View Full Version : first pair of high heels from my wife

06-15-2015, 01:20 AM
My amazing wife helped me realize who I am about a month ago. As hard as the realization has been for both of us, she just gave me the most amazing birthday present. My first pair of high heels. I am so excited and so grateful for her. She gave me the perfect 40th birthday and added to it with this. What a great wife (understatement) I have. I love you sweetheart.

Erika Lyne
06-15-2015, 01:25 AM
That is so sweet and her acceptance is a beautiful thing. CDing is a tough thing for a GG SO to deal with. She is off to a great start with your exploration of yourself.

Now, take it slow in your new heels. You don't need to hurt yourself.



06-15-2015, 06:33 AM
Natalie, great for you. When my fiancee bought me an enfemme piece I was so excited. Enjoy.

bridget thronton
06-15-2015, 08:26 AM
Happy birthday - you have a great wife

06-15-2015, 08:32 AM
My first pair of real heels came from my mother...only she did not know it. Celebrate your wife and birthday!

06-15-2015, 09:13 AM
Better get some stockings and start modeling those high heels for her.

06-15-2015, 11:54 AM

Having your mate support you like that is one of the biggest challenges some of our members face for just being allowed to be ourselves.

My wife gets me pretty things and actively wants me to wear them. I get compliments on my taste in clothing, my hair, in my just being FEMALE. She also tells me that I'm *pretty*!

Treasure that kind of thing and try and figure out how to support her as much as she is supporting you!


- MM

06-15-2015, 01:18 PM
Very cool. But better make room in the closet for more pairs. They won't be your last. :D

Isabella Ross
06-15-2015, 01:58 PM
Love conquers all (sometimes, anyhow).

06-15-2015, 02:04 PM
Now that's a rockin' way to realize who you are! Yay!

Cheryl T
06-15-2015, 02:08 PM
One small step in heels, One Giant step for a CD...

06-16-2015, 09:26 AM
Hope you had a good birthday. Enjoy your best present.

06-16-2015, 10:08 AM
Your situation is fantastic! Most SO's don't go as far as yours has in embracing your femininity, especially in just one month. Enjoy your freedom.

06-16-2015, 11:26 AM
Very cool. But better make room in the closet for more pairs. They won't be your last. :D

Yes, they tend to spawn when in close proximity...


06-16-2015, 04:30 PM
Hi Natalie, A gift from your:love:wife is always so very special.

06-16-2015, 06:46 PM
That is awesome! Your wife sounds so open-minded.

Kandi Robbins
06-16-2015, 07:40 PM
You are so very lucky and it's wonderful that you realize this. I also have an accepting wife, which makes life so much easier. There are so many girls here that are not as lucky as we are and it's a real shame. We all just want to be accepted for who we are by the people we love. You are blessed and so is your wife. Wear those heels with pride knowing where they came from!