View Full Version : My Day of Firsts Redux

ShayLeigh Dominique
06-02-2015, 02:20 PM
So... A week later, I crawled over my fear and just took the bull by the horns... I left my house, got in my car, drove to the mall, went into the mall (through Barnes and Noble, with head held high) and proceeded to look for Torrid. It had been recommended by DFWDresser, and again yesterday by a close friend of mine. So, as I'm walking thru the mall, not being accosted, giving and receiving smiles, I see Sephora! "hmmm..." I think to myself, I could use some color corrector to better hide my beard, so I walk in and immediately a SA is looking to assist me. I must say, it really didn't take them long to clock me, but then these ladies do makeup for a living... They should be able to see an amateur from space. I asked about concealer, was asked if I'd had a "color match" done (I had not) so It was offered to me and I graciously accepted. I offhandedly mention wanting to find a place that does makeovers, and lo another SA appears and we discuss makeovers. She said "any time" and I asked, is there time now?
She goes and checks the schedule, YAY no current appointments!
And thus begins First Redux the first: My makeover. My SA was phenomenal, we talked (almost all the girls LOVED my boots) and laughed, she like the BFF I never had... Every SA there complimented me on completion, and I left feeling like the cat that ate the canary and won the lottery. I left and walked deeper into the mall, finally stumbling upon Torrid...
First Redux the second: In a ladies store, with ladies in it, buying accessories for ladies! I didn't have the guts to try anything on, it was all so expensive!
First Redux the third: I am stopped at the skincare kiosk and made to feel like a real girl being flirted with by a male SA... I admit I caved and bought some stuff, but he gave me his number (presumably to sell me more stuff, possibly to get me out of my Hue Leggings!).
I escaped from the magnetic pull of an incorrigible flirt and flatterer, to start making my way out of the mall... As I was leaving I stopped for
First Redux the fourth: I got my brows threaded! just to clean them up a bit... not take them completely off.
I paid for the threading, and I was informed that the threading kiosk was moving to a permanent location in another mall (at some point, not immediately) and to look for them there if they weren't at the kiosk...
I headed out of Barnes and Noble, and because I love books, I stopped to look... And found three new books by a favorite author featuring a favorite character!!! Oh Noes!
First Redux the fifth: making a quiet scene about being "forced to buy the new books", taking them to the register, and paying for them.

I am confident I was clocked many, many times on this foray... I really didn't care. I was a 40-something woman on a mall jaunt flaunting some killer leggings, rockin' boots (oh the number of compliments I got on those!!!), and a freshly painted face... Who is the nine billion names of heaven was going to stop me?

I had fun. I spent WAY too much money... but I had fun.

The only ting you have to fear, is fear itself...

After my Makeover
A girl HAS to accessorize...

06-02-2015, 03:00 PM
Shay, you are right about the fear thing! I'm glad you made past your front door and had a fun time at the mall. Now I'll bet that wild horses could't keep you in the closet!!

Fun is what it's supposed to be!

Hugs, Bria

Maria 60
06-02-2015, 03:25 PM
Wow! That sounds like an amazing outing. Always great to hear a great story with a happy ending, sometimes you just have to get fed up and just go for it. That must of taken a lot of courage and you should be proud of yourself.

06-02-2015, 03:33 PM
I am very proud of you and you just had to take those horns. It is this story that at some point we all need to take those dam horns and have fun.


06-02-2015, 07:59 PM
Congratulations! Sounds like a great time. What's a little money? :)

Bridget Ann Gilbert
06-02-2015, 10:57 PM
What a grand adventure. You did more in one day at the mall than I usually accomplish in six months, drab or fab. Hope you will be able to ride the wave of confidence to many more glorious outings.


ShayLeigh Dominique
06-03-2015, 10:55 AM
Well, I can't call it courage if I never really cared what people think about me... I was always the "outsider" never fitting into the rules so they excepted me from them... My fear was much more internal... I'm trying to figure out who I am as a whole unified person, is this the whole me? Or just another facet shining in the light?

06-03-2015, 01:28 PM
You look great in the pictures.

[QUOTE=ShayLeigh Dominique;3756186]...finally stumbling upon Torrid...
First Redux the second: In a ladies store, with ladies in it, buying accessories for ladies! I didn't have the guts to try anything on, it was all so expensive!

When I am low on self discipline, I avoid trying on "expensive" clothes that catch my eye. If I love the look of an item and think I can control the impulse to buy, I definitely will try it on. Then, I am prepared for when It goes on sale and can only find my size on-line.

hope springs
06-03-2015, 02:48 PM
Good for you ShayLeigh! You didn't talk about being nervous so I assume you rocked it. I love first outing stories, because I have yet to do it. So it gives me courage. I'm really glad everything went well and the SA's were kind. Big hug

ShayLeigh Dominique
06-03-2015, 04:08 PM

I didn't talk about being nervous because I was too busy enjoying my moment. Besides, I have never had a problem making an ass, a fool, or a spectacle of myself. I don't have a lot of that kind of fear in me... I had made the decision to go to the Mall dressed the week prior, and would have except for the fact that my first quick foray went so well. I know, contradiction, but the second time is always the hardest... That's when you know what else there is to fear.

To help you get over the fear, ask "why am I going out dressed"... If it is purely for yourself, your own self worth, and nothing else, then what does anyone else's opinion really matter? If you feel "good" or "right" going out in a dress that feels fantastic and you think looks "rockin'", then everyone else and their opinion can go take a flying leap at a rolling donut.
If, on the other hand, you are going out dressed to receive validation from the rest of society, or even just the people on your block, I'm sorry... Not all of them will look at you and say "Isn't she pretty today..." You'll be lucky if its just "He's making a damfool of himself in that dress".
Either way, screw 'em. Either refuse to care what they think, or walk out the door with the express purpose of pissing them all off because you look better in a dress than them. They can all go to hell, and you can find your inner bliss.

When I am low on self discipline, I avoid trying on "expensive" clothes that catch my eye. If I love the look of an item and think I can control the impulse to buy, I definitely will try it on. Then, I am prepared for when It goes on sale and can only find my size on-line.


Dee, I left the house with the intent to spend money... And then blew most of what I had budgeted at Sephora! I walked into Torrid with a fraction of what I had hoped to be able to spend there and was too afraid to try on any pants... And I had so hoped to "size" myself that day. I think if I had tried anything on and fallen in love with the size/fit I'd have sold body parts to own it...