clothes and my makeup on and I don't have to run and hide now. I told him you have no idea what that means to me; you two are the first people to know besides my wife and for you to be supportive, its very encouraging. I still havent told my mom and i want to be the one who tells her. He says he will keep it secret so we shall see!!

xoxo Jazzy xoxo

Tammy Lynn Tx
05-16-2015, 08:53 PM
Glad it turned out so well for you. It is always great to have some support

05-17-2015, 01:38 AM
There are so many wonderful and supporting girls on this site, but still, I would love more than anything to have a real, breathing CD friend to speak with and share things in person. I have friends who have come out of the closet about their sexuality and it is a mixed bag as to how they were received. So, I'm wary about proclaiming to my friends and family what my CD desires are. Hopefully, I can go to some future events like Diva Las Vegas and actually meet others like me... maybe then I will gather the gumption to stop hiding. Until then it is a lonely path, but one I still find great satisfaction following.

Jazzy Jaz
05-17-2015, 02:20 AM
Good for you, I'm glad to hear things worked out so well!

Adriana Moretti
05-17-2015, 02:42 AM
Conrats on trusting or having the instict to come out to someone safely !!!!!!! xoxo

05-17-2015, 05:17 AM
Glad to hear it, and that your brother and his girlfriend are open minded. My wife was very supportive when I told her, but nobody else knows. I have considered telling my parents, but I am not sure what for? I only dress perhaps once every six weeks and rarely go out. I can't really see any reason for them to know.

Sonja xx

05-17-2015, 05:43 AM
Hi Jazzy,

It is always a nice feeling when we finally decide it is time to tell someone close and they are supporting/accepting :). Thanks for sharing.

