View Full Version : OSHA is now on board with the TG community re: gender-based restroom usage guidelines

Leslie Langford
06-02-2015, 04:26 PM
Wow! - this is powerful stuff. Say what you mean, OSHA, and mean what you say... :eek:


In no uncertain terms, OSHA has now placed itself firmly on the side of gender-variant people in their support for allowing them to use those restroom facilities that are in line with their respective gender identities. It has couched this approach in terms of a health and safety issue that actually transcends the normal fears of a transphobic physical attack by a "hater". By now also addressing the issue of potential bodily harm and complications arising out of "holding it in" on the part of the person so affected and who is denied access to suitable restroom facilities, they have elevated it to a whole new level of concern, and one that may be very hard to argue against by those wishing to bar us from opposite-sex restrooms.

I can see a very epic battle brewing between this powerful organization and the lawmakers bent on promoting and enforcing their odious "bathroom bills". Knowingly legislating unsafe workplace conditions and practices???...nuh-uh!, and seeing that OSHA is a U.S. federal government regulator, their mandate supersedes any state or municipal regulations or by-laws, and will have the full force of the U.S. Supreme Court behind it if push comes to shove.

Things could get very interesting very quickly in this new arena...

06-02-2015, 04:40 PM
Well golly!!!

Thanks for bringing this up Leslie. It doesn't affect me directly, because I'm a traveling contract worker, but golly!!!

Well done OSHA!


06-02-2015, 05:17 PM
Another letter for my wallet just to have in case... Like the one that says it's ok to travel with a scuba tank in my carry on luggage.

Hey these letters do come in handy. �� never had any issue.

Cheers... Jennifer

06-02-2015, 09:15 PM
The way it reads, anyone can use any restroom.

06-03-2015, 04:41 PM
This addresses one of the most important issues for our community. No one should be subject to arrest and prosecution just because they have to pee. No one! Many states have passed laws to this effect, but many have not. My home state of Texas is not one of the enlightened ones. I'm tired of planning my outings around my bladder. I'm tired of walking around looking for a deserted ladies room, waiting for an accident to happen. We all have biological functions that must be attended to from time to time. And we deserve to be allowed to attend to these functions with dignity.

Thanks for the update. That's great news!

Samantha Clark
06-03-2015, 04:52 PM
Before opening the bubbly, bear two things in mind. First this is agency guidance and does not have the force of law. Second many States are Approved State Plan jurisdictions where their own State regulations and enforcement apply instead of the Federal regulations and Federal enforcement.

Sorry folks.

06-04-2015, 01:30 AM
Just make sure you know your state law on these subjects. What OSHA, DOL and OPM put out does not necessarily work at the mall when you're shopping en femme.

06-04-2015, 03:29 PM
This is an 'employer to employee' issue. It makes no claim about non-employees using the employers' facility, such as a hotel and hotel guest.